Law 34/2014, of 27 November, qualified civil unions and of modification of the qualified law of marriage of 30 June 1995, since the General Council in its session of 27 November 2014 has approved the following: law 34/2014, of 27 November, qualified civil unions and of modification of the qualified law of marriage , 30 June 1995 exhibition of illustrations and the story is a process of expansion of the scope of freedoms. This process has been to interpret the trend, growing in the comparative law, to keep up with the civil status of persons of different sex who have entered into marriage with those of the same sex who are married to formalize their Union.
The Andorran legal system cannot remain on the sidelines of this evolution, which is urgent to grant legal recognition. To this end, it is necessary from a decisive fact: that the civil status of persons of different sex who have entered into marriage and the people of the same sex who have formalized their Union must be identical. For this reason, as well as for reasons of legislative economy, should regulate in the same law on marriage and civil Union, since their effects need to be equal, to the point that it can be said with the same rationale, both of whom have contracted marriage and who have entered into civil Union, who are married.
It is for this reason that a very important change is carried out by a simple procedure such as the modification of the qualified law of marriage, which is declared applicable at all to the civil Union, except of the title III concerning matrimony, without the need for explicit references or referrals. You have to weigh the absurdity that it would build a new regulatory law exclusively for civil unions, which necessarily would have to repeat article by article the law of marriage in order to match the respective United States civil subject to each one of them. On the other hand, this law also opens the door to the adoption by couples joined legally, in accordance with the provisions of the law of adoption and of the other forms of protection of the less helpless, of 21 March 1996.
One last aspect to highlight is the full subsistence and validity of law 4/2005, of 21 February, qualified the stable partnerships, both in terms of different-sex couples, such as with regard to same-sex couples, as they cannot pretend that the admission of the civil Union with effects identical to marriage privi sense into the stable Union of a couple of the same sex. Defend the opposite would be as much as necessary to marry, by filling in a civil Union, same-sex couples who just want to live as such, without establishing any formal link between its members.
This law contains two articles that modify, respectively, article 1 and article 11 of the qualified law of marriage of 30 June 1995. It also contains a repealing provision and six final provisions that, among other issues, modify certain aspects of the law of adoption and of the other forms of protection of the less helpless, of 21 March 1996, and of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996.
Article1 modifies the article 1 of the qualified law of marriage of 30 June 1995, which is worded in the following terms: "Article 1 1. The man and the woman have the right to marry and to found a family, in accordance with the provisions of this law.
2. Two people of the same sex have also the right to marry, by filling a civil union between them, with the same effects that the marriage and to found a family in accordance with the provisions of this law.
3. The provisions of this law, with the exception of title III, are applicable to civil unions of two people of the same sex without the need for reference or referral expressed in each case, given that the United States civilians, as married spouses who have entered into marriage or who have just formalized a civil Union are considered to be identical.
4. The family, founded by a marriage or a civil Union, is the basic element of society and is entitled to the economic, social and legal protection of the society and the State. "
Article 2 modifies the article 11 of the qualified law of marriage of 30 June 1995, which is worded in the following terms: "Article 11 spouses must contribute to the maintenance of the family expenses in the form established by the rules governing their marital economic regime."
Repealing provision abolishes all rules or legal provisions of equal or inferior rank which contradict versus offline or the provisions of this law.
First final provision modifies the article 2 of the law on adoption and other forms of protection of the less helpless, which is worded in the following terms: "Article 2 adoption can be requested after five years of marriage, civil Union or coexistence, stable couples.
To adopt, the result of the average between the ages of two adoptive parents cannot be less than 25 years. "
Second final provision modifies the article 24 of the law on adoption and other forms of protection of the less helpless, which is written with the following terms: "Article 24 adoption is effective from the day on which it is deposited in the demand for adoption.
The adoption implies the extinction of the legal links between the adopted and his family of origin, and gives the child a filiation which replaces the original affiliation, except in the case that is adopted the child of the spouse.
Adoption confers on the child the surname of the adoptive parents.
If the child has less than a year, the Mayor may modify its name at the request of the adoptive parents. If you have more than one year, it privileges the name of origin, except for exceptional cases in which the name change must be necessarily accompanied by a psycho-social follow-up of the adoption Service. If the child is over 12 years of age, his/her consent is essential.
The adoptive parents have parental authority, have the right and duty of guardianship, supervision and education of the adopted.
The adopted the same rights and enjoy the same obligations as a legitimate child in the family, adopting. "
Third final provision 1. Modifies the article 2 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 2
Constitute the object of the Civil Register the facts, acts and legal situations related to the marital status of the following individuals: a) the birth and identity information.
b) filiation and adoption.
c) situations of legal guardianship.
d) parental authority and the other legal representations.
e) the emancipation and empowerment of age.
f) the limitations in the capacity of the people.
g) tutoring, the curadories and the other judicial or extrajudicial commissions that supleixin or complete the capacity of employees.
h) nationality.
I) marriages and civil unions, as well as its annulment, dissolution or separation.
j) the conventions by reason of marriage and the establishment of alterations of the marital.
k) The deaths, the burials and cremations.
the judicial statements of death and absence). "
2. Modifies the article 23 of the Civil Registration Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 23 The Civil Register consists of four sections that are as follows: a) first section: births. Has the objective of consistency and registration publicity by means of his books that are called "Books of births", of the facts and the events that make up the existence and civil status of natural persons, with the exception of settlements corresponding to other sections.
b) section two: Of marriages and civil unions. Has the objective of consistency and registration publicity by means of his books that are called "Books of marriages and civil unions", of events and acts relating to marriage or civil Union of the people, their legal and modifications to its dissolution, as well as its economic regime.
c) Third Section: deaths. Has the objective of consistency and registration publicity by means of his books that are called "Books of deaths", of the facts and circumstances of the death is legally certain of the individuals.
d) section four or General: takes over, using auxiliary books, common services in the first section, in the second section, in the Third Section and other sections of Civil Registry. "
3. Modifies the article 48.3. f) of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "f) marriage or civil Union held in danger of death as it doesn't prove all legal requirements necessary for its validity and effectiveness."
4. Modifies article 54. c), e) and k) of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "(c)) the marriage or civil Union of the parents following the birth or adoption of the child enrolled."
"e) modifications of parental authority and its exercise are inscribed both in the margin of the registration of the birth of the parents as to the margin of the registration of the birth of the child."
"k) the marriage or civil Union, the nullity, dissolution of the bond, the separation and the reconciliation of the spouses legally separated, as well as all other circumstances or court order that affects the link or its effects."
5. Modifies the article 55 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 55 to the margin of the registration of marriage and civil unions are inscribed the following circumstances: the nullity, dissolution of the bond, the separation and the reconciliation of the spouses legally separated and, in general, all other circumstances and legal fact that affects the link or its effects.
And are subject to marginal note: a) The death of any of the spouses.
b) marriages or civil unions after the spouses. "
6. article 64 is modified of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 64 1. Everyone has the right to a name from birth.
2. People are identified by their name and their surname.
3. The person declaring the birth, if one of the parents or their legal representative, or if it presents a reliable document authorisation, must indicate the name of the child and, if it does not indicate whether or not the flight indicate, the Registrar imposes a name for general use. "
7. Modifies the article 65 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 65 the proper name can be simple or compound, but in this latter case cannot contain more than two simple names. The foreign names are allowed.
The proper name is chosen freely and is only subject to the following limitations, that will interpret a restrictive interpretation: a) cannot impose names which, by themselves or in combination with the surnames, are contrary to the dignity of the person.
b) cannot register names that make confusing designation or induce in error about sex.
c) Also supported surnames as names.
d) cannot impose the baby a name that has one of his brothers with identical surnames, even in the case of premoriència.
People who acquire Andorran nationality may request, at the time of registering the birth in the Civil Register, the catalanization of his own name through a formal declaration before the Registrar, without the need to proceed to the registration record procedures. "
8. Modifies the article 66 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 66 The last name should be first and then the paternal tongue. Paternal surname is understood to be the first surname of the father, and maternal surname the surname of the mother's maiden name. However, if the parents jointly so request, at the time of registration, you can reverse the order and sign up in the first place the maternal surname and secondly the Paterno.
When the filiation is legally determined only with respect to one of the parents, the child takes the surname of this, and the father or mother can decide freely the order of surnames.
In the event that one or both parents, according to their personal law other than Andorra, can be forwarded to the name of a different way to previously established, these designated which of the surname of each of them want to transmit, all indicating the form or the gender of the name in cases where this is appropriate, and the order in which they must be appropriate. In this case it allows parents to designate only a single name.
The people of legal age Andorran nationality can apply for the investment of their surnames by means of a simple declaration before the Registrar. This investment has no effect until it is registered and can only be performed once.
The legal representative of the registered individual can apply for the investment of the surnames when just cause exists that should appreciate the Registrar. Against the negative decision of the Registrar can lodge an appeal before the Court of a single Mayor. "
9. Modifies the article 67 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 67 1. When you do not record the parentage, the Registrar must attribute name and surname to the interested party, who must choose from among the most common, while avoiding any reference to the condition of abandoned.
You must respect the instructions in writing have been found in the possession of the abandoned child, as long as they do not involve the attribution of fatherhood or motherhood.
2. When one of the parents has been deprived of parental authority, for a firm judgment, in respect of a child, the child's legal representative may request the removal of the surname that belongs to the parent deprived of parental authority. In these cases the child attributed the surname of the parent who keep the parental authority in the order that you designate.
This suppression can request the same interested if you're of legal age or lower emancipat.
3. In the case of victims of gender violence or their descendants, as well as in cases where the urgency of the situation or exceptional circumstances require it, you can authorize the change of surname by the procedures of the registry record. "
10. Modifies the article 68 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 68 can only be change the name and the last name for the registry file, relapse into resolution with the intervention of the public prosecutor's Office and the audience for all that prove a sufficient interest in the change or are affected at the request of the holder of the name and surname, and if there is just cause. The Registrar shall register the change at the request of the holder and with the contribution of a certification or authorized copy of the resolution that agreed to do so. Against the decision of the Registrar can lodge an appeal before the Court of a single Mayor.
The mention of the change is done to the marginal inscription in the Folio of birth and for the marginal note in the pages of marriage or civil Union of the interested party, and also on the birth of their children.
Foreign legal decisions relating to changes of surname or name affecting people of Andorra do not need to be subjected to order if it consists in the Registrar that the resolution is firm and complies with the legal regulations of the country where it has been dictated, saved the case of reciprocity. "
11. Modifies article 93 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 93 at the margin of the registration of the birth of the child and of the parents is part of the loss, abandonment, deprivation, modification and, if this is the case, the recovery of parental authority, with expression of the fact that motivates as well as the Court and the procedure in which they have agreed. "
12. Modifies the article 95 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 95 in the case of the birth of the parents or of the child, or where applicable, of all of them, not the record registered in the Civil Registry of Andorra, it proceeds to jot down the birth, stating that the settlement is carried out for the purpose only of use to support the registration of the limitation or the recovery of the parental authority. "
13. Modifies the wording of the title V of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "title v. section of marriages and civil unions" 14. Modifies the wording of chapter I of title V of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "chapter i. civil Record of marriage or civil Union, and proclamations" 15. Modifies the article 100 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 100 in order to formalize the file prior to the celebration of civil marriage or civil Union in Andorra, both parties, at least one of them resident in the Principality, must appear before the Civil Registry of Andorra, to formulate and sign the corresponding application , which must contain the statement circumstanciada, according to the model established by the regulation of marriage or civil Union you want contract, and must be accompanied by a literal birth certificate, the certificate or documentary proof of the civil status and the certification of residency, and what you have to ask, as well, that will make the publication of proclamations or container. Once the statement, the Registrar, it examines the sufficiency and also the procedibilitat of marriage or civil Union celebradors, while examining both the requirements of validity as the application requirements, and takes one of the following decisions: to) Suspend the processing of the file for data failure or disagreement.
b) Deny motivadament the continuation of their studies.
c) Continue their studies.
In cases marked with the letters a) and b), the decision of the Registrar is recurrible to the established pathway in the third paragraph of the article below.
In the event pointed out with the letter c), the Registrar has made the proclamations in accordance with the regulation of the Government. "
16. article 101 is of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "101 Article five days after having exhausted the display time of the proclamations and in view of the possible claims of impediments and the formalization of the oppositions to marriage or civil Union, the Registrar takes one of the following decisions : a) declares that authorizes the holding in the case that cumulativament the following conditions are met: that there is no element that Registrar in its function classification considers that opposes the validity and legality of the marriage or civil Union, projected, and that there is no complaint or objection.
b) in the case that there are allegations of obstacles or opposition to the formalization of marriage or civil Union, the Registrar has to listen to the parties and the opposition in order to assess the accuracy and the facts on which they are based, and practice the test steps it deems relevant, all within a maximum period of thirty days after which , after hearing the public prosecutor, dictates grounded decision authorizing or denying the celebration of marriage or civil Union. Against this resolution to any of the parties or of the people filing the opposition, or the public prosecutor's Office, may go in height within ten days from its notification to the Civil Section of the Court of Batlles. In this case, the celebration of the marriage or civil Union is on hold until the resolution of the appeal. "
17. Modifies the article 102 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 102 in the case of marriage, civil Union or a similar institution be celebradors abroad between future parties, one of which is resident in Andorra or Andorran, the Registrar makes proclamations in the form indicated in previous articles at the request of the parties or at the request of the foreign body that request.
In the event that the foreign body ask for the practice of the proclamations in a consul in Andorra or Andorran judicial organ, the latter must process the request, the warrant or the rogatòria Commission received without providing anything to register, although it comes from a foreign judicial body, and the Registrar must qualify the request and give the appropriate course. The responses to the Commission rogatòries, the requests and exhorts the address the Registrar for the channel that is fixed by regulation of the Government. "
18. article 103 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 103 If as a result of the proclamations made in accordance with the previous article, the Civil Registry of Andorra receives complaints of impediment or formalized oppositions in Andorra, the applicable laws in order to understand the impediments and the oppositions are : a) The Andorran law when both parties are andorrans.
b common national law) when both parties are of the same foreign nationality.
c) respective national laws when both parties are of different nationalities.
The Registrar notify the decision to the foreign body that has requested the proclamations, making explicit mention of this chapter. In any case you can make proclamations in Andorra when these proclamations or marriage, civil Union or a similar institution has been celebrating constitute fraud in the Andorran law or violate the internal public order. "
19. article 104 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 104 The dispensations of impediments and dispensations of proclamations are occupied by a mayor part of the Civil Section, a joint petition of the two parties, oït the public prosecutor and the Registrar. The waivers are scored in the registration of marriage or civil Union at the same time to extend it. "
20. Modifies the article 105 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 105 once is strong the resolution approved by the marriage or civil Union, you can celebrate in front of the Consul legally authorized for a maximum period of six months. After this period without the provision in a legal way of matrimonial consent or consent to the civil Union, expire the effects of the resolution. "
21. article 106 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 106 is not required for processing of the file prior to the celebration of civil marriages or civil unions as well: a) marriages or civil unions who is in danger of death.
b) canonical marriage celebrated in Andorra.
c) marriages or civil unions that for the purposes of this article are marked by legal regulations. "
22. Chapter II of the statement modifies the title V of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Chapter II. Registration of marriages and civil unions. "
23. article 107 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 107 is enrolled in the registry of Civil marriages and civil unions held in Andorra in accordance with Andorran laws on marriage and civil unions, and marriages celebrated according to the canonical law. There are also part of the canonical and civil marriages, and the other established in Andorran laws on marriage, and civil unions and similar institutions, held abroad between spouses at least one of which is resident in Andorra or Andorran.
The effects produced by the celebration of the marriage and civil Union have full recognition, legitimacy and public faith in the practice of their registration. However, until the time of the registration in the Civil Register, marriage or civil Union is not registered may not prejudice the rights acquired in good faith by third parties. "
24. article 108 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 108 The registration of marriages and civil unions in Andorra must be made as follows: a) for marriages and civil unions that are held in Andorra, the Consul Licensing Act extend the celebration of marriage or civil Union in two copies according to the model set by the Regulation , and signed together with spouses and two witnesses living space. A copy of the minutes remaining in the common house, the unique effect of file, without being able to deliver certification on the basis of this Act. The other copy is relayed to the registry on the same day or the next working day under the terms of article 131 of the code of the Administration, and in another term equal to the reception, the Act will have to sign up with the exclusive signature of the Registrar and must be filed in the corresponding file. The Registrar receiving the sender to Consul accused.
b) for canonical marriages celebrated in Andorra, the rector of the parish in which you sign up, or the person who according to the canonical provisions have powers to extend the acta sagramental, delivers the verbatim transcript of each settlement practiced, who relayed to the Civil Registry on the same day or the next working day under the terms of article 131 of the code of the administration. According to this document, in another term equal to count at the reception, will proceed to make the civil registration of marriage, with the acta signed exclusively by the Registrar. Is filed and accuses reception in accordance with stated in letter a above).
c) for the rest of the marriages that takes into account the Andorran law, the registration is made in accordance with the provisions of this legislation. "
25. article 109 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 109 The registration of marriages and civil unions or a similar institution held abroad between spouses, one of which at least is Andorra or resident in Andorra, it should be promoted by the Andorran spouse or resident , and: to) if the civil marriage is, you can sign up via the literal certification validated the registration in the Civil Register in the country where the marriage has been celebrated;
b) If marriage is canonical has to register the certificate delivered by the competent canonical canonical literal, notified through the ordinary of Andorra;
c) if it is a civil Union or a similar institution, you can sign up through the certification of official registration of the literal Civil Registry of the country where it has been held;
d) if the marriage is another different kind of canonical or civil, according to the law of the place of celebration, has been enrolled in the Civil Register of registration marriage legalized verbatim transcript in question in the Civil Registry of the country where the marriage has been celebrated. In the absence of registration in a Civil Register, to register the marriage both spouses will have to go to the civil jurisdiction for a court ruling that declared the existence, validity and legality of marriage and, in particular, the absence of fraud on the national law and the compliance of the public order, as well as their effectiveness in Andorra. The public prosecutor has to be a part in the process.
In all four cases the registration request must be signed by both parties or their proxies, which must also sign the registration with the Registrar. "
26. Modifies the wording of chapter III of title V of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "chapter III. Registration of matrimonial conventions and other agreements that affect the economic regime of marriages and civil unions, and judgments that affect marriage and civil unions "27. Modifies the article 110 of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 110 marital and other conventions on the economic regime of marriages and civil unions made by public deed authorised by the notary of Andorra, have to be notified for these notaries in the Civil Registry within three days following the day on which it is from. The communication includes only the type or the name of the instrument, the date of the grant, the number of the protocol and the name of the grantor and the notary who authorized, and exclude any reference to the content of the conventions. The mention of the communication should be signing up to the margin of the registration of marriage or civil Union of the grantor and of the registration of the birth of each of the spouses. "
28. article 111 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 111 marital and other conventions on the economic regime of marriages and civil unions between spouses one of whom at least is Andorra, and foreigners who have entered into marriage or civil Union in Andorra which are authorised outside Andorra, they must be registered in due diligence of both spouses or of one of them, without delay, by submitting to the Registrar of a witness or a good copy of the public document by virtue of which it has been awarded the agreement, issued in the form of funds and conditions required in the country where it has taken place the grant.
The inscription contains the information that identifies the certificate of registration and, with regard to the content of this title, its essential part and appropriate to the character and purpose of the settlement. "
29. article 112 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 112 marital and other conventions on the economic regime of marriages and civil unions among foreign citizens resident in Andorra, the marriage of which has been held outside Andorra, are registered at the request of the interested parties , with the same requirements and in the way set out in the previous article. "
30. article 114 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 114 the judgments of the civil courts or canonical, andorrans or foreigners, that affect the valid marriages or civil unions can be registered or registered in the Civil Registry of Andorra, will lead to the registration page where you will find the settlement of marriage or civil Union , or practised, if applicable, a notation of support, and is marginally. Also sign up on the sheet of birth of children under the age considered or adopted in the marriage or civil Union. These entries require the judgments meet the General requirements established by law for national or foreign resolutions or canonical, depending on the case. "
31. article 125 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 125 Practiced the death registration, there is a marginal note referring to the margin of the registration of birth and, if applicable, of marriage or civil Union of the deceased.
The registration certifies certain death of a person and the date, time and place where it has occurred. "
32. article 139 is modified of the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 139
In the excerpt from the register of certifications in birth of adopted children, we must mention the filiation of the adoptive parents. The biological affiliation of the person adopted, if it is known, can only be mentioned in the birth certificates in excerpt, if the person adopted so indicates. However, in all the certifications that are handed out to be provided in cases of marriage or civil Union of the person registered, you should always mention the adoptive filiation, and the biological diversity when you know. The certifications in extract from the birth just make the same birth, their date and place and the sex of the person is registered. "
33. article 140 is modified from the Civil Register Act of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 140 In the literal certifications is transcribed in full settlement of the point about which certification is requested and the text of all other settlements of any kind that integrate the Folio in the register.
If the needs of the services you require, the certificates about the settlements of the books of births, marriages and civil partnerships and deaths can be carried out by means of photocopies of all of the registry, Folio, certified by extended and signed by the Registrar about photocopy diligence. These photocopies as well have authenticated the character and effects of literal certifications.
The register holder, or if this is the case, the Deputy Registrar, can delegate his signature for the delivery of the literal certifications or extract.
This delegation must fall on an official of the Civil Registry and must be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. "
34. article 142 of the law is modified from the Civil Registry, of 11 July 1996, which is written with the following text: "Article 142 anyone is entitled to apply for certification in extract of the registration of birth, marriage, civil Union and death, in accordance with that established in article 136, with the limitations that there are or the resulting of the regulation of the Government.
Regarding verbatim certifications, cannot deliver without the authorization of the competent Mayor and without the express request of the people especially legitimised, when by its very nature must give publicity of the extremes and the following circumstances: 1. The filiation adoptive or extramarital and legitimation.
2. The causes of nullity or separation of a marriage or civil Union, or loss or suspension of parental authority.
3. The marriage or civil Union held without the publication of proclamations.
4. The baby tied abortives.
5. Any other circumstance deemed that may violate the right to privacy or to honor.
Are people especially authorised to request the issuance of the certificates mentioned verbatim people registered, their ancestors, descendants and heirs, legal representatives of the people registered, and the judicial authority. "
The fourth final provision at the time of entry into force of this law, will be closed on the book of the Civil Registry related to marriages and will open a book related to marriages and civil unions that will continue the numbering relation that corresponds.
Fifth final provision has entrusted to the Government that in the period of three months from the date of entry into force of the present Law published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra on the revised Text of the law from the Civil Registry, with all changes and additions have been approved to date.
A sixth final provision this law comes into force the day after the date of its publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 27 November 2014 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
François Hollande, President of the French Republic Co-prince of Andorra