Law 2/2014, of 23 January, amending the code of the circulation, 10-06-1999 since the General Council in its session of 23 January 2014 has approved the following: law 2/2014, of 23 January, amending the code of the circulation, 10-06-1999 exhibition of illustrations and The regulations on the regulation of the circulation of vehicles is a matter that fits and is updated according to the improvements in the field of safety international rules of the road, of technological innovation and energy efficiency of vehicles. And in particular, becomes a way to actively influence in favour of policies that ensure the environment and the safety of the people.
After about 15 years of application, the code of the current circulation, of 10 June 1999, requires an update in accordance with the aforementioned rules. For this reason, from the departments of industry and of Civil protection and emergency management (mobility Area) has started an extensive analysis, comprehensive and long distance to have a modern and effective policy. In this sense, we have highlighted some aspects that should anticipate a modification of wider scope.
As well, this Bill proposes to modify the code for the current circulation on time with the aim of increasing the safety of winter and introduce a criterion of energy efficiency in the import of second-hand vehicles in the Principality of Andorra.
With regard to road safety, winter, modifies the article 74 of the code of the movement to include the obligation for motor vehicles, with the exception of two or three-wheeled motor vehicles-twins or not-and ATVs, to be ready to be used, between November 1 and may 15, snow chains or similar accessories , except running with winter tires or tires type M + s. the introduction of this duty carries with it also the classification of infringements and the corresponding penalties, in articles 211 and 212 of the code of the circulation.
With regard to energy efficiency, this law modifies the regulation of the criteria relating to the import of second-hand vehicles, so far only authorized, in general terms, to vehicles of less than three years, in accordance with articles 141, 142, 153 and 204 of the code of the circulation, and fixes, from the entry into force of the law, as a general requirement to be able to enroll and register a vehicle in the registry , a classification euro (the euro is the European classification that applies to vehicle engines based on its emissions of gases) equal or at most to a lower level in force for the current year, but in any case, with regard to passenger cars, can only be enrolled and those who have a classification euro V or higher. In this way, replaced a quantitative limitation of number of years, to a regulation that regulates the importation of vehicles in accordance with criteria of efficiency and preservation of the environment. At the same time, remain the exceptions to this rule for old cars and Museum, and is expected to be an exception for certain agricultural or livestock exclusively use vehicles.
On the other hand, views the evolution of safety in recreational vehicles such as motorhomes, the lengthening of the life expectancy and the possibility to travel independently, it extends the validity of the categories C1, to drive a motorhome exclusively with a maximum weight authorized of 7,500 kg.
To carry out these three conceptual changes, the law is structured in eight articles that modify the articles 74, 119, 141, 142, 153, 204, 211 and 212 of the code of the circulation, a repeal and final provision that establishes the entry into force.
Article 1 modifies the article 74 of the code of circulation, 10-06-1999, which is worded as follows: "Article 74.1 74. It is mandatory for all motor vehicles, except for two or three-wheeled motor vehicles-twins or not-and quadricycles, circular with special equipment, such as winter tyres or tires type M + S tires, snow chains or similar accessories keys (chain of canvas, liquid chain, spider, or other), in situations where the road is fully or partially nevada or freeze , and it is mandatory at a speed adapted to the climatic conditions of the moment.
In the specific case of the tires of keys, their use is permitted only from November 1 to May 15 each year. The dimensions and the shape of the keys can be determined by the competent Department.
74.2. It is forbidden to circulate with snow chains or similar accessories when the road is clean of snow or ice.
74.3. From November 1 to May 15 of each year, all these vehicles have to be ready to be used, snow chains or similar accessories, except running with winter tires or tires type M + S.
