Law 23/2010, of 3 June, extraordinary credit and credit fee to fund various expenses of the Department of Customs since the General Council in its session of June 3rd, 2010 has approved the following: law 23/2010, of 3 June, extraordinary credit and credit fee to fund various expenses of the Customs Department, the Department of Customs has reason to carry out during the year 2010 various actions aimed, on the one hand, to improve the facilities, the operation and management of Customs offices are located on the borders, and must ensure compliance with the new requirements by incorporating more modern tools to facilitate the movement of goods between countries; and, on the other hand, to ensure the necessary training to make the procedures more efficient way possible, and the interventions are carried out using procedures that ensure the optimal conditions of security for agents.
The budget bill for the 2010 tax year anticipated the budget to finance current expenses and investments to develop these actions.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive can not cope with the costs of capital, with the exception of the transfers in the Commons and investment expenses provided for in the draft budget, pending approval and that had already been approved with the character of long-term costs, and that the head of Government with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective and can put in force, respectively. In this case, the general law on public finance determines the extension of current spending budget of the preceding financial year and the effect of the credits approved by multi-annual character, in addition to the authorization to the Executive to make effective transfers in the Commons.
As a result, the Government does not have specific credits or no credits sufficient to cope with the currents and charges of real investment mentioned, which are encrypted in a total of 842,948.69 euros.
Seen that the character of necessity and urgency of these costs is justified by the fact that the Government should have the budgetary credits to finance investment and expenses to develop these actions that are essential for the proper management and operation of the Customs Body;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 14 April 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 732,545.28 euros, for budgetary as well: Customs Department 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22020 press and magazines, for a total of 827.11 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22180 cleaning products, for a total of € 150.00;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22630 jurisdiction and contentious, for an amount of 228.30 euros;
Customs Department in 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0006 commercial Fraud-22720 work carried out by companies of evaluations and appraisals, for an amount of € 218.40;
Customs Department in 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0006 commercial Fraud-23000 Reemb. diets pers. func. and adm. caràc. IND., for an amount of € 300.00.
Customs Department in 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0006 commercial Fraud-23100 Locomotion and movement of staff, for a total of 600.00 euro;
Customs Department in 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0006 commercial Fraud-60870 Security Facilities, for a total of 13,589.50 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0007 international relations-20400 transport material rental, for an amount of 946.88 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-20300 Rent of machinery, installations and equipment., for an amount of 1,259.23 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22100 electric energy, for an amount of 49,104.11 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22110 water, for an amount of EUR 800.00;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22190 Other supplies, for an amount of 29,593.84 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-goods Transport 22300, for a total of 1,057.75 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22710 work carried out by security companies, for a total of 10,075.00 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-60300 security facilities, for a total of 22,027.33 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-60610 equipment for processes of information, for an amount of € 600,000.00.
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-communications Material 60880, for an amount of 1,767.83 euros.
Article 2 approves an additional credit for an amount of 110,403.41 euros, for budgetary as well: Customs Department 220-220 Customs Service-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-20200 Rent of buildings and other constructions, for an amount of 1,473.06 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 General Customs Services-transport material rental 20400 for 600.00 euro;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22140 costume, for a total of 22,952.04 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22610 Protocol Care and of representation, for a total of 2,190.00 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0001 general services of Customs-22690 other expenses, for a total of € 3,000.00.
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0007 international relations-49280 OMD, for an amount of 1,727.86 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-20200 Rent of buildings and other constructions, for an amount of 6,086.03 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22130 Fuels for heating, for an amount of 2,347.16 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22180 cleaning products, for an amount of € 500.00;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22683 sports promotion, for an amount of € 50.00;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22700 work carried out by companies of cleaning and sanitation, for an amount of 1,655.86 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22760 work carried out by companies. Studies and technical work, for a total of 38,352.00 euros;
Customs Service Department of Customs-220 220-PROJ-0008 external services-22790 other jobs on the outside, for an amount of 29,469.40 euros.
Article 3 This extraordinary credit and credit fee is financed through a new debt.
Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 3 Josep Dallerès Codina General Syndic of June 2010 We the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Nicolas Sarkozy Joan Enric Vives Sicília and President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra