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Regime Of Promotion Of The Economy Of Knowledge Created - Updated Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: REGIMEN DE PROMOCION DE LA ECONOMIA DEL CONOCIMIENTO CREASE - Texto actualizado de la norma

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Law 27506


The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy


General guidelines of the regime

Article 1 - Establishment of the regime. Please refer to the “Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge” which will govern throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic and which aims to promote economic activities that apply the use of knowledge and the digitization of information supported by the advances of science and technology, the acquisition of goods, the provision of services and/or the improvement of processes, with the scope and limitations set out in the present Law and the regulatory rules that are determined accordingly.

Art. 2nd - Activities promoted. The purpose of this Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime is the creation, design, development, production and implementation or adaptation of products and services and their associated technical documentation, both in its basic and applied aspect, including the one that is designed to be incorporated into processors and/or other technological devices, promoting the following topics:

(a) Software and digital services, including: (i) development of existing or future software products and services, which are applied to activities such as e-learning, interactive marketing, e-commerce, application supply services, editing and electronic publication of information; provided that they are part of an integrated IT supply and add value to the same; (ii) development and implementation of original software products

(b) Audiovisual production and post-production, including digital format;

(c) Biotechnology, bioeconomy, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, neurotechnology and genetic engineering, geoengineering and testing and analysis;

(d) Geological and prospecting services and services related to electronics and communications;

(e) Professional services only to the extent that they are exportable and are covered by:

(I) Legal, general accounting, management consulting, management services and public relations services, audit, regulatory compliance, tax and legal advice;

II) Translation and interpretation services, human resources management (search, selection and placement of staff);

III) Publicity services, creation and implementation of advertising campaigns (content creation, institutional communication, strategy, graphic design/web, advertising dissemination);

IV) Design: user experience design, product, user interface, web design, industrial design, textile design, clothing and footwear, graphic design, editorial design, interactive design;

V) Architectural and engineering services: architectural advice (working and design of projects and works plans, urban planning), design of machinery and industrial plants, engineering, project management and technical activities in engineering projects.

(E) replaced by art. 1 Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

(f) Nanotechnology and nanoscience;

(g) Aerospace and satellite industry, space technologies;

(h) Engineering for the nuclear industry;

(i) Manufacturing, knitting, maintenance and introduction of goods and services aimed at automation solutions in production that include cycles of feedback from physical to digital processes and vice versa, being at all times, exclusively characterized by the use of technologies of industry 4.0, such as artificial intelligence, robotics and industrial internet, Internet of things, sensors, additive manufacturing, increased and virtual reality.

Engineering, exact and natural sciences, agricultural sciences and medical sciences related to research and experimental development are also included.

The enforcement authority shall issue the clearing-house rules to specify the scope of the activities and areas covered by this regime. In addition, the national executive branch may expand the headings and/or activities under emerging technologies.

Art. 3rd - Registration. Please refer to the National Register of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge in which those wishing to accede to the regime established by this Law shall be registered, subject to the conditions established by the regulation.

Art. 4° - Subjects reached. Registration and revalidation requirements.

I- Subjects reached. The benefits of the present Law on the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge may be accessed by legal persons established in the Argentine Republic or authorized to act within its territory, who are in normal course in compliance with their tax, labor, trade union and projectional obligations duly accredited with the free debt certificate of the respective entity, and develop in the country on their own account and as the main activity/s mentioned in the present article 2.

II- Registration requirements. For registration in the Register, they shall establish, in the forms and conditions determined by the application authority:

Regarding the activity/s promoted/s:

(a) That 70 per cent (70%) of its total last year ' s turnover is generated from the activities promoted;

(b) For those cases where the legal person did not count even with billing in the activity/s promoted/s, you can request your registration in the Register by fervently accrediting the development of such activities in an intensive way to incorporate knowledge derived from scientific and technological advances in your products, services or productive processes, in order to add value and innovation, in the terms and scopes established by the regulation together with the documentation and/or requirements that are requested for this purpose.

Companies that carry out the activities described in subparagraphs (a) and/or (e) of Article 2 of this Law shall certify the conduct of the activity/s promoted/s in accordance with the foresight set out in paragraph (a) above, even if they may perform, if applicable, any of the other activities set out in this Article.

In addition, companies interested in registering in the Register must meet at least two (2) of the following requirements regarding the activity/s promoted/s:

1. Accredit the continuous improvement in the quality of its services, products and/or processes, or through a recognized quality standard applicable to its services, products and/or processes.

2. Accrediting investment in:

2.a Training of their employees and/or recipients in general, in topics related to the knowledge economy in a percentage regarding their last year's wage mass of at least one percent (1%) for micro-enterprises, two percent (2%) for small and medium-sized women, in the terms of Article 2 of Law 24,467 and its modulatory and complementary standards, and five percent (5%) for large companies. Such investments in training for unemployed persons under twenty-five (25) years and over forty-five (45) years of age, women who first access formal employment and/or other vulnerable groups determined by the implementing authority may be computed by double their value. In all cases such investments in trainings should be carried out with entities of the education system; or

2.b Research and development (which includes novelty, originality and/or creativity) in a percentage regarding their total last year billing of at least one percent (1%) for micro-enterprises and two percent (2%) for small and medium-sized enterprises, in the terms of Article 2 of Law 24.467 and its modulatory and complementary standards and three percent (3%) for large companies.

In respect of enterprises that develop the activity described in Article 2 (e) of this Law, the percentages indicated for large enterprises shall apply.

3. Accredit the realization of exports of goods and/or services that arise from the development of some of the activities promoted and/or the development and intensive application of them, in a percentage regarding their total turnover of the last year of at least four percent (4%) for the Micro Enterprises and ten percent (10%) for the Small and Medium Enterprises, in the terms of Article 2nd of Law 24,467 and its complementary standards.

Companies that develop the activity described in article 2 (e) of this Act shall comply with the requirements set out in points (1) and (2) above.

III- Revalidation. The companies registered in the National Register of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, in order to maintain their status as registered, shall credit every two (2) years from their registration in the Register, which:

- They are in normal course in compliance with their tax, labour, trade union and forecasting obligations;

- They maintain and/or increase their staff payroll in respect of the statement at the time of submission of their application for registration according to the criteria established by the application authority. This requirement may be audited annually;

- That they continue to meet the requirements of the activities promoted;

- That the additional requirements accredited at the time of registration have been increased by a percentage that will effectively establish the application authority according to company size and the type of activity promoted.

Failure to comply with any of these commitments will result in the implementation of article 15 of this Act.

They shall be fulfilled in accordance with the forms and conditions established by the implementing authority.

The implementing authority may consult with specialized agencies of the national or provincial system of innovation, science and technology - in a non-binding manner - to receive advice in order to evaluate the frame at the time of registration, determine the proportionality of the benefit and to analyse the incremental requirements set out in the biennial revaluation of those companies that request registration under the modality described in item II. (b) of this article.

(Article replaced by Article 2 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020). (The term “...even...” of the text of the first paragraph (b) of point II was observed by article 1 of the Decree No. 818/2020 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 5° - Self-development activity is excluded from the regime established in this Act for the purpose of being computed within the percentage of billing required to constitute the activity promoted described in article 2 (a) of this Act. For the purposes of this law, it is understood by self-development that a legal person has made for its own use or for corporate and/or financially linked companies, and in all cases by revising the final user character.

(Article replaced by Article 3 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Article 6: Where micro-enterprises are concerned, in the terms of Article 2 of Law 24,467 and its amendments, which are less than three (3) years old from the beginning of activities, they shall only be required to establish that they operate in the country, on their own account and as a main activity, any of the activities mentioned in Article 2 of this Law.

After four (4) years of registration to the National Register of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge or, on the occasion of failing to be framed as a micro-company, what happens first, they must comply with the provisions of Article 4 of this Law.

The above provisions will not apply to those companies that develop as an activity promoted the one described in Article 2 (e) of this Law.

(Article replaced by Article 4 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


Tax treatment for beneficiaries

Art 7° - Stability of benefits. The subjects reached by the Law on the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge shall enjoy the stability of the benefits established by it, in respect of its activity/is promoted/s, from the date of its registration in the National Registry of Beneficiaries of the Regime of the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, and by the end of its validity, provided that they comply with the verifications of the requirements provided by the said regime (revalidation of audits,).

(Article replaced by Article 5 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 8° - The beneficiaries of this Act may convert into an intransferable tax credit bond up to seventy per cent (70%) of the employer ' s contributions that have actually paid for the social security systems and subsystems in respect of the properly registered employees affected to the activity/s defined in Article 2°.

These bonds may be used for the term of twenty-four (24) months since their issuance for the cancellation of national taxes, in particular the tax on aggregate value and other national taxes and advances, in case of proceeding, excluding the tax on profits. This period may be extended by twelve (12) months for reasons justified under the authority of application.

The tax credit bond may not be used to cancel debts prior to the effective incorporation of the beneficiary into the regime of this law and, in no case, any balances in his favour will result in refunds or returns by the national State.

Without prejudice to the above, only those beneficiaries who credit exports from their activity/s promoted/s may opt for the benefit set out in the first paragraph to be used for the cancellation of income tax in a percentage not greater than the percentage of reported exports during registration.

In no case can the tax credit bonus exceed neither individual nor jointly seventy percent (70%) of the employer's contributions that would have been paid by the staff affected to the activity/s promoted/s.

For all cases, the benefit applied on employers ' contributions will have a range limit of up to the equivalent of seven (7) times the amount of employees determined for section II of the median companies of the services sector, under the terms of section 2 of Act 24.467 and its amendments. Over the maximum number of staff indicated in the preceding paragraph, the franchise provided above will be additionally computable with respect to the new properly recorded labour incorporations, to the extent that such incorporations signify an increase in the total payroll of employees declared at the time of registration in the National Register of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge and provided that they are affected to the realization of the promotion/moves. The application authority may set parameters within the scope of the new incorporations.

The tax credit bond established in this article and the following shall not be computable for its beneficiaries for the determination of net profit in the profit tax.

The application authority and the Federal Public Income Administration (AFIP), autarchic entity within the Ministry of Economy, within their respective competences, shall regulate the forms and conditions of issuance, registration and use of the tax credit bond.

For the purposes of granting tax credit bonds, a tax quota shall be established, which shall be distributed on the basis of the criteria and conditions established by the enforcement authority.

For the purpose of establishing such a tax quota, it should include the amount of benefits for the beneficiaries incorporated into the scheme and which are necessary for the continuity of the promotion, having to be established by the General Budget Law for the National Administration, on the basis of the proposal that the authority of implementation be developed with the Ministry of Economy.

(Article replaced by Article 6 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Article 9 - Additional incentives. The amount of the benefit provided for in the preceding article shall amount to 80 per cent (80%) of the employer ' s contributions that have been effectively paid, for social security systems and subsystems in the case of new properly registered labour incorporations, of:

(a) Women;

(b) Transgender, transgender and transgender persons have or have not rectified their data in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 26,743;

(c) Professionals with postgraduate studies in engineering, exact or natural sciences;

(d) Persons with disabilities;

(e) Residents of “unfavourable zones and/or relatively less developed provinces”;

(f) Persons who, prior to their recruitment, would have benefited from social plans, among other interest groups, to be incorporated at the discretion of the implementing authority, provided that the amount of staff is exceeded in relation to timely declared dependency.

The application authority shall also establish the definitions and clarifications it deems relevant, in order to render the franchise operational.

(Article replaced by Article 7 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 10.- Tax on profits. The beneficiaries of this law will have a reduction of a percentage regarding the total amount of the income tax corresponding to the activity/s promoted/s, determined in each exercise, according to the following scheme: sixty percent (60%) for micro and small enterprises, forty percent (40%) for medium-sized enterprises and twenty percent (20%) for large companies. This benefit will apply to both the gains of Argentine and foreign sources, in the terms established by the application authority.

This benefit will be applicable to fiscal exercises that are initiated after the date of registration of the beneficiary in the aforementioned registry.

(Article replaced by Article 8 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 11.- Retentions and perceptions. The beneficiaries of this regime that conduct export operations in respect of the activity/s promoted/s, shall not be subject to retention and perceptions of the value added tax.

