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RULE §217.73 Raw Milk for Manufacturing Purposes

Published: 2015

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(a) Raw milk for manufacturing purposes shall be produced from producer dairy farms that hold a valid Grade A permit. Dairies that are permitted to sell Grade A Raw Milk for Pasteurization, but have had their permit temporarily suspended because of violations of Grade A standards for bacterial count, somatic cell count, or added water may be eligible to sell milk for manufacturing purposes for a period not to exceed 14 days, provided that the most recent bacterial count of milk does not exceed 500,000 per milliliter. (b) The appearance of acceptable raw milk shall be normal and free of sediment when examined visually or by test procedure. It shall not show any abnormal condition (including, but not limited to curdled, ropy, bloody or mastitic condition), as indicated by sight or other test procedures. The milk shall be free from objectionable feed and other off-odors. It shall be free of excessive sediment. (c) Milk for manufacturing purposes shall not contain aflatoxin residues of 0.5 parts per billion or greater. (d) Milk for manufacturing purposes shall contain no drug residues.

Source Note: The provisions of this §217.73 adopted to be effective July 4, 2010, 35 TexReg 3038