SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness Ha Noi , June 24, 2005 |
Approving the scheme on planning for development of educational socialization in the 2005-2010 period
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 86/2002/ND-CP of November 5, 2002, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of the ministries and ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 85/ND-CP of July 17, 2003, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 05/2005/NQ-CP of April 18, 2005, on socialization of educational, medical, cultural and physical training as well as sport activities;
At the proposal of the Director of the Planning-Finance Department,
Article 1.- To approve the Scheme on planning for development of educational socialization in the 2005-2010 period with the following contents:
1. General viewpoints and orientations:
a) To socialize education with a view to bringing into full play the intellectual and material potentials among the population, mobilizing the entire society to care for the educational cause and at the same time creating conditions for the entire society, particularly policy beneficiaries and the poor, to enjoy the educational achievements at a higher and higher level.
b) To step up the building of a learning society, creating conditions for all members in the society to study throughout their lives, contributing to raising the level of universalization of general education, creating conditions for raising professional skills, knowledge and adaptability to the labor market.
c) To continue perfecting the policies on renewal of educational administration, increase of investment sources and renewing investment objectives, mode, structure and sources; concentrate on priority objectives and national programs on educational development; to provide supports for deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority regions; to give priority to policy beneficiaries and help the poor on the basis of renewing the policies on school fee exemption and reduction toward publicity, reasonability and direct assistance to the beneficiaries.
To shift public educational establishments to operate under the mechanisms of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of task performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance; to fully account expenses and balance revenues and expenditures; to constantly raise the efficiency and quality of education; to ensure learners' interests and equal access.
To draw up an appropriate roadmap for converting semi-public educational establishments into non-public ones, proceeding to abolition of all semi-public educational establishments. To transform a number of public educational establishments into non-public ones to be managed by collectives or individuals and return capital to the State.
To renew the school fee collection regime and well implement the policies of preferences for policy beneficiaries and support for the poor. The school fee levels shall be set on the principles of fully covering necessary expenses, making accumulations for development investment and abolishing all other collections. Learners shall have the right to select appropriate educational establishments.
d) To diversify educational forms, strongly develop non-public educational establishments in two forms: people-founded establishment and private establishment; to expand cooperation with foreign countries and rationally develop educational establishments with 100% foreign investment capital. The ownership of non-public educational establishments shall be determined according to the Civil Code.
Every non-public educational establishment can operate under the non-profit or profit mechanism. Under the non-profit mechanism, besides a part used to ensure reasonable interests of investors and a part used for implementation of social policies of the Party and the State, such as support for poor people, profits shall be used largely for development investment. Under the profit mechanism, profits can be divided to individuals and taxed. To encourage the development of non-profit educational establishments.
To encourage domestic and foreign investment in various forms suitable to the educational development planning, requirements and characteristics of each region. Educational investors shall have their legitimate material and spiritual interests guaranteed.
e) To intensify activities of law observance inspection and examination; to promote the role of mass organizations and professional associations in supervising the educational socialization activities. To create an environment for development, and fair competition under law to boost the quantitative and qualitative development of public and non-public educational establishments, build advanced educational establishments up to the regional and world level.
f) Educational socialization must ensure quality and efficiency; ensure the unified state management and the core role of public establishments in the national education system, be associated with the socio-economic development demands of regions and localities.
2. General objectives:
a) To mobilize the entire society's participation in the development of the educational cause, to build a healthy educational environment so that every individual and every organization contribute to educational development and enjoy educational achievements better and better.
b) To reach unanimity among all authorities, branches, Party organizations, administrations, mass organizations, economic and social organizations, individuals and communities about the important position and role of educational socialization in national development, to clearly define the duties to perform learning obligations and contribute human and material resources to educational development.
c) To organize, coordinate and better manage the forms of formal, informal, public and non-public education, financial sources from the State and people to rationally expand the education scale, raise the quality and efficiency of education, meeting the socio-economic development requirements.
d) To elaborate and promulgate a complete system of legal documents on educational socialization so that this work shall develop in a stable manner.
