Law 14/2011, from October 13, extraordinary credit and credit fee to finance the costs of the application of the legislation on the subject of well-being until the end of the year 2011 as the General Council in its session of October 13th, 2011 has approved the following: law 14/2011, of 13 October credit and credit, extraordinary supplement to finance the costs of the application of the legislation on the subject of well-being until the end of the year 2011 preamble the Government has to deal with the costs and benefits of the months of November and December of the year 2011 as well: solidarity pensions for the elderly involuntary unemployment, economic benefits, and the non-contributory pensions and family benefits arising from the application of the law of social security.
You also have to deal with the economic benefits of social care and at the service of urban public transport free for the elderly and for people with disabilities in the context of the benefits offered by magna card and blue card.
On the one hand, the Government has to finance the pensions of solidarity for the elderly, which are encrypted in 387,526.99 euros; the involuntary unemployment benefits, for an amount of 182,921.36 euros, and the non-contributory pensions and family benefits, which are encrypted in a total amount of 1.256.946,65 euros for the months of November and December of this year.
The solidarity pensions for the elderly established in article 22 of law 93/2010, of measures for the promotion of economic and social activity of rationalization and optimization of the resources of the administration. This article contains the solidarity pension for the elderly as a monthly financial benefit life character to the person addressed that complies with the requirements set out in the regulations by which regulates the solidarity pension for the elderly, from 18 February 2009.
As for the involuntary unemployment benefits, the economic benefits of the regulator regulates the regulation of social care, February 16, 2011, where are established as a temporary economic assistance aimed at workers who can be discharged to a situation of unemployment, and involuntary labour are diseased difficulties to be able to cover their basic needs and those of your family.
The non-contributory pensions and family benefits are fixed by article 86 of the law 17/2008 social security, that establishes the financing by the Government in both you have to contribute to the financing of the expenses of the general branch, of the branch of the retirement and family benefits.
On the other hand, the Government should take on the economic benefits of primary social assistance service, the amount of which is encrypted in 727,488.92 euros destined to finance the social benefits that are given to people who for various reasons require at a certain point the State support in order to cope with the care of their basic needs (housing, food , etc.), that, due to the current socio-economic context are increasing significantly.
Moreover, the Government has to finance the free urban public transport services that are offered to the elderly and to people with disabilities who have the main card or blue card, respectively, the cost of which is encrypted in 251,493.99 euros, in order to meet the current demands up to the end of the year 2011.
The economic benefits of primary social care are set in accordance with the regulation of the economic benefits of social care, February 16, 2011, and are fixed as a monetary assistance granted by the Government to individuals or families aimed to provide means to meet basic needs, prevent or overcome situations of marginalization and social exclusion, to promote the autonomy and facilitate access to programs , the activities and the services of social care.
And, finally, regarding the urban public transport service for the people who own the magna card, the Government guarantees this free service by means of the corresponding administrative contracts, which set prices by zones. The final price of the services is in terms of beneficiaries, the number of which has increased in recent years.
As a result of the stagnation of national economic growth within the context of an international crisis, the social reality of the Principality has undergone a substantial change in what is essential to the performance of the social services of the Government in order to ensure a set of features designed to ensure that people who are in situations of difficulty and precariousness are not facing a risk of social exclusion and marginalisation. This reality is reflected with the notorious growth we have experienced the assistance and social benefits granted from the social services of the Ministry of health and welfare and to which, by now, you can not deal with the final credits carried over in dozens parts of the budget for the financial year 2009, which this year have been financed by retained credits or transfers from other headings of the budget available.
Seen that the solidarity pensions for the elderly, the economic benefits for involuntary unemployment, and the non-contributory pensions and family benefits arising from the application of the law on the social security of the year 2010 were financed through the passage of laws of extraordinary credit and credit supplement by annual amounts of expenditure; and given that the costs for these concepts of the months from January to October of 2011 have been financed with charge to the final credits carried over in dozens parts of the budget of 2009, which will be financed by credits retained or credit transfers from other games;
Seen that the Government has no credits or not has enough way to deal with the costs and the benefits already mentioned, a total amount of 2,806,377.91 euros;
Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of the reference is justified by the fact that the Government must have sufficient budgetary credits to meet the amounts deriving from the application of the legislation in the field of wellness and of the agreements or agreements for the development of these regulations;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of September 28, 2011;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 570,448.35 euros for the following budgetary items: Department of welfare 630-632 area of community projects-48290 families-PROJ0116 elderly, for an amount of € 387,526.99 610 Department of public health-614 Strategic Deployment management-integration Aids 48265-PROJ0048 strategic plan for health and wellbeing, for an amount of 182,921.36 euros Article 2 approves an additional credit for a total amount of 2,235,929.56 euros for the following budgetary : Public Health Department 610-613 area of budget management and administrative support health-Andorran Social Security Box 41112-PROJ0021 General Services, for a total of 630 euros,65 1.256.946 Department of welfare-632 area of community projects-48240 non-profit Institute, assoc, dev.-PROJ0116 elderly, for an amount of 251,493.99 euros, 630-631 Welfare Department area of attention and Social Intervention-48290 families-primary care PROJ0003 parishes , for an amount of 727,488.92 euros credit credit supplement This Article 3 and are funded through a new debt.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 13 October 2011 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Nicolas Sarkozy Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra