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Rule §7.30 Aperture Card/cad Systems

Published: 2015

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(a) Standards for film produced by aperture card/CAD systems are the same as other microfilm formats, except as stated in this section. (b) The original microfilm and enclosure must pass the photographic activity test criteria outlined in the standard ANSI IT9.2. (c) A density test and a resolution test must be conducted on a sample of original microfilm at a minimum of once every 250 cards or every 1,000 images, whichever is greater. (d) Aperture cards must have the following information on label headings:   (1) name of government and office of origin, if applicable;   (2) records series title;   (3) date(s) of records; and   (4) unique identifier. (e) Adherence to the provisions of §7.24(f) of this title (relating to Image Sequence for Filming) is not required.

Source Note: The provisions of this §7.30 adopted to be effective June 12, 1996, 21 TexReg 4990.