3. Orientations and objectives of development of educational socialization at all educational grades and levels and in all educational forms:
a) For pre-school education
To step up the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 161/2002/QD-TTg of November 15, 2002, on a number of policies to develop pre-school education. To expand the system of creches and kindergartens in all geographical areas, particulary rural areas and difficulty-hit regions, through a system of diverse schools and classes and a network of disseminating knowledge and providing consultancy on childcare for families.
To encourage the establishment of people-founded and private preschool education establishments in cities, provincial capitals and towns and economically developed regions. Not to set up new public pre-school education establishments in these areas.
To prioritize budget for investment in development of public preschool education in regions meeting with exceptional socio-economic difficulties, in deep-lying, remote, ethnic minority, border, island areas.
To shift public pre-school education establishments with non-business revenues and sufficient conditions to operate under the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of task performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance. In the immediate future, to shift public preschool education establishments in more economically developed cities and provincial towns to operate under the mechanism of financial autonomy, self-financing of all regular activities.
To work out a roadmap for transformation of semi-public preschool education establishments into people-founded or private establishments; to step by step transform public preschool education establishments in economically developed regions and cities into people-founded or private ones.
To encourage enterprises, economic and social organizations and people to contribute funds and land for construction of preschools up national standards.
To strive for non-public creche children to reach the percentage of around 80% and non-public kindergarteners to reach the percentage of around 70% by 2010.
b) For general education
b1) Primary education:
To encourage the establishment of non-public primary schools of various types in cities, provincial towns and economically developed regions with a view to mobilizing the resources of the society and families with high incomes for investment in the development of primary education.
To encourage enterprises, economic and social organizations and people to contribute funds and land for construction of primary schools of national standards where the regime of two study sessions/day will be implemented.
To adopt the policy of prioritizing budgetary capital for deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority areas as well as regions meeting with socio-economic difficulties, and at the same time mobilize to the utmost non-state budget sources in areas where conditions permit for investment in these regions.
By 2010, the percentage of non-public primary school pupils nationwide shall reach around 1%.
b2) Junior-high education
To encourage the development of non-public junior-high schools in cities, provincial towns and economically developed regions.
To encourage enterprises, economic and social organizations and people to contribute funds and land for construction of junior-high schools of national standards.
To adopt policies of prioritizing budgetary capital for ethnic minority people areas, deep-lying and remote regions and areas meeting with socio-economic difficulties to universalize junior-high education. To allocate adequate budgets for universal education.
By 2010, the percentage of non-public junior-high school pupils shall reach around 3.5%.
b3) Senior-high education
To shift public senior-high schools to operate under the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of task performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance. In the immediate future, to shift public senior-high schools with non-business revenues in cities, provincial towns and economically developed regions to operate under the mechanism of financial autonomy, partial self-financing of their regular activities.
To work out a roadmap for semi-public senior-high schools to convert into people-founded or private ones. To encourage the development of people-founded and private senior-high schools in different regions throughout the country, particularly in urban centers and economically developed regions.
By 2010, the percentage of non-public senior-high school students shall reach around 40%.
c) For intermediate vocational education
To develop intermediate vocational training establishments suitable to the requirements and socio-economic conditions of localities.
To encourage the development of people-founded or private intermediate vocational training establishments in different regions throughout the country, particularly in urban centers, economically developed regions, industrial zones, export processing zones and big enterprises as well as corporations.
To shift public intermediate vocational training establishments to operate under the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance. In the immediate future, to assign intermediate vocational training establishments to implement the mechanism of full or partial self-financing of their regular activities.
To transform semi-public intermediate vocational training establishments into people-founded or private ones. To experimentally transform a number of public intermediate vocational training establishments into non-public ones.
To encourage intermediate vocational training establishments to associate with foreign high-quality training establishments in their training.
To strive to raise the percentage of non-public intermediate vocational school students to around 30% by 2010.
d) For colleges and universities
To step up the assignment of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance to public universities and colleges. The school councils shall have to organize the exercise of the right to autonomy and self-responsibility under the provisions of law.
To shift public universities and colleges with non-business revenues to operate under the mechanism of full or partial self-financing of their regular activities.
To transform semi-public universities and colleges into people-founded or private ones. To experimentally transform a number of public universities and colleges that can self-finance their regular activities into non-public ones.
To set up a number of people-founded or private universities and colleges in provinces and cities which have conditions to develop, have great demands for training of human resources of university or collegial degree (close to industrial zones, economic zones, big enterprises) but have no or few universities and colleges.
To develop the model of community-based colleges in localities.
To encourage universities and colleges to align with foreign high-quality training establishments in their training.
To encourage domestic and foreign investors to invest in training high-level human resources.
To strive to raise the percentage of non-public university and college students to around 40% by 2010.
e) Regular education
To step up the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No.112/2005/QD-TTg of May 18, 2005 on building a learning society in the 2005-2010 period. To develop regular education as a form of mobilizing the community's potentials for building a learning society, creating opportunities for everyone at every level, of every age group, in every place to be able to study throughout his/her life and in suitability to the circumstances and conditions of each individual, contributing to raising people's knowledge and the quality of human resources.
To expand correspondence training and other forms of informal training. To create opportunities for the majority of laborers to continue their study, to get re-training, short-term, periodical and regular fostering under educational programs and professional-skill training programs to meet the demands for higher labor productivity, more incomes or job change.
To develop community-based study centers, regular education centers, movements for fond-of-learning families, fond-of-learning family lines, to organize learning promotion activities in agencies, enterprises, schools and learning promotion societies in communes or wards, striving to build a learning society.
To strive for the target that by 2010 the percentage of literate people aged 15 or older shall reach 98%, the percentage of commune and district officials trained in updated managerial, legal, economic and social knowledge shall reach 80%; the percentage of employees in the state agencies attending training, retraining or fostering courses to raise their professional levels and skills shall reach 100%; the percentage of laborers in the agricultural, forestry and fishery domains having access to and benefiting from fostering programs to raise their professional levels and skills shall reach over 85%; 100% of urban districts and rural districts shall have district-level regular education centers; 100% of provinces and cities shall have provincial-level regular education centers and over 80% of communes, wards and district townships throughout the country shall have community-based study centers.
4. Solutions, policies and mechanisms to step up educational socialization:
a) To intensify the propagation and communication on educational socialization so as to raise the people's awareness.
To enhance the leadership of the Party Committees at all levels, the direction and management of the People's Councils and the People's Committees at all levels; to bring into play the role of the Trade Union, Women's Union, Youth Union, Young Pioneers' Brigade, Students' Association, Study Promotion Societies, mass organizations and other social organizations in mobilizing social resources for the development of education.
To propagate widely the guidelines and policies on educational socialization so that the Party Committees and administrations of all levels, public and non-public educational establishments and people correctly and fully perceive and fruitfully realize the educational socialization guidelines.
To intensify theoretical study, clarifying the questions of ownership, nature of profit and non-profit activities, the social responsibility of organizations, and forms of socialization in the field of education.
b) To continue renewing mechanisms and policies, and state management of education.
To step up socialization, first of all to continue renewing mechanisms and policies, renewing the thinking and mode of management. To quickly adjust and modify inappropriate and inefficient mechanisms, policies, and modes of management. To promulgate new policies which satisfy the development demands, focusing on the following mechanisms and policies:
b1) State policies on investment, capital mobilization, tax and credit:
To renew the mechanism of state budget allocation in the educational field. The State's investment shall be concentrated on important and key orientations of strategic nature; to pay special attention to efficiency, ensuring the leading role of public schools, firmly maintaining the socialist orientation; to give priority to people with merits, to assist the poor, policy beneficiaries and regions meeting with socio-economic difficulties.
To study and formulate and step by step implement the policy of bidding for the provision of educational services ordered by the state; to encourage establishments of all economic sectors to make investments in educational development.
To encourage and provide initial assistance of the State for a given period for public educational establishments being transformed into non-public ones; to encourage and support non-public educational establishments to register for non-profit operation. Non-public establishments may participate on an equal footing in bidding for services ordered by the state.
To experiment the long-term lease of infrastructure by the State to non-public schools (particularly those in difficulty-hit areas, underdeveloped regions).
To promulgate regulations on public educational establishments' cooperation and alignment with various branches, localities, enterprises or individuals in building material foundations; on non-public establishments' right to mobilize capital for investment in development of material foundations and repay them as agreed upon. To experiment the mobilization of capital of public employees, to experiment the transformation of a number of public schools into people-founded or joint-stock establishments when conditions permit.
To promulgate policies to ensure the legitimate and lawful material and spiritual interests, ownership and inheritance of contributed capital and interests of individuals or collectives of all economic sectors and people of all social strata participating in educational socialization and the policies of credit preferences from the State's Development Assistance Fund. To continue developing study promotion funds.
To adopt preferential tax policies for non-public educational establishments, particularly those operating under the non-profit mechanism (continuing to implement the policies of tax reduction and exemption; non-application of enterprise income tax to non-public educational establishments operating under the non-profit mechanism).
b2) Regarding land policies:
Localities shall draw up specific plans and planning, publicize and simplify procedures for land lease and land assignment for implementation of the Government's guidelines, prioritize land allotment to public and non-public schools.
To implement the policy of land use tax and land rent exemption for non-public educational establishments operating under the non-profit mechanism.
b3) Regarding school fee policies:
To substantially renew the school fee regime: Apart from the State's support based on the budget capacity, school fees should ensure the coverage of necessary expenses for teaching, learning and the accumulation for investment in development of schools; initially covering the expenses for regular activities. To get rid of all collections other than school fees.
The State adopts the policy of providing support in school fees or scholarships for general education pupils, learners being policy beneficiaries, people in difficulty-hit areas, poor people and excellent learners, regardless of whether they study at public or non-public schools.
b4) Regarding human resource policies:
To implement the policy of equality between public and non-public educational establishments in emulation and commendation, in the conferment of state titles, in training and fostering of officials, in reception and transfer of officials from the public sector to non-public sector and vice versa. To step by step get rid of the concept of "payroll" in public establishments and to gradually shift to the regime of long-term "labor contract."
To promulgate policies towards teachers, state employees participating in lecturing, working at non-public educational establishments; to define the responsibilities of non-public educational establishments to ensure the quality and quantity of staff lecturers, part-time lecturers suitable to their scale and training activities, ensuring the regimes of social insurance, health insurance, training and fostering to raise the professional levels for teachers and educational administrators.
To promulgate policies of retraining and rejuvenating teachers in the period of transformation or operation shifting of public educational establishments, the policies of training and the State's support in training, fostering of teachers and educational administrators of non-public educational establishments, policies of supporting non-public establishments in self-training and development of human resources, including overseas training, and attracting foreign talents, experts and administrators to work in Vietnam.
The State shall implement the regimes of preferential treatment and encouragement of officials in the working age group to shift to work at non-public educational establishments.
b5) Renewing the state management, reforming administrative procedures
The State performs the unified management of public and non-public education and training establishments; creates conditions for them to develop on a stable and long-term basis; ensures the interests of each individual, collective and the entire society; decentralizes the management, linking powers to responsibilities of each level of educational administration, of collectives and heads of the State's administrative agencies at all levels; combines the decentralization of tasks and the decentralization of financial management, personnel and organization and ensures other material conditions.
