Law 14/2016, of 28 July, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration law 14/2016, of 28 July, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration because the General Council in its session of 28 July 2016 has approved the following : law 14/2016, of 28 July, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the immigration law preamble The law 16/2013, of 10 October, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration, he restored the section 30 of this Act with the aim of extending the scope of the residence permit for studies , in internships or research that existed until then and make it extensive to the activities of sports training, and also to allow training practices, sports training and research were paid within the framework of agreements awarded with schools or foreign sports. Since residency permits were created to carry out sports training, have been granted approximately eighty to develop in all cases a sport activity in football clubs, which has meant that the holders of these permits, in addition to carrying out the sports training, also participated as players in the National Football League. Therefore, it must be concluded that the purpose for which it was the object of the type of authorisation that article 30 of law 9/2012 has been twisted, which makes necessary a new modification of the article mentioned to redirect this object in the order mentioned. In this sense, although until today are elite athletes who have made visits to the Principality of Andorra to carry out sports practice have not requested a residence permit, since these stays have always been on time and have not led to a change in their usual residence, cannot be ruled out that in the future the stay in the country to make these sports workouts must be extended in some cases beyond the maximum period that does not require obtaining a residence permit under article 30 of law 9/2012. For this reason, it was considered necessary to keep the sports training as one of the modalities of the residence permit mentioned, but as long as it's high level of sports workouts, so you will need to recognize the Ministry responsible for sport by means of a preliminary report. For this reason it promotes this law, which is broken down into a single article that modifies the article 30 of law 9/2012, and two final provisions that the Government entrusted the publication of the consolidated text, and determine the date of the entry into force of the law, respectively. Unique article. Article 30 modification modifies the article 30 of law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration, as it was modified by the article 7 of the law 16/2013, of 10 October, amending the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which is worded in the following way : "Article 30. Immigration clearance for studies, training practices, to high-level sports training or research 1. The foreign person who requests and obtains an authorization from immigration to education, in training practices, for high-level sports training or research is authorized to study, to carry out internships, to carry out high-level sports training or to carry out scientific research or the like, and to reside in the country only as long as the duration of the studies, practices, training or research for which he has received this authorization. You must attach to the application a schedule of studies, practices, training or research activities that are intended to make a specific prediction of the date of completion. 2. With regard to the previous section of this article, it is understood to internships, training of high level sports or research, unpaid activity, or remunerated within the framework of a given agreement between the Ministry responsible for education or of the sport and the sports school or recognised overseas, as appropriate, developed by a company or centre in Andorra and for exclusively training sports, or research. In any case, with regard to authorisations for internships or research, it is necessary that the applicants have the relevant academic or professional qualification, or are doing paperwork for it, but have not been integrated into the labour market. With regard to authorisations for sports training to the highest standard, it is necessary to the preliminary report of the Ministry responsible for sport to recognize the high level of the applicants. 3. The authorization for immigration in an establishment of education based in the Principality of Andorra and recognized by the Government or the authorization of immigration in internships, to high-level sports training or research, presupposed in all cases the justification of an insurance policy that covers in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra any kind of medical or health-related spending. The sufficiency of the insurance is determined by the regulations. 4. The authorization of immigration for studying, training, internships for high-level sports training or research in a minor requires the express permission of the person who is the legal guardian or representative, as well as the accreditation that Andorra will be under the guard of an institution or entity legally incorporated or a person of legal age. If the keeper of the minor lies in an institution or entity legally constituted, this institution or entity should be in Andorra, and if falls on a person, it should be of Andorran nationality or resident in the Principality of Andorra and was the holder of an authorization for immigration legislation at least for the period of duration of studies, training practices, training of high level sports or projected research. 5. The authorization of immigration for studies, training practices, to high-level sports training or to search can be extended only if it proves that it has been impossible to run within the forecasts and the temporary limits the maximum indicated in the schedule attached to the request. 6. The authorization of immigration for studying, training, internships for high-level sports training or research requires justify that it has sufficient financial means to live in the Principality of Andorra for the duration of the studies, training practices, high-level sports training or research, and also of a suitable housing. The sufficiency of the financial resources and the adequacy of the housing are determined by the regulations. " First final provision. The consolidated text is entrusted to the Government that a maximum period of six months from the entry into force of this law published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra on the consolidated text of the law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law on immigration, which includes the changes introduced so far in this law. Second final provision. Entry into force This law shall enter into force the day after its publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. Casa de la Vall, 28 July 2016 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. François Hollande Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra