lo27002003 Law 39/2014, of 11 December, National Youth Forum of Andorra Law 39/2014, of 11 December, National Youth Forum of Andorra since the General Council in its session of December 11, 2014 has approved the following: Law 39/2014, of 11 December, National Youth Forum of Andorra preamble on the 17th May 2007 approved the law of creation National Youth Forum of Andorra.
The public authorities, aware that is made possible because the conditions are optimal for a free and effective participation of youth in the development of the political, social, economic, cultural, environmental and professional, were proposed, with the approval of this law, create an entity of public law of associative basis as a tool to boost the participation of the youth of Andorra , that will allow them to promote public debate and peaceful confrontation of ideas, and that brings the concerns of young people in the institutions.
The National Youth Forum of Andorra must be a suitable place to channel effectively the free participation of young people in the Principality of Andorra in the political, social, economic and cultural life.
Today, seven years later, the youth association movement in Andorra is still encountering serious difficulties in maintaining a continuity in time. One of the factors that affect more noticeable in this lack of continuity, we could explain if we observe that most of our young people will be trained in the universities of the neighbouring countries and, therefore, may not participate so actively in the associative life as they would like as their hard training. A second aspect that we believe is essential for an organization like this to work is the fact that facilitate both the choice of their representatives as the operation of the same entity.
With this law is intended to facilitate the participation of young people in the daily life of Andorran society, through the simplification of its operating bodies.
The new structure of the National Youth Forum foresees the creation of a participative basis staff, the Assembly of young people, and a management body, the Permanent Table.
The ultimate goal is that this organization provides to all the young people of our country the possibility to express freely and openly their concerns personal and collective, as well as to create the necessary channels for these concerns without delay to the institutions.
Article 1 nature of the National Youth Forum of Andorra The Andorra National Youth Forum (FNJA) is an entity of public law, with legal personality and full capacity to meet its objectives, which is governed in accordance with the provisions of this law.
Article 2 functions of the FNJA correspond to the FNJA the following functions: a) Promote in the youth of the Principality of Andorra the respect between the people and the values such as peace, democracy, equality, solidarity, freedom and tolerance, and to promote the defence of the interests and rights of civil society and youth.
b) Promote among the youth of Andorra on knowledge of the language, the culture and history of the Andorran people.
c) Promote respect for and the protection of nature and the environment.
d) encourage participation of young people in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the Principality of Andorra.
e) Promote in the youth associations and youth support associations and national youth organizations in their activities.
f) Further reports and studies, on its own initiative or requested to FNJA, on concerns and matters related to youth.
g) participate in the advisory bodies of the public administration in accordance with the legislation in force.
h) Do as an intermediary between the Government and the associations and other youth organizations in all matters related to young people.
I) foster relationships, communication and cooperation with other international youth organisations.
j) to represent the youth of the Principality of Andorra in all meeting bodies, national and international, of youth.
Article 3 financial resources the FNJA is financed by means of the following financial resources: a) the allocations from the State budget allocated in the transfers, which are equivalent, as a minimum, to the figure in euros resulting from the calculation of multiply by three the number of people aged between 16 and 29 years of age in both cases, listed in the Census of population on 31 August of the previous year.
b) grants from other public bodies.
c) donations from private individuals or legal entities, that in no case can be anonymous.
d) yields that produce goods and the activities of the FNJA.
e) Any other resource that will be legally attributed.
Article 4 structure of the FNJA the organs that make up the National Youth Forum of Andorra are: a) the Assembly of young people.
b) The Permanent Table.
c) The working committees.
Article 5 the Assembly of youth 1. The young people's Assembly is the sovereign body of the FNJA and is formed by all the young people of the Principality of Andorra.
2. In accordance with this law, it is understood as the young people of the Principality of Andorra all people, both national and foreign, legally residing in the Principality, with ages between 16 and 29 years of age, both included.
3. It is the responsibility of the Assembly of young people, as a minimum: a) the choice of the Permanent Table.
b) The modification of the statutes, which must be approved by an absolute majority of the attendees, with prior approval of the Government. The articles have to establish what subjects may be amended by a simple majority. Are excluded from this possibility the system of election of the Permanent Table, the distribution of responsibilities between the Assembly and the Permanent Table and the grounds and procedure for termination of the Permanent Table.
c) the termination of the Permanent Table. This procedure should be established in the bylaws specifically.
d) approval of the annual budget.
4. The Youth Assembly meets, as a minimum, once a year, within the first three months, in order to discuss and approve the proposals to be presented by its members in relation to the youth of the country.
5. the decisions taken by this body are adopted by simple majority of the participants in the Assembly of young validly constituted.
6. The Assembly of young people is considered to be validly constituted when a quorum of participation is greater than or equal to 0.5% of the young people who are registered on the Census of population on 1 January of the year in question.
7. The young people of the Principality of Andorra to enjoy, in the Assembly, the following rights: to) attend all annual sessions of the Assembly of the young.
b) Present and defend, personally or on behalf of one or more groups, in front of the Assembly proposals related to the youth of the country.
c) postal voting in the Assembly of young people.
elected members of the Permanent Table d).
