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Public Health Law 23.753 - Modification - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: SALUD PUBLICA LEY 23.753 - MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 26.914

Law No. 23.753. Modification.

Sanctioned: November 27, 2013

Cast: December 17th, 2013

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force


ARTICLE 1 — Replace article 1 of Law 23.753 on Problematic and Prevention of Diabetes with the following:

Article 1- The Ministry of Health of the Nation shall, through the relevant areas, issue the necessary measures for the dissemination of the problem arising from diabetic disease and its complications, according to the scientifically accepted knowledge, for the early recognition of it, its treatment and proper control. It will carry its statistical control, provide scientific and technical collaboration to the health authorities throughout the country, in order to coordinate action planning. It will ensure the production, distribution and dispensation of medications and diagnostic reagents for self-control to all patients with diabetes, in order to ensure access to appropriate therapy according to the approved scientific, technological and pharmacological knowledge and its evolutionary control.

ARTICLE 2° — Incorporate into law 23.753 as article 5, the following text:

Article 5°- The Implementing Authority of this Law shall establish Standards for the Provision of Medicines and Summons, which shall be revised and updated at least every 2 (two) years, in order to be able to include in the coverage the pharmacological and technological advances, which result in the therapy of diabetes and promote an improvement in the quality of life of diabetic patients.

The coverage of medications and diagnostic reagents for self-control of patients with diabetes will be 100% (5%) and in the amounts required according to medical prescription.

In order to access the provisions of the preceding paragraph, only the medical certification of a public health institution, of the condition of a diabetic patient, will be necessary. This certification will be made at the time of diagnosis and will continue to apply while the patient reviews the character of chronic disease. The Application Authority may not extend the accreditation requirements for accessing coverage.

The Implementation Authority shall carry out national campaigns for the detection and awareness of the disease, in order to achieve adequate knowledge in the society of this pathology, which allows for greater social integration of patients.

It should also coordinate with local jurisdictions and educational institutions at all levels with training programmes that allow students and teachers to have adequate knowledge of the problem.

ARTICLE 3° — Incorporate into law 23.753 as article 6 the following text:

Article 6 The Ministry of Health shall conduct the first review and update within 30 days of the sanction of this law.

ARTICLE 4° — Incorporate into law 23.753 as article 7 the following text:

Article 7°- The present law is of public order, with the Authority of Application to conclude the necessary agreements with the provincial jurisdictions and the City of Buenos Aires, in order to consensualize the mechanisms of implementation of what is established in the present.

ARTICLE 5° — Contact the national executive branch.


# 26,914 #

LOVE BOUDOU. - JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. - Gervasio Bozzano. - Maria C. Rodriguez.