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RCW 8.26.115: Relocation assistance payments not income or resources

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 8 > Chapter 8.26 > Section 8.26.115



RCW 8.26.115

Relocation assistance payments not income or resources.

No payment received by a displaced person under RCW 8.26.035 through 8.26.105 may be considered as income for the purpose of determining the eligibility or extent of eligibility of any person for assistance under any state law or for the purposes of any income tax or any tax imposed under Title 82 RCW, and the payments shall not be deducted from any amount to which any recipient would otherwise be entitled under Title 74 RCW.
[1988 c 90 § 11.]


Section captions—1988 c 90: See note following RCW 8.26.010.