Law 78/2010, of 25 October, additional credit for dealing with the current transfer to the Institute of Andorran Studies (IEA) to fund the maintenance of the meteorological station of the Centre of studies of the snow and the mountains of Andorra (CENMA) for the financial year 2010.
Since the General Council in its session of October 25th, 2010 has approved the following: law 78/2010, of 25 October, additional credit for dealing with the current transfer to the Institute of Andorran Studies (IEA) to fund the maintenance of the meteorological station of the Centre of studies of the snow and the mountains of Andorra (CENMA) for the financial year 2010 preamble the Government must deal with this year in the expenses corresponding to the maintenance meteorological stations in the Centre of studies of the snow and the mountains of Andorra (CENMA) for the financial year 2010.
The CENMA, one of the two research centers of the Institute of Andorran Studies, completed in the year 2009 the ultimate deployment of its network of meteorological stations in order to characterize the climate, to advance in the knowledge of the behaviour of meteorological phenomena and other studies focused on climate change.
The network is made up of five points of observation that measure temperature, precipitation, wind, relative humidity, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, the thickness of snow, the temperature of the snow and the temperature of the soil (variables measured by automatic sensors installed on pylons ready to withstand the conditions of the high mountain).
The first station was installed in 2007 as an initial phase in the sector of Aixàs about 1,600 m. That same year, the IEA was awarded the implementation of the rest of the network (4 stations) in accordance with the parameters established by the CENMA (based on other existing networks in other States and the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization-WMO). These stations, after the technicians of CENMA calculations detailed field work, were situated the Phaner (2,600 m), in the Estanyò mountain hut (2,300 m), in the bulge of the Neres (2,100 m) and in the sector of Perafita (2,400 m). The deployment of the network required, then, of 3 phases: location of the locations (summer 2007), execution of the civil works (spring-summer 2008) and installation of the sensors (autumn 2008).
Once implemented the gadgets, there was a year of testing and tracking to detect errors or shortcomings, and to homogenize the Aixàs (one year old) with the rest of the new network. This fact has allowed in 2010 has already been started to measure continuously and permanently with the new network of CENMA that covers the high mountains, and who have contributed data from sectors where meteorological conditions are very characteristic. Data, with the network, are continuous and homogeneous.
To achieve this, it is necessary that from the CENMA will do a follow up to see if the devices work correctly. If that is not the case, they must be resolved immediately through a maintenance, which consists of remedial actions, General revisions and the clearing of rain gauges totalizers.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget for the financial year immediately prior. As the budget of 2009 does not foresee any provision to deal with the costs mentioned, this year do not have enough credits to dozens parts to fund them.
Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of this expenditure is justified by the fact that the network of meteorological stations of CENMA requires annual maintenance by the technicians of the company that was installed, and in which it has to deal with from this year;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 12 May 2010;
Article 1 approves a charge of credit for an amount of 33,972.95 euros for the budgetary 590 Research Department-590 research area-PROJ-0018-Institute of Andorran Studies-41240 Andorran Studies Institute.
Article 2 This credit fee is financed with charge to budgetary educational systems, School Services Department 520-523 school Services-people Collective 22320-PROJ-0007 PG School Transport.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, October 25, 2010, Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra