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RULE §81.119 County Chair's Compensation

Published: 2015

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(a) Pursuant to §173.004 of the Texas Election
Code, a county chair may receive compensation for administering primary
(b) The SOS shall not authorize payment under this
section until the county party's final cost report has been received,
including the necessary supporting documentation required in §81.107
of this chapter (relating to Primary-Fund Records), and approved by
the SOS. The SOS shall notify the county chair of the approval via
email. The chair may view the approved costs by line item in the online
primary finance system.
(c) After all other expenses have been paid and the
final cost report has been approved by SOS, the county chair shall
be paid with a check drawn on the county's primary-fund account.
(d) The SOS may deny compensation to county chairs
who file delinquent final-cost reports.
(e) Legal fees and county election service contract
costs will not be included in the formula for determining the county
chair's compensation. If there are services contracted with the county
in which the county works with a third party but the third party is
paid directly by the county chair, such as voting system vendors and
election workers, the election service contract must stipulate whether
the cost is applied to the county's election service contract 10 percent
general supervision fee pursuant to §81.131 of this chapter (relating
to Contracting with the County Election Officer) or the county chair
compensation calculation.

Source Note: The provisions of this §81.119 adopted to be effective December 13, 2009, 34 TexReg 8665; amended to be effective March 7, 2012, 37 TexReg 1483; amended to be effective January 9, 2014, 39 TexReg 209; amended to be effective November 9, 2015, 40 TexReg 7811