The statutes of the FNJA regulate the modalities of exercise of the rights mentioned.
8. The proposals approved by the Assembly of the youth, are presented and advocated by its founders, to the Permanent Table.
9. The Assembly of young people legally elected, among its participants, and preferably of parity between men and women form the six members for Permanent Table.
Article 6 The Permanent Table 1. The Permanent Board is the organ of management and representation of the FNJA.
2. The Permanent Board is made up of six members; preferably chosen way parity among men and women, by the Assembly of the young.
The mandate is for a period of two years, and will be eligible for reelection. However, in no case will not be able to be elected or re-elected if they have met the twenty-eight years old at the time of the election. The achievement of 30 years is the automatic dismissal from the position held.
The six members of the Permanent Board elect, among its members, a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
3. The Permanent Table meets whenever convened by the president, in accordance with the determined by the statutes of the FNJA.
4. The functions of the Permanent Table, at least, those which are indicated below: a) Direct the management of the FNJA in accordance with the directives of the Assembly of the young.
b) Represent the FNJA in front of the public administrations and the private entities, national and international.
c) to promote and ensure the exercise of the functions of the FNJA.
d) Prepare the sessions of the Assembly of the young.
e) draw up and submit to debate and approve the annual report of social and economic management, and the budget for the next financial year.
f) Execute the resolutions passed by the Assembly of the young.
g) to create and coordinate the activities of the commissions and ensure their proper functioning.
h) Accept and, on its own initiative or at the request of the working committees, technicians and experts to participate or collaborate.
5. The Permanent Board is legally constituted when, with the previous announcement on the terms determined by the statutes, there are present, at least four of its six members.
The adoption of agreements require the favourable vote of the simple majority of the members of the Panel, when all members are present, and of at least three votes in case of absence of more than one member.
The Permanent Table is also validly constituted, without prior notice, in the terms ans mentioned if it gathers all members and agree unanimously established in session.
6. In the case of not reaching the quorum indicated in the previous section on three consecutive calls, the Permanent Table cease and convenes the Assembly of young people to proceed to the election of the new Permanent Table.
7. the adoption of agreements require the favourable vote of the simple majority of the members of the table. The vote of the president is ruling.
Article 7 The working committees 1. The working committees are the organs through which the FNJA organizes your operation in the preliminary stages.
2. For the purposes of carrying out the functions of the FNJA, the Permanent Table creates the working committees in the terms determined by the statutes.
3. The working committees have a responsibility for Commission, elected among its members. It is the intermediary between the table and the Commission Permanent.
Presents in front of the Permanent Table and the Youth Assembly, if necessary, the results of the work of the Commission, whether projects, proposals, resolutions or conclusions.
4. Can participate in working committees, with voice but without vote, advisers, technicians and/or experts in the areas of work in accordance with the procedure foreseen in the previous article.
Article 8 relations with the Government of Andorra 1. The FNJA is related to the Government through the Ministry responsible for youth. All demand for information that the FNJA needs of the Government to apply this same Ministry.
2. The Ministry responsible for youth should hold meetings for one semester with the representatives of the Permanent Table to be informed of the decisions taken by the FNJA, as well as to propose actions which could be of common interest.
3. During the first quarter of each calendar year the Permanent Table has to submit the accounts of the entity with the prior approval of the Assembly of young people in front of the Ministry responsible for youth. This obligation does not relieve the obligations to which the entity is subject, within the framework of the law on public finance.
4. In case the Permanent Table does not reach the quorum indicated in article 6.5 in three consecutive competitions and the Assembly of young people do not proceed to the election of the new Permanent Table, the Government, through the Ministry responsible for youth, will be able to take appropriate actions with the aim of developing the choice of new Permanent table positions and promote the continuity of the FNJA.
Article 9 appeals against the acts of the bodies emanats FNJA replacement can be lodged before the same body that has dictated. Once you have exhausted this way, according to the provisions of the code of the Administration, from March 29, 1989, will be expeditious manner via the contentious-administrative, in accordance with the law of administrative and tax jurisdiction, of 15 November 1989.
Transitional provisions First within three months from the publication of this law, the Ministry responsible for youth, convened a session of the Assembly of young people with the aim of setting up a Permanent Table again.
Second Permanent Table present, within a period of six months from its establishment, the modification of the statutes of the FNJA in front of the Assembly of the young because this body are approved.
Once the statutes of the FNJA are approved by the Assembly of youth, the Permanent Table are sent to the Ministry responsible for youth. The Government approved and ordered the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Repealing provision Is repealed the law 11/2007, of May 17, the creation of the National Youth Forum of Andorra.
First final provision except for the specifications set out in this policy, for all that is not foreseen in the area of operation, the FNJA supletòriament applies the provisions of the law of associations, of 29 December 2000.
Second final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 11 December 2014 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília François Hollande Bishop of Urgell, President of the French Republic Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra