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710 Public School Employees Workday

Published: 2015

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Title 14 Education

700 Finance and Personnel

700 Finance and Personnel

710 Public School Employees Workday

1.0 Required Work Hours

Absent an existing collective bargaining agreement to the contrary, district employees who work less than the specified time shall have their annual salary adjusted accordingly. Upon ratification of a new or extension of an existing collective bargaining agreement, the local district shall establish hours and days worked that are consistent with those specified below. Otherwise, effective July 1, 2001 a workday for public school employees shall be defined as follows:

1.1 Teacher, a minimum of 7 1/2 hours, inclusive of 1/2 hour for lunch, plus the amount of time required for the discharge of such duties and services as may be reasonably expected and required of a member of the professional staff of a public school. (14 Del.C. §1305 defines the number of teacher workdays per year and 14 Del.C. §1328 defines the duty free period.)

1.2 Aide and Paraprofessional, a minimum of 7 1/2 hours inclusive of 1/2 hour for lunch.

1.3 Custodian, a minimum of 8 hours inclusive of 1/2 hour for lunch.

1.4 Administrator, a minimum of 7 1/2 hours exclusive of lunch plus the amount of time required for the discharge of such duties and services as may be reasonably expected and required of a member of the professional staff of a public school.

1.5 Food Service Manager, a minimum of 7 hours exclusive of lunch.

1.6 Secretary, a minimum of 7 1/2 hours exclusive of lunch.

3 DE Reg. 1077 (2/1/00)

4 DE Reg. 1254 (2/1/01)

9 DE Reg. 1183 (2/1/06)

14 DE Reg. 807 (02/01/11)