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Rule §847.21 Job Seeker Assessment

Published: 2015

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(a) Boards shall ensure that Texas Workforce Center staff who are providing intensive or training services to Project RIO job seekers perform initial and ongoing assessments to determine the employability and retention needs of Project RIO job seekers. (b) Project RIO job seekers who are unable to secure employment through core services shall receive an assessment of their knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as potential barriers to securing and retaining employment, such as:   (1) information identified in the assessments provided by agency partners, which includes background information relating to education and vocational skills training obtained while incarcerated, employment history, academic achievements, and past skills attainments;   (2) other skills and abilities, employment, and educational history in relation to employers' workforce needs in the local labor market;   (3) support services needs; and   (4) family circumstances that may affect participation, including the existence of domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental illness, or the need for parenting skills training, which, if identified, may require coordination through the parole or contracted parole office, as one of the factors considered in evaluating employability. (c) Assessments, as set forth in subsection 847.21(b) of this section, shall result in the development of an IEP, as described in §847.22 of this subchapter.

Source Note: The provisions of this §847.21 adopted to be effective April 16, 2003, 28 TexReg 3073; amended to be effective June 25, 2006, 31 TexReg 5139