To separate the state management from the administration of routine activities of establishments. To give full autonomy and responsibility to educational establishments while ensuring the ownership and role of representatives of owners in public and non-public educational establishments.
To strongly effect decentralization under the Government's Resolution No.08/2004/NQ-CP of June 30, 2004, on intensified decentralization of state management between the Government and provincial/municipal administrations. To increase the localities' autonomy and responsibility in education management. Provinces and cities shall base on the State's general mechanisms and policies to decide on the specific mechanism and policies on educational socialization applicable to the localities.
To further promote democracy in education and training, to build a clear and transparent legal setting and reform administrative procedures for setting up educational establishments, creating conditions for the entire society to actively participate in the process of socialization. Concretely:
- To widely publicize the planning on the network of educational establishments; to publicize forecasts on development and demands for mobilized resources for investment in the implementation of the plannings in order to attract domestic and foreign investors.
- To modify and perfect the mode of distributing investment capital, placing orders, providing budget supports for education and training in different regions and zones, taking into account the efficient use of budgets; to create conditions for non-public educational establishments to have access to the State's financial sources on the basis of fair competition in raising the quality of education.
- To promulgate policies to ensure the legitimate and lawful material and spiritual interests, ownership and inheritance rights of individuals and collectives of all economic sectors, people of all social strata participating in educational socialization.
- To promulgate regulations on organization and operation of the Education Councils of all levels, of the Boards of Representatives of Pupils' Parents. To institutionalize the role and functions of social organizations and enterprises participating in the socialization process.
- To define the inspection and examination regimes and responsibilities of authorities at all levels and at the same time build grassroots democracy institutions (in localities and public as well as non-public educational establishments) for supervising the administration at all levels and the professional quality of schools.
To supplement and perform normative documents and macro-policies for realization of the educational socialization undertaking as follows:
- To promulgate documents guiding the decentralization of education and training administration; guiding the implementation of the Regulation on private universities, simplify procedures of application for setting up non-public educational establishments on the basis of strict stipulation and detailed guidance on conditions for setting up and conditions for professional practice.
- To amend the Regulation on people-founded universities; to amend and supplement policies of preferences for non-public educational establishments (land use policies, tax exemption and reduction policies for schools engaged in tax-related activities, policies on capital borrowing by non-public educational establishments); policies towards teachers and administrators in non-public educational establishments (labor, salary, social insurance... regimes); policies towards pupils and students of public and non-public schools (credit policies for student).
- To promulgate regulations on inspection of the training quality in public and non-public schools; on examination and evaluation of the management of finance, assets and self-examination of finance, accounting and auditing.
c) Diversifying training programs and forms
To diversify training programs and forms on the basis of quality standardization and efficiency raising so as to create favorable conditions for every individual to have access to education at appropriate time and places; meet learners' demands for change.
To build up a system of flexible and accreditation training programs, which is expertized.
To develop the network of disseminating knowledge and consultancy on child care and education to families and develop distance education, the State reserves a part of budget, borrowed capital or aid money for construction of infrastructures, facilities for these educational establishments to materialize the distance programs and organize the distance education networks, creating conditions for population in rural, mountain, island, deep-lying and remote regions to receive programs on education and knowledge dissemination.
To reform the exam, inspection, evaluation and expertize systems so as to manage and ensure the quality of education of all forms and schools and classes of all types.
To formulate the programs on standardization of the contingent of teachers, leading officials and administrators, and state employees. To work out multi-stage transition programs, programs on re-training and periodical and regular fostering for laborers.
d) To develop the networks of non-public schools
To encourage, and adopt preferential policies for, public universities and colleges, which can largely self-finance their regular activities, to turn into non-public ones.
To prioritize the licensing of the establishment of non-public universities, technical-technological colleges and foreign-invested educational establishments in domains where exist great demands for labor.
