Law 42/2010, from June 30, extraordinary credit in order to finance the cost of real investment for the operation of the schools for the next academic year 2010-2011 since the General Council in its session of June 30, 2010 has approved the following: Act 42/2010, from June 30, extraordinary credit in order to finance the cost of real investment for the operation of the schools for the next academic year 2010-2011 preamble the Government has to cope with this year's investment costs corresponding to the equipment and to the adaptation of several school spaces.
These costs correspond to the financing of diverse material to the centers of the Andorran School (furniture, audiovisual equipment, equipment of small computer material, educational, musical, sports equipment and natural goods), specific furnishings for students with disabilities for the area of Psychology, computer equipment and divers to carry out the projects in the area of Educational technology development, which guarantee an adequate service to all schools in the country. On the other hand, we have to prepare the studies and editorial departments of the preliminary projects commissioned to third parties of various schools and, finally, it is necessary to acquire diverse material for the new vocational qualifications.
The items corresponding to these investment costs amount to EUR 610,475.46, of which 450,860.09 were included in the budget bill for the year 2010. The expenses that were not included in this Bill are: specific furniture for students with disabilities for the area of Psychology; purchase of portable and visors; to improve the security of the service of the XENA; the acquisition of interactive whiteboards; the acquisition of diverse material for the resources of the Department of Psychology; and the acquisition of necessary equipment for the Professional baccalaureate certification reference networks of Professional Training Center.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the costs of capital, with the exception of the transfer and of the expenses planned investment budget project pending approval, that had been approved with the character of long-term costs, and that the head of Government with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective and can put in force, respectively. As a result, the Government does not have credits to cope with the cost of real investment and planned, which are encrypted in 450,800.09 euros.
Likewise, the Government does not have credits to cope with the cost of real investment, an amount of 159,615.37 euros, which had not been able to foresee at the time of the preparation of the budget for the updating of the data and hypotheses of calculation of various concepts of expense.
Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of the expenditure on investment concept is justified by the fact that, on the one hand, all the material you need to purchase for schools must be installed in the classrooms at the beginning of the next school year, in September 2010, and, on the other hand, it is necessary to allot the studies and the writing up of projects for the extensions of several schools as soon as possible in order to meet the cost of the works and It can be included in the draft budget law for 2011;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 21 April 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 610,475.46 euros for the following budgetary items: education systems, School Services Department 520-520 Andorran School-60500 furniture-PROJ-0040 Andorran School of Canillo, for a total of EUR 1,030 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60610 equipment for information processes-PROJ-0042 Andorran School of Encamp, for a total of 320 euros 520 Department of educational systems School Services-520 Andorran School-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0043 Andorran School of Ordino, for an amount of 13,087.14 euros 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0044 Andorran School of la Massana, for a total of 840 euros 520 Department of educational systems, educational Services-520 Andorran School-educational Equipment 60840-PROJ-0045 Andorran School of Andorra la Vella, for a total of 1,106 euros 520 Department of educational systems School Services-520 Andorran School-60750 constructions and sports equipment-PROJ-0046 Andorran School of Sant Julià de Lòria, for an amount of € 520 5,346 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60610 equipment for information processes-PROJ-0047 Andorran School of Escaldes-Engordany, for a total of 125 euros 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0048 Andorran School 2a schools of Santa Coloma , for an amount of € 2,800 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-61000 conservation of lands and natural assets-PROJ-0049 Andorran School of 2nd teaching setting, for an amount of 1,581.50 euros 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0.050 Andorran School of 2nd teaching of Ordino, for a total of 120 euros 520 Department of educational systems School Services-520 Andorran School-60850 Musical Instruments-PROJ-0.050 Andorran School of 2nd teaching of Ordino, for a total of 1,075 euros 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services-520 Andorran School-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0051 Andorran School secondary school, for a total of 5,600 euros 520 Department of educational systems, Educational Services and schools-Educational Planning Unit 524-60910 studies and projects of investment-PROJ-0027 educational planning , for a total of 150,000 euros 540 support department to the education and Educational Inspection-545 Department of Psychology-60500-furniture-PROJ-0023 area of Psychology, for a total of 1,300 euro 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of Education-Educational Technology Development Areas 534-60320 electrical-PROJ-0008 computer science at the school, for an amount of 16,421.82 euros
530 Department of vocational training and technological development of Education-Educational Technology Development Areas 534-60500 furniture-PROJ-0008 computer science at the school, for an amount of 3,750 euro 530-Department of vocational training and technological development of Education-Educational Technology Development Areas 534-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0008 computer science at the school, for an amount of 52,962 euros 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of Education-Educational Technology Development Areas 534-60610 equipment for information processes-PROJ-0008 computer science at school , for an amount of 271,545 euros 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of Education-Educational Technology Development Areas 534-applications 64050-PROJ-0008 computer science at the school, for an amount of € 530 28,650 Department of vocational training and technological development of education-vocational training Centre 530-60500 furniture-PROJ-0010 Professional training, for an amount of € 1,877 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of education-530 Professional Training Center-Office Equipment 60510-PROJ-0010 Professional training , for an amount of € 479 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of education-vocational training Centre 530-60520 printing and reproduction Equipment-PROJ-0010 Professional training, for a total of 1,500 euro 530 Department of vocational training and technological development of education-530 Professional Training Center-Educational Equipment 60840-PROJ-0010 Professional training, for a total of 48,960 euros.
Article 2 This extraordinary credit is financed by budgetary 210 Department of Budget and heritage-211 expenses and financial operations-public debt Interest 30000-PROJ-0009-Public Debt, for a total of 610,475.46 euros.
Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 30 June 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra