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247 Delaware Post Secondary Internship Program at The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars

Published: 2015

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Title 14 Education

200 Administration and Operations

200 Administration and Operations

247 Delaware Post Secondary Internship Program at The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars

The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars is an independent, nonprofit educational organization founded in 1975. Its mission is to utilize the resources of the nation's capitol to provide participatory learning experiences in order to enhance students' academic, civic and professional development. The Washington Center (TWC) seeks to promote future leadership for public, private and nonprofit sectors of our society. The purpose of this regulation is to define the terms and the procedures used for the operation of this internship program.

1.0 Definitions:

"Department" means the Delaware Department of Education

"Financial Aid Package" means the identification of all of the costs to the student to participate in the internship program and all sources of funding to meet those costs. Funding sources may include scholarships, grants, tuition waivers, loans, family contributions and contributions from the Student Intern.

"Grant" means funds that are applied against a student's cost of attending The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars program. These funds do not have to be reimbursed by the Student Intern.

"Student Intern(s)" means a matriculated student at Delaware State University or the University of Delaware who has been selected by his or her respective University to participate in The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars program and is placed in a full time internship for one semester at The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars.

"University" means the two universities participating in The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars program, Delaware State University and the University of Delaware.

2.0 Division of Funds

Funds appropriated to the Department for the Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars shall be divided evenly between Delaware State University and the University of Delaware for the purpose of providing Grants to Student Interns at The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars. The maximum Grant for a Student Intern shall be a one time grant of $5,000 per student for one semester, provided further that grant amounts per student may change based on the appropriation made by the General Assembly to fund this program.

3.0 Each University shall be responsible for the following:

3.1 Identifying a University liaison to The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars;

3.2 Establishing a selection process for the applicants;

3.3 Identifying all sources of financial aid for the Student Interns; and

3.4 Arranging for each Student Intern to receive between 12 and 16 credits for a successful term spent at the Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars.

4.0 Submission of Financial Aid Packages

Each University shall submit Financial Aid Packages for up to eight (8) applicants listed in priority order to the Department's Student Assistance Program in accordance with timelines established by The Washington Center (TWC); provided further that the number of applicants may change based on the appropriation made by the General Assembly to fund this program.

4.1 The Department's Student Assistance Program staff shall review the Financial Aid Packages and forward the approved Financial Aid Packages to the appropriate University for their selection of the four Student Interns. The number of Student Interns that may be selected to participate in this internship shall be based on 2.0 and 4.0 of this regulation.

4.2 If either University selects fewer than their allotted number of Student Interns for the program, the unused funds at that University shall be made available to the other University in order to provide for additional internships.

5.0 Annual Reports Required

The Washington Center (TWC) for Internships and Academic Seminars shall provide annual reports to the Delaware Department of Education on the Student Intern program.

10 DE Reg. 1142 (01/01/07)

10 DE Reg. 1430 (03/01/07)

15 DE Reg. 1597 (05/01/12)