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RULE §3.9001 Introduction to Joint Memorandum of Understanding

Published: 2015

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(a) Occupations Code §651.159 mandates the Texas
Department of Insurance, the Texas Funeral Service Commission, and
the Texas Department of Banking to adopt by rule a joint memorandum
of understanding relating to prepaid funeral services and transactions
  (1) outlines the responsibilities of each agency in
regulating these services and transactions;
  (2) establishes procedures to be used by each agency
in referring complaints to one of the other agencies;
  (3) establishes procedures to be used by each agency
in investigating complaints;
  (4) establishes procedures to be used by each agency
in notifying the other agencies of a complaint or of the investigation
of a complaint;
  (5) describes actions the agencies regard as deceptive
trade practices;
  (6) specifies the information the agencies provide
consumers and when that information is to be provided; and
  (7) sets the administrative penalties each agency imposes
for violations.