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RCW 35.17.130: Officers and employees—Creation—Removal—Changes in compensation

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 35 > Chapter 35.17 > Section 35.17.130



RCW 35.17.130

Officers and employees—Creation—Removal—Changes in compensation.

The commission shall have power from time to time to create, fill and discontinue offices and employments other than those herein prescribed, according to their judgment of the needs of the city; and may, by majority vote of all the members, remove any such officer or employees, except as otherwise provided for in this chapter; and may by resolution, or otherwise, prescribe, limit or change the compensation of such officers or employees.
[1965 c 7 § 35.17.130. Prior: 1911 c 116 § 13; RRS § 9102.]