Law 80/2010, of 25 October, special credit to deal with various investment expenses of the Ministry of education and culture since the General Council in its session of October 25th, 2010 has approved the following: law 80/2010, of 25 October, special credit to deal with various investment expenses of the Ministry of education and culture exhibition of illustrations and the Ministry of education and culture must deal with various investment costs resulting from the acquisition bibliographic and audiovisual Fund of the public library and the National Library of the Government, the acquisition and extension of the holdings of the center of documentation and educational resources (CDR), the acquisition of machinery and equipment of the departments of Cultural Promotion and language policy and Cultural Heritage and of the acquisition of a part of the philatelic collection of the Postal Museum and for which there are no credits in the budgetary field.
The character of maximum urgency and need is justified by the fact that you need to have the chapter of real investment of the credits they need to fund the books and editions that are destined to a background and which are currently available in dozens parts in chapter of goods and services (because they wrongly estimated in the budget for the financial year 2009) in order to acquire and to give users of the National Library and the public library publications published during the year; to keep updated on curriculum material of three educational systems of the Pedagogical Resource and Documentation Centre, and to cope with spending contracted in previous exercises, which for errors in processing the file, both on the part of the Administration as suppliers, did not formalize the commitments and for which there are budget this year because they correspond to investment costs.
Seen that there is a budget for the financial year 2010 to cope with the expenditure mentioned;
Seen that the Government, by agreement of September 10, 2010, has approved an advance of funds for a total amount of 16,968.47 euros for the following budgetary items: 555 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-556 public reading Area and libraries-PROJ-0038 Public Library-60810 cultural facility, for an amount of € 8,500 560 563-Department of Cultural Heritage of Andorra National Library-National Library-0066 PROJ-60810 cultural facility , for an amount of € 2,000 540 support department to the education and Educational Inspection-544 area of innovation and educational resources-PROJ-0034 educational resources-60810 cultural facility, for an amount of € 555 1,344.68 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-557 language policy-PROJ-0054 language policy and promotion of Catalan-60390 Other machinery and equipment, for a total of € 555 3,380 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy Cultural Action Area-558-PROJ-0.050 for cultural promotion-60390 Other machinery and equipment , for an amount of 910.49 euros, 560-563 Cultural Heritage Department of the National Library of Andorra-PROJ-0066-National Library-60390 Other machinery and equipment, for a total of € 228 560 Department of Cultural Heritage-heritage museums and Furniture Area 562-PROJ-0019 dissemination of museums – 60810 cultural facility, for an amount of 605.30 euros Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the agreement of Government of 10 September 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 16,968.47 euros, for budgetary as well: 555 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-556 public reading Area and libraries-PROJ-0038 Public Library-60810 cultural facility, for an amount of € 8,500 560 563-Department of Cultural Heritage of Andorra National Library-National Library-0066 PROJ-60810 cultural facility, for an amount of € 2,000 540 support department to the education and Educational Inspection-544 area of innovation and educational resources-PROJ-0034 educational resources-60810 cultural facility , for an amount of € 555 1,344.68 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-557 language policy-PROJ-0054 language policy and promotion of Catalan-60390 Other machinery and equipment, for a total of € 555 3,380 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy Cultural Action Area-558-PROJ-0.050 for cultural promotion-60390 Other machinery and equipment, for an amount of 910.49 euros, 560-563 Cultural Heritage Department of the National Library of Andorra-PROJ-0066-National Library-60390 Other machinery and equipment , for an amount of € 228 560 Department of Cultural Heritage-heritage museums and Furniture Area 562-PROJ-0019 dissemination of museums – 60810 cultural facility, for an amount of 605.30 euros.
Article 2 This extraordinary credit is financed by means of the following budgetary items: 555 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-555 general services of culture-PROJ-0001 general services of culture-48220 to non-profit institutions, for a total of € 8,500 560 563-Cultural Heritage Department of the National Library of Andorra-PROJ-0066-22030 National Library Books and other publications, for an amount of € 2,000 540 support department to the education and Educational Inspection-544 area of innovation and educational resources-PROJ-0034 educational resources-22030 Books and other publications , for an amount of € 555 1,344.68 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy-555 general services of culture-PROJ-0001 general services of culture-48220 to non-profit institutions, for a total of € 555 3,380 Department of Cultural Promotion and language policy Cultural Action Area-558-PROJ-0.050 for cultural promotion-22680 cultural promotion, for an amount of 910.49 euros, 560-563 Cultural Heritage Department of the National Library of Andorra-PROJ-0066-National Library-22620 Dissemination and publications , for an amount of € 228 560 Department of Cultural Heritage-heritage museums and Furniture Area 562-PROJ-0019 dissemination of museums-21000 repair and maintenance of land and natural goods, for an amount of 605.30 euros.
Final provision this law comes into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, October 25, 2010, Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra