Law since the General Council in its session of the 22nd September 2010 has approved the following: Law 57/2010, of 22 September, extraordinary credit for dealing with the acquisition of facilities for the National Center of the traffic (Cenatra) preamble the draft budget law for the year 2010 expected the budget to take on the costs of the acquisition of facilities for the National Center of the traffic (Cenatra).
This corresponded to the forecast credits needed to take on the acquisition of technological installations needed to equip the tunnel of the quarry, CG-3 San Antonio area, that allows a remote security surveillance. We also have to put traffic lights at crossings or pedestrian crossings to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles. These facilities suffer accidents and acts of vandalism, and damage by storms with lightning that you need to repair or replace.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the investment costs, with the exception of the expenses planned investment budget project pending approval that had been approved with the character of long-term costs, and that the head of Government, with the prior agreement of the Government, can be put into effect.
As a result, the Government does not have credits to cope with the cost of real investment mentioned, which are encrypted in a total of 292,686.22 euros.
The character of urgency and necessity of this investment is justified by the fact of providing or stand at all times the basic network of the necessary facilities to ensure their safety.
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 12 May 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 292,686.22 euros to deal with the acquisition of facilities for the National Center of the traffic (Cenatra), for the next budget starting: 620 Department of mobility and exploitation of Roads-road safety and Mobility area 620-PROJ 0014 National Center of traffic-60340 other facilities.
Article 2 This extraordinary credit is financed by budgetary 220 Department of budget and expenses and financial operations 221-Heritage-33010 interests of credit policy-PROJ-0008 expenses and financial operations, for an amount of 292,686.22 euros.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 22 September 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Nicolas Sarkozy Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra