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Social Work Federal Law Of Social Work - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: TRABAJO SOCIAL LEY FEDERAL DEL TRABAJO SOCIAL - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 27.072

Federal Law on Social Work.

Sanctioned: December 10, 2014

Promulgated: December 16, 2014

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force




General provisions

ARTICLE 1 — Object. The purpose of this Act is to establish the general framework for the professional exercise of social work throughout the national territory, without prejudice to the application of the local norms dictated by the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

ARTICLE 2 Scope. The provisions of this law are of public order and application throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic.

ARTICLE 3 — Objectives. These are the objectives of this law:

(a) Promote the hierarchy of the profession of social work for its social relevance and its contribution to the validity, defence and claim of human rights, the construction of citizenship and the democratization of social relations;

(b) Establish a general policy framework for the profession of social work in Argentina, without prejudice to the application of local standards regulating the registration, control and control of the professional exercise;

(c) Establish the professional responsibilities of social workers throughout the national territory;

(d) To protect the interests of citizens, creating the minimum conditions necessary for the provision of professional services with competence, quality and suitability;

(e) Enlarge the compulsory enrolment for professional work in national, binational and international institutions with representation in the country;

(f) Regulate the rights, obligations and prohibitions regarding the professional exercise of social work throughout the national territory.

Chapter II

Professional Exercise

ARTICLE 4 Professional exercise. The performance of tasks, acts, actions or practices derived, related or framed in one or more of the professional responsibilities set out in this law, including the performance of posts or functions arising from judicial appointments, ex officio or on the proposal of parties, is considered as a Social Work to the practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the strengthening and liberation of persons. The principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversity are fundamental to social work. Supported by the theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work involves people and structures to cope with life challenges and enhance well-being.

ARTICLE 5 — Use of professional title. The use of the professional title is considered the use of stamps, legends, drawings, badges, sheets, cards, notices, posters, publications, reports, documents or manifestations of any kind or species, where the profession of social work is named or indirectly mentioned.

ARTICLE 6 Denomination of professional title. Homológase bajo la denominación de Licenciado/a en Trabajo Social los títulos de Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Social Service, issued by the universities and university institutes legally recognized in the country and that integrate the Argentine university system. This rule shall apply to new curricula or modifications of curricula that are approved or recognized from the validity of this law.

ARTICLE 7 Professional enabler. The profession of bachelor ' s degree in social work can only be exercised by individuals with an enabling degree from universities and university institutes legally recognized in the country and who integrate the Argentine university system.

ARTICLE 8 — Recognition of law. Titles that do not meet the conditions laid down in Article 6 and have been issued prior to the validity of this law shall maintain their validity and qualification for the exercise of the profession of social work.

Chapter III

Professional implications

ARTICLE 9 — Professional inequalities. Always in defence, claim and promotion of the effective exercise of human and social rights, the Social Work Licensors are entitled to the following professional activities within the professional specificity provided by the qualification:

1. Advice, design, implementation, audit and evaluation of:

(a) Public policies related to the various fields of professional work, such as habitat, health, social development, disability, education, work, environment, justice, children and adolescents, social economy, social violence, gender, ethnic minorities, old age and addictions, among others;

(b) Social plans, programmes and projects;

(c) Family, institutional, community, social and environmental impact studies;

(d) Institutional and social projects, whether governmental or non-governmental.

2. Integration, coordination, guidance, training and/or supervision of disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work teams, providing elements for the reading and identification of the situation addressed, incorporating the socio-economic, political, environmental and cultural aspects that influence it, and proposing intervention strategies.

3. Development of social reports, socio-economic, socio-economic and socio-environmental reports, situational and/or expert reports.

4. Intervention in home, institutional and/or community contexts.

5. Elaboration of social expertise in the field of Justice, whether as official experts, on the part, president and/or technical consultant.

6. Professional intervention in instances or mediation programmes.

7. Professional intervention as health agents.

8. Management and performance of teaching functions of degree and postgraduate degree, extension and research in the field of academic vocational training units in social work and in social sciences.

9. Performance of teaching, training, research, supervision and integration of technical teams at different levels of the formal education system and the non-formal educational field, in areas related to the social sciences.

10. Management, integration of teams and development of lines and research projects in the social field, which contribute to:

(a) The production of knowledge in social work and the deepening of professional specificity and social theory;

(b) The production of theoretical-methodological knowledge to contribute to professional intervention in the different fields of action;

(c) The production of knowledge that allows the identification of factors that affect the generation and reproduction of social problems and possible strategies of modification or overcoming.

11. Participation in advice, design and implementation of new legislation of a social nature, integrating forums and councils for the promotion and protection of rights.

12. Management and administration of public and/or private institutions at different levels of operation and decision of public policies.

Chapter IV

Professional rights

ARTICLE 10. - Rights. The following rights are:

(a) To exercise the profession at the individual, group, family, community and institutional levels, in the fields of social development, health, education, justice, social security, social organizations and other fields related to the full exercise of the professional competences set out in this Act;

(b) To refuse to perform acts or to cooperate in the implementation of practices that violate human rights, which contravene the provisions of the codes of professional ethics or which are not linked to the professional competencies set out in this Act;

(c) Training and updating in the field of discipline of social work and social sciences when exercising their profession in relation to public or private unit, regardless of the nature of the occupational-professional bond, including here the obligation for the employer, to assign and/or authorize up to fourteen (14) days per year for vocational, academic, research and systematization of professional practices;

(d) Perceiving fees, tariffs and wages in accordance with the nomenclators and tariffs established by professional colleges or councils or by the Argentine Federation of Professional Social Service Associations;

(e) To have the necessary prevention and protection measures when the exercise of the profession involves a risk for the physical integrity of the professionals or for their physical or mental health, regardless of the legal nature of the professional-work link established with public, private or mixed institutions in which the exercise is carried out;

(f) Having periods of recovery when the exercise of the profession is carried out in relation to problems or social situations that involve accelerated processes of professional wear or affect the physical or mental health of the professionals; these periods of recovery will not be greater than fourteen (14) days per year and will not affect the conditions of the labor-professional bond in what it does to salary, antiquity, additional, fees, functions and tasks developed by the professionals;

(g) To attend assemblies, meetings, congresses and other events organized at the local, national or international level, on behalf of professional social work organizations, on the basis of the public or private labour insistences that they incur for that reason and without affecting the collection of additional ones for work presentism and others of similar nature;

(h) To agree on professional fees and tariffs with social works, prepaid medical services, mutual associations and others, individually or through professional colleges or councils or the Argentine Federation of Professional Social Service Associations.

Chapter V

Professional obligations

ARTICLE 11. - Obligations. These are obligations of the Licensors in Social Work:

(a) Enrolment in the school or professional council of the jurisdiction where the profession is exercised and keeping up-to-date the payment of the relevant enabling fees. This obligation also applies to those who exercise the profession of social work in national, binational or international public bodies with representation in the country;

(b) To carry out the profession with commitment, competence and professional updating, having as guiding principles human rights, social justice, citizenship and the form of democratic life;

(c) To exercise the profession in accordance with the standards set out in the codes of ethics sanctioned by professional colleges or councils;

(d) To provide the necessary cooperation of the health authorities in the event of epidemics, disasters or other emergencies;

(e) Maintain professional secrecy subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Chapter VI

General provisions

ARTICLE 12. - Study plans. The Ministry of Education shall promote to the appropriate agencies the adequacy of the curricula of all state and private universities in accordance with this law.

ARTICLE 13. - Hiring people. National agencies, public institutions and organizations and institutions governed by private law shall hire natural persons to perform tasks specific to the professional activity of social work, provided that they comply with the conditions for the professional exercise set out in chapter II of this Act, without prejudice to the intervention of natural persons who possess other professional qualifications for this function.

ARTICLE 14. - The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are invited to join this law.

ARTICLE 15. - Contact the national executive branch.



JULIAN A. DOMINGUEZ. - GERARDO ZAMORA. - Lucas Chedrese. — Juan H. Estrada.