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WAC 315-02-020: Time and place of meetings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 315 > Chapter 315-02 > Section 315-02-020



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 315-02-020

Time and place of meetings.

(1) Regular public meetings of the commission shall be held pursuant to the schedule published annually in the Washington State Register. Each such regular meeting shall be held at a time and place designated by the director and published in the meeting agenda.
(2) Additional public meetings necessary to discharge the business of the commission may be called from time to time by the chairman or by a quorum of the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.70.040. WSR 87-05-005 (Order 99), § 315-02-020, filed 2/6/87; WSR 85-07-005 (Order 71), § 315-02-020, filed 3/8/85; WSR 83-19-019 (Order 36), § 315-02-020, filed 9/12/83. Statutory Authority: 1982 2nd ex.s. c 7. WSR 82-21-037 (Order 2), § 315-02-020, filed 10/15/82.]