Law 73/2010, of 14 October, amending the law of the Andorran School since the General Council in its session of October 14, 2010 has approved the following: law 73/2010, of 14 October, amending the law of the Andorran School exhibition of illustrations on 2 May 1989, the General Council approved the law of the Andorran School , which governs the education system of our country, together with the qualified law of education, on 3 September 1993, and the subsequent law of the Andorran educational system Ordinance, of 9 June 1994.
For the proper development of their educational and social work, education professionals across national boundaries, the Andorran School also has non-teaching staff involved in the surveillance of the areas of patios and dining rooms.
With the approval of the law of public function, of 15 December 2000, which limited the recruitment of staff is not a civil servant with little daily time commitment, the Government entrusted the indirect management of the recruitment of the staff of patios and dining to an outside company, a solution that did not involve the quality nor the expected stability.
For this reason, in the session of 17 May 2007, the General Council approved the law 12/2007, of May 17, to amend the law of Andorran School. Law 12/2007 capacity has a new title to the Andorran School Law that created the Board of school and has been equipped with the skills needed to hire the staff of patios and dining under two possible modes: direct recruitment of staff or the awarding of the contract to a company in the sector.
To date, despite the fact that the School Board has legal capacity and capacity to act to hire the staff necessary for the surveillance of patios and dining rooms, has not used ever and has developed its function to exercise only the powers of participation, collaboration, information, safeguards and evaluation.
The attribution to the Board of the Executive Faculty of government procurement and labour confers the ability to run for the School Board, as a body of participation in the management of the centre, is not designed nor prepared. The competition of recruitment of staff from administrative liability courtyards and a dining and employment that does not correspond to the actual capacity and practice of this body of participation, which is made up of representatives of the educational community who do not have, within their functions, executive responsibilities.
For all that has been exposed, this law modifies part of title IV of the law 12/2007 and defines the School Board exclusively as collegial participation, without capacity to contract the staff for surveillance of patios and dining rooms.
Article only modifies the title IV to the law 12/2007, of May 17, to amend the law of Andorran School, which is worded as follows: Title IV. Of the School Board, the School Board seventeenth Article as a collegiate body, the participation of the different sectors of the educational community in the management of each centre.
Article XVIII The School Board is chaired by the director of the centre. Its composition is set by the regulations and includes at least the director and the Director of studies of the centre, a member of the common, representatives of the teaching staff, educational, administrative and personnel assistant personnel services, parents, and students of the educational levels of secondary and high school.
The nineteenth article of the functions of the School Board are: a) collaborate with the management team on the budget of the centre.
b) to ensure the application of the educational project of the Center.
c) to ensure the application of the regulation of internal regime of centre, resolve conflicts and impose corresponding sanctions relating to discipline of students, in accordance with the regulations mentioned. Once in force, the regulations on rights and duties of pupils, the resolutions of the Board of school must hold to it.
d) collaborate in the preparation of the annual plan of the centre.
e) to evaluate the annual plan of the centre and the report submitted by the Board of Directors, which should include a balance of economic management.
f) give the go-ahead and provide suggestions to the programming and development of school activities carried out outside the centre, during the school hours.
g) establish the criteria for the participation of the centre in cultural activities, sports and recreational purposes.
h) to ensure the conservation and propose the renewal of the installations and of the school team.
and supervise the general activity of the centre).
Article twenty-the operation and the procedure of choosing the School Board establishes the regulations.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, Josep Dallerès Codina October 2010 14 Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra