Law 4/2012, 19 April, credit supplement to cope with the costs of the additional activities carried out by the Government in the campaign of paving or reinforcement of the carriageways of roads, secondary and General of the streets (in 2011), on the occasion of the completion of several works of the national road network.
Since the General Council at its session of 19 April 2012 has approved the following: credit supplement law to deal with the costs of the additional activities carried out by the Government in the campaign of paving or reinforcement of the carriageways of roads, secondary and General of the streets (in 2011), on the occasion of the completion of several works of the national road network preamble the Government agreed to award in the session of 30 March 2011, the works corresponding to the new paving or reinforcement of the wearing courses of General, secondary roads and streets, in 2011, project No. 0003/2011.
The aforementioned project includes, on the one hand, the works of paving new roadways under construction and widens and the rectification of roads, and, on the other hand, the work of conservation and improvement of the existing road network is paved.
During the year 2011 have subsequently continued in the works of paving in a number of works for the construction of new roads and widens and rectification general road, and in the course of the last few months it has stepped up the pace of work in order to have it before the end of the current year.
With the commissioning of these works will be achieved, on the one hand, an improvement in the image of the road network in Andorra, and will reduce the number of works in progress and, on the other hand, an improvement in mobility of this network.
Specifically, in the last few weeks, the work of the sections of the road widens and rectification general 2 in the area of Radio Andorra and of access to the mouths of the two Valires tunnel East and West have been progressively opened to traffic, either because they have completed, either by needs of its execution. In order to achieve these objectives have been made of existing paving and milling works and new paving of driveways and voravies;
Seen that the Government does not have enough credits to meet these expenses, encrypted in euros, additional actions stemming from 195,000.00 made by the Government in the campaign of paving or reinforcement of the carriageways of roads, secondary and General of the streets (in 2011), on the occasion of the completion of several works of the national road network;
Seen that the character of necessity and urgency is justified by the importance of being able to open to traffic before the winter season the maximum stretches of roads, as well as to keep with the due conditions of safety the areas affected by the works in phase of execution;
Seen that the Government, by agreement of 28 December 2011, has approved an advance of funds of a total amount of € 195,000 to deal with these expenses for the following budget base: 320 Department of Territorial-328 paving Area and road infrastructure Management-1987-Paving 0000000047 CG, CS and streets-60710 Floors;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 28 December 2011;
Article 1 approves a credit fee of an amount of 195,000 euros for the following budget base: 320 Department of Territorial-328 paving Area and road infrastructure Management-1987-Paving 0000000047 CG, CS and streets-60710 Floors;
Article 2 This credit fee is financed by means of the following budgetary items: 310-316-Department of Economics and Administration budget management-22760 work carried out by companies. Studies and technical work-PROJ-0021 business innovation Office, for an amount of 104,790.85 euros-820 Department of the Environment-Environmental management and Control area 820-22790 other jobs abroad-PROJ-0055 the water, for an amount of 90,209.15 euros final provision this law comes into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 19 April 2012 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Nicolas Sarkozy Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra