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WAC 388-78A-2525: Administrator qualifications-Associate degree, certification of training, and two years experience

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-78A > Section 388-78A-2525



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-78A-2525

Administrator qualifications—Associate degree, certification of training, and two years experience.

The individual holds an associate degree in a related field of study such as health, social work, or business administration and meets the qualifications listed in either subsection (1), (2) or (3) of this section:
(1) Obtains certification of completing a recognized administrator training course as referenced in WAC 388-78A-2521 within six months of beginning duties as the administrator; or
(2) Has two years paid experience:
(a) Providing direct care to vulnerable adults in a setting licensed by a state agency for the care of vulnerable adults, such as a nursing home, assisted living facility, or adult family home, or a setting having a contract with a recognized social service agency for the provision of care to vulnerable adults, such as supported living; and/or
(b) Managing persons providing direct care to vulnerable adults in a setting licensed by a state agency for the care of vulnerable adults, such as a nursing home, assisted living facility, or adult family home, or a setting having a contract with a recognized social service agency for the provision of care to vulnerable adults, such as supported living; or
(3) Has completed a qualifying administrator training program supervised by a qualified administrator according to WAC 388-78A-2530.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.20 RCW. WSR 13-13-063, § 388-78A-2525, filed 6/18/13, effective 7/19/13; WSR 10-03-066, § 388-78A-2525, filed 1/15/10, effective 2/15/10.]