To formulate policies on the State's supports for non-public educational establishments regarding investment, tax exemption and reduction, and policies towards teachers and learners.
The diplomas of all educational levels are equally valid for further study or for recruitment to work in agencies, enterprises and socio-economic organizations, regardless of form of educational establishments, public or non-public.
e) Increasing non-state budget resources
Together with the gradual increase of the state budget portion spent on educational development and the continued renewal of the mode of distribution of educational budget with a view to raising the efficiency of the budget use and mobilizing more funding sources for education, the following measures should be taken:
- To determine the unit expenditure of each educational level, serving as a ground for adjusting school fees, raising the recoverability of expenditures suitable to each educational level, ensuring fairness in education. To formulate new school fee regimes to replace the old ones defined in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 70/1998/QD-TTg of March 31, 1998, along the direction of applying to both the public and non-public forms, in compatibility with training expenses of different regions and areas as well as different forms of training; to expand the regime of school fee exemption and reduction to pupils and students entitled to social policies, ethnic minority people, children of poor families, and in areas meeting with economic difficulties.
- To diversify sources of investment capital; mobilize voluntary, charity contributions to education; expand study promotion funds; encourage individuals and collectives to invest in opening new schools. To mobilize joint-stock capital for establishment of people-founded or private schools at various educational levels. To set up training funds in various production and business branches with a view to providing supports for raising the professional qualifications and skills of employees in such branches, for employees to study, and for the branches to open short-term scientific, economic and technical fostering courses. These funds are formed on the basis of contributions of production and business establishments of branches and of donors.
- To develop international cooperation in order to increase resources for education and training; to strictly manage and efficiently use capital borrowed from international financial institutions for investment in education and training. To make full use of aid amount of foreign countries and international organizations in order to send officials, pupils and students for study and implementation of scientific research schemes overseas. The State reserves a part of budget or aid money for sending people abroad to study in a number of spearhead branches and trades under the strategy on educational, scientific and technological development. To encourage and create favorable conditions for people to study, abroad with their own money providing them with information and orientations for selecting branches and trades suitable to national development requirements. To permit foreign universities or educational organizations, overseas Vietnamese to open schools in Vietnam, and domestic universities to invite foreign lecturers.
f) To build schools into cultural centers with a healthy educational environment.
To enhance the leadership of the Party, to associate social forces ( Fatherland Front, Vietnam Labor Confederation, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Women's Union, Farmers' Association, Study Promotion Society, War Veterans' Society, Boards of Representatives of Pupils' Parents,...) in order to create positive impacts on education and training, to rally social forces for participation in building the school setting, including infrastructure, setting, teaching-learning order and discipline, relations within schools and relations between schools and the society, and supporting schools in organizing extracurricular activities and social activities.
To consolidate and develop the "Educational Congress" forum at all levels in order to gather comments of all social forces and show the society's responsibility for the cause of educational development.
Article 2.- Organization of implementation of the scheme:
1. The Ministry of Education and Training shall have the responsibility:
a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and provincial/municipal People's Committees in, organizing the implementation of the Scheme on planning for development of educational socialization; organizing the inspection, supervision, evaluation and sum- up of implementation results for periodical report to the Prime Minister.
b) To set up the Steering Committee for development of educational and training socialization to direct, urge and organize the implementation of the Scheme on planning for development of educational socialization nationwide.
c) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and branches in, supplementing and finalizing the following documents:
The circular guiding the implementation of the Government's Decree on decentralization of education and training management; the circular guiding the implementation of the Regulation on Private Universities; the Regulation on private colleges; the joint-circular guiding the shift of public educational establishments to operate under the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of task performance, organizational apparatus and finance; the new school fee regime to be submitted to the Prime Minister for promulgation before implementation in educational establishments of the national education system; the amendments to the Regulation on People-Founded Universities, to be submitted to the Prime Minister; mechanisms for transformation of semi-public or public educational establishment into people-founded or private ones, to be submitted to the Prime Minister for promulgation; expertizing the training quality in educational establishments (including public and non-public establishments); finalizing the network planning and stepping up the appraisal of the founding of non-public educational establishment in each region, zone and nationwide; promulgating the charter on operations of Educational Councils of all levels; the Regulation on organization and operation of the Boards of Representatives of Pupils' Parents; stipulating commendation and rewarding of educational socialization activities.
d) To coordinate with the Finance Ministry, other ministries and branches in finalizing and formulating documents on investment priority and mobilization of capital sources for educational socialization, concretely: the policy on land lease at preferential rent rates for non-public educational establishments; the policy on exemption and reduction of assorted taxes for educational establishments involved in tax-related activities; studying to clarify issues related to ownership, profit and non-profit nature of non-public educational establishments; guiding the regime on land use and land use right transfer charges suitable to the current Land Law, to each type of educational establishment upon transformation; the credit policy towards non-public educational establishments; the student credit policy; the policy on capital mobilization and contribution for investment in non-public educational establishments; the policy on bidding for the provision of services ordered by the State; studying the mode of direct allocation of the State's funding supports to learners entitled to social policies instead of allocation via public educational establishments; guiding the distribution of funds and; the regulations on inspection, auditing, evaluation, financial statement in non-public educational establishments; promulgating the Regulation on the Education Support Fund.
e) To coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the concerned ministries and branches in submitting to the Prime Minister for promulgation models, organizational structures, mechanisms of autonomy and self-responsibility of educational establishments; the social regimes and policies suitable to the socialization guideline and guiding the transformation of public educational establishments into people-founded or private ones.
To coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and other ministries and branches in formulating and finalizing documents on labor regimes, labor contracts in non-public educational establishments and adopt comprehensive policies on wage raise and staff streamlining, and settlement of redundant labor in the educational domain, policies towards teachers and administrators in non-public schools. To institutionalize the role and functions of social organizations and enterprises participating in the process of educational socialization.
f) To coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment as well as other ministries, branches and localities in formulating documents on investment promotion and attraction (including domestic investment and foreign investment) in the educational domain, drawing up land planning and plans on land use in localities, detailing to communes, wards, district townships, villages, hamlets with a view to ensuring adequate land funds for construction of schools.
To coordinate with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Finance in formulating a pilot mechanism under which the State builds infrastructures for long-term lease to non-public educational establishments.
2. The People's Committees of all levels shall have the responsibility:
a) To direct local educational agencies to work out plannings and plans on, and organize the implementation of, educational socialization suitable to State guidelines and policies and the local competence and conditions; to seek measures to mobilize local resources for accelerated socialization of education.
b) To formulate mechanisms and policies for, and administer the implementation of, educational socialization in localities suitable to the State guideline on encouraging educational socialization, giving special preferences in land, tax and regimes to teachers, school fee brackets for educational establishments under local management.
c) To regularly monitor and inspect the implementation of policies and regimes of encouraging educational socialization, promptly redressing deviations, negative phenomena and severely handling cases of violation, to periodically review the situation, drawing experiences and proposing to the Ministry of Education and Training, the Government mechanisms and policies which need to be adjusted or supplemented as well as solutions and good models on educational socialization which should be widely introduced.
3. Educational establishments shall have the responsibility:
To strictly implement State guidelines, policies and regulations on educational socialization; to heighten autonomy and self-responsibility in mobilizing and efficiently using resources; to adhere to the operating objectives set in the Regulation on schools; constantly raise the quality of teaching and learning.
Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."
Article 4.- The presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees, the directors of provincial/municipal Services of Education and Training, the director of the Office, the director of the Planning-Finance Department, the director of the Personnel and Organization Department, the heads of the units of the Ministry, and the heads of educational establishments in the national education system shall have to implement this Decision.
Minister | |||
(Signed) | |||
Nguyen Minh Hien |