74.4. The agents of the authority, in addition to imposing economic sanctions planned, can immobilize the vehicles, taking into account the State of the ice cream or snow-covered road and the State or the characteristics of the tyres of the vehicle, or can reasonably represent a danger for the circulation or a factor of traffic congestion. "
Article 2 modifies the article 119 of the code of circulation, 10-06-1999, which is worded as follows: "Article 119 The moped driving license and permissions of classes A1, A2, A3 and B1 have a validity of 10 years until the owner meets the 70 years and 2 years from this age. The permission of the J class has a maximum validity of three years. The permissions of drive classes B2, C1, C2, D1, D2 and E, have a period of validity of 5 years, as long as the owner does not comply with the 50 years; 3 years if it exceeds 60 years without, and 2 years from this up to 70 years. From the age of 70 years have no validity.
In the event that the owner have the category C1 in force when the 70 years and want to drive a motorhome exclusively with maximum weight authorized of 7,500 kg, will be able to extend the period of validity of this category with the camper, renewing it from year to year.
However the plan above, the normal period of validity of the different types of permissions can be reduced if at the time of granting or renewing it checks that the owner has a disease, abnormality or limitation subject to aggravate that can prevent normal driving. "
Article 3 modifies the article 141 of the code of the circulation, which is worded as follows: "Article 141
In general, only be enrolled and enrolled in the registry of motor vehicles, both for transport of people and cargo in general, have a classification euro equal to or as a maximum of one level lower than the prevailing for the current year. In any case, with regard to passenger cars, can only be enrolled and those who have a classification euro V or higher.
Trailers and semitrailers do not have any type of limitation.
Exceptionally, you may register with a rating lower than specified above, provided that you have passed the technical inspection of vehicles and who meet the requirements stated in article 165, related to old cars and the Museum.
The farmer or rancher to justify the need of a vehicle for use in agricultural or livestock only (agricultural tractor or similar) for your work, you can get the authorization for registration of a vehicle with a rating lower than specified above, as long as you have passed the technical inspection of vehicles and then submit a request to the competent Department. In any case this exception cannot be invoked in order to obtain the registration of all-terrain-type vehicles, SUV, van, truck or similar. In any case, once you have registered the vehicle in question can only be transferred to another person to carry out an agricultural activity or cattle, which must be justified to the competent Department. In any case, the exclusive use of livestock or farm must appear in the yellow card of the vehicle. "
Article 4 modifies the section and added a paragraph g of article 142 of the code of the circulation, which is worded as follows: "b) Original or photocopy of the certificate of official registration that is equivalent to the yellow card.
g) technical specifications of the manufacturer in which the distinctive classification euro. "
Article 5 modifies the article 153 of the code of the circulation, which is worded as follows: "Article 153 The temporary registration (MT) reserves the vehicles running temporarily to Andorra and overseas, and are owned by non-residents in the Principality. These vehicles are required to pass the technical inspection of vehicles (ITV).
The vehicles that you intend to import must have a classification euro equal or at most to a lower level in force for the current year. In any case, regarding the cars, can only be enrolled and those who have a classification euro V or higher. "
Article 6 modifies the 204.8 article of the code of the circulation, which is worded as follows: "204.8. Registration is prohibited in Andorra from around the vehicle that does not comply with the machine Directive 2006/42/CE and successive modifications at the time of its manufacture. "
Article 7 Add a new serious violation in the article 211.2/1 of the code of the circulation, which is written as follows: "-the obligation of Contravention with circular special equipment when this code requires it."
Article 8 modifies the reference to article 74 contained in article 212 of the code of the circulation, which is written as follows: "Special Equipment 74 do not circulate with special equipment in situations where the road is fully or partially nevada or freeze.
For vehicles with a maximum authorised weight less than or equal to 3.5 tons: 180 euros for vehicles with a maximum authorised weight of more than 3.5 tons: 500 euros 74 do not circulate at a speed adapted to the climatic conditions of the moment.
For vehicles with a maximum authorised weight less than or equal to 3.5 tons: 60 euros for vehicles with a maximum authorised weight of more than 3.5 tons: 180 euros Circular 74 with snow chains or similar accessories when the road is clean of snow or ice: 60 euros Circular 74 with tires of keys outside of the period mentioned in article 74. : 60 euros. "
Repealing provision abolishes all the other provisions of equal or lower rank that conflict with the rules of this law or that the versus offline.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 23 January 2014 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
François Hollande Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra