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706 Credit for Experience for Full Time Active Duty Service in the Armed Forces of the United States

Published: 2015

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Title 14 Education

700 Finance and Personnel

700 Finance and Personnel

706 Credit for Experience for Full Time Active Duty Service in the Armed Forces of the United States

1.0 Credit for Experience

1.1 Credit for Experience for full time active duty service, not in excess of six (6) years in the armed services of the United States, shall be granted provided the individual became a teacher, principal, superintendent, or other employee in a Delaware public school:

1.1.1 Within five (5) years after completion of a tour of duty; or

1.1.2 Within five (5) years after completion of a course of professional or vocational training, if such course was begun within five (5) years after completion of the individual’s tour of duty.

2.0 Instruction

Any instruction in Military Science given during years of enlistment shall be included in the six (6) years in the armed services of the United States.

3.0 Calculation of Service Time

3.1 Credit for service in the armed forces of the United States shall be calculated as follows:

3.1.1 One year of experience shall be allowed for each creditable year of full time active duty service.

3.1.2 In the case of a teacher, principal, superintendent or other administrative employee a combined total of ninety one (91) days of service and employment in any of these positions during any one school year will count as a year of experience.

3.1.3 No more than one (1) year of experience may be credited for any one (1) calendar year.

(Non regulatory Note: See 14 Del.C. §1312(a) and §1327 Leave of Absence for Persons in Military Service).

3 DE Reg. 631 (11/1/99)

8 DE Reg. 701 (11/1/04)

13 DE Reg. 639 (11/01/09)