In the forms and conditions established by the regulation, the Federal Public Income Administration shall issue the respective record of the benefit provided in the preceding paragraph.

In addition, the tax agency may issue the record to other beneficiaries who, due to the particular characteristics of their activities, will be approved by the Ministry of Productive Development and the Ministry of Economy.

(Article replaced by Article 9 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


Payment of income tax

Art. 12.- Beneficiaries of this regime may consider the deductible expense for the purpose of determining the tax on profits, the amount equivalent of the actual paid or retained analogues abroad, on the basis of the income obtained in contradiction of the activities covered by Article 2 of this Law, to the extent that such income was considered as gains of Argentine source, in the terms of the Tax on Gain.

(Article replaced by Article 10 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


Verification and control. Violations and sanctions

Art. 13.- Information system. Verification and control. The information system to be fulfilled by the beneficiaries of this regime shall be established in the regulation of this law.

The implementing authority, by itself or through national universities, specialized agencies or colleges or professional councils of each jurisdiction, shall conduct audits, checks, inspections, controls and/or evaluations in order to ascertain the proper fulfilment of the obligations and commitments made by the beneficiaries and the maintenance of conditions that have enabled them to conform to the regime.

The above-mentioned tasks will be solved by the beneficiaries by paying a fee, which in no case may exceed four per cent (4%) calculated on the amount of tax benefits obtained under the regime.

The application authority shall establish the procedure for determining the percentage, time and form of payment, as well as the other conditions for the perception of the rate.

Art. 14.- Sending information. The Federal Public Income Administration, an auto-archic entity within the Ministry of Economic Affairs, shall provide the enforcement authority with the information required by it for the purpose of verifying and controlling compliance with the conditions of access and stay in the regime, not in accordance with that requirement, the institute of the fiscal secrecy provided for in article 101 of Law 11.683, which was ordered in 1998 and its amendments. For this purpose, the application for registration of the beneficiary in the registry provided for in article 3 of this Act shall entail the full consent and authorization of the beneficiary in favour of the Federal Public Income Administration, for the transfer of such information to the enforcement authority and its processing.

In the event of the detection of non-compliance by the beneficiaries, the enforcement authority shall inform the collecting agency.

(Article replaced by Article 11 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 15.- Sanctions. Failure to comply with the provisions of the present Law on the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, the information system and/or the falseness of the information declared by the beneficiary and/or the documentation presented will result in the application, individually or jointly, of the following sanctions, without prejudice to those that may correspond to the application of criminal and/or previsional and/or tax legislation:

(a) Suspension of the benefits of this regime for the period of non-compliance. This suspension may not be less than three (3) months or more than one (1) year. During the suspension, the tax credit bond may not be used for the cancellation of national taxes;

(b) Decreasing the Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy;

(c) Revocation of registration as a beneficiary, which shall have effect from the date of registration or from the time of the configuration of the grave breach, in accordance with the gravity of the breach;

(d) Payment of unregistered taxes, with more interest and accessories;

(e) Return to the enforcement authority of the tax credit bond if it has not been applied;

(f) Disqualification to re-register for beneficiaries;

(g) Imposition of fines in an amount that may not exceed 100 per cent (10 per cent) of the benefit granted or used in breach of the applicable law.

For the assessment and valuation of sanctions, the enforcement authority must take into account the seriousness of the offence, the fiscal injury and the company ' s record in the enforcement of the regime.

(Article replaced by Article 12 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 15 bis.- Decaying full benefits. In the event of any of the following situations, full-fledged profits will occur, namely:

(a) Reduction of the staff of registered personnel affected by the activity/s promoted/s listed in article 2 of the present law at the time of registration to the Register established in article 3, for a period exceeding sixty (60) days after the termination of the link or suspension resulting from such quantitative alteration;

(b) Detection of unregistered workers under article 7 of Act 24,013;

(c) Incorporation in the Public Registry of Employers with Labour Sanctions (REPSAL);

(d) Verification of the use of fraudulent practices for the acquisition and/or use of profit.

(Article 13 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


Treatment applicable to beneficiaries of law 25.922.

Art. 16.- The balances of tax credit bonds not applied as at 31 December 2019, by the beneficiaries of the Law Software Promotion Regime 25,922 and its amendment, will remain in force until their exhaustion.

(Article replaced by art. 14 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 17.- Deadline for accrediting requirements for beneficiaries of law 25.922. From the promulgation of this law and until its entry into force, the beneficiaries of the Law Software Promotion Regime 25.922 and its amendment shall express their willingness to continue in the Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime, through the submission of the respective application for accession.

The formalities established for this purpose will be incorporated into the National Register of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, as a date of registration on 1 January 2020. To this end, they must be in normal course in compliance with their obligations with the Software Industry Regime.

To that end, it will be understood that a company benefiting from the above-mentioned Act 25,922 is in normal course of fulfilling its promotional obligations with respect to the Software Industry Regime, when it reflects the outcome of the annual audit reports provided for in article 24 of the Act, or the comments made therein are corrected, as determined by the implementing authority.

(Article replaced by Article 15 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


General provisions

Art. 18.- I. Consider the Trust Fund for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, henceforth FONPEC, which shall be a trust in administration and finance with the scope and limitations set out in this Act and its regulation. The rules of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation shall also be applied.

II. Object. The FONPEC and the trusts established within the framework of the Act will aim to finance training and training activities to strengthen the activities promoted in this Act, to support productive investments, to finance labour capital, to promote the development of environmentally sustainable enterprises, to promote the international commercial integration of enterprises, the activities of productive innovation and new enterprises that are part of the activities promoted by Article 2 of this Law.

The fund will be aimed at financing the above-mentioned activities, with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and new enterprises being targeted in the framework of the sectors and activities promoted in the present promotion regime. The application authority shall establish the forms and conditions of access to the financing tools that are granted within the framework of FONPEC.

III. FONPEC resources.

1. The FONPEC will have a heritage made up of the Trusted Goods, which in no case constitute, nor will they be considered as budgetary, tax or any other nature that puts at risk the fulfilment of the purpose to which they are affected, nor the manner or opportunity to be carried out. These assets are:

(a) Contributions of the beneficiaries of the regime established by this Act amounting to up to four per cent (4 per cent) of the total amount of the benefits received;

(b) The resources that are allocated annually through the corresponding General Budget laws of the National Administration or other laws that sanction the Honorable Congress of the Nation;

(c) Legacy or donation income;

(d) Funds provided by national, provincial, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, international or non-governmental organizations;

(e) Funds that can be generated or recovered as a result of the implementation of programmes and the implementation of the objectives of the fund;

(f) The incomes and fruits of these assets;

(g) Funds from public tender placement of negotiable securities issued by the fund through the capital market;

(h) Funds from public or private, national or foreign companies that decide to support the development of the knowledge economy industry;

(i) Income for the penalties provided for in the absence of this law;

(j) Resources from unutilized balances or non-extrabudgetary funds established by the implementing authority, while the tasks to which they are affected are fully accomplished.

2. Funds integrated into FONPEC shall be deposited in a special trust account which shall act as a financial agent thereof. With the resources of FONPEC and as an integral part of it, the implementing authority will be able to create different assets of affectation to achieve a better investment, allocation and administration of available funds.

IV. Trust contract. Subscription. Subjects.

The trust contract of the Trust Fund for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge shall be signed between the Ministry of Productive Development, or the latter designates, as a fiduciant, and the public entity, public banking entity or society controlled by any of them that designates the implementing authority, as a trustee.

V. Steering Committee.

1. The management of the fund will be in charge of a steering committee, which will have the competence to perform the analysis and define the eligibility of the entities to which funding or contributions will be provided, the setting up of the granting of the tools financed with FONPEC. For this purpose, the distribution criteria established by the implementing authority must be met.

2. The functions and powers of the committee shall be defined in the regulation.

3. The committee shall be composed of representatives of jurisdictions with competence in the matter, in accordance with the forms and conditions established by the regulation. The Presidency of the latter shall be in charge of the authority for the implementation of this promotional regime.

VI. Duration.

FONPEC will have the same duration as the Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime. However, the trustee will retain sufficient resources to meet the outstanding, actual or contingent commitments that the trust fund has made to date of the termination of those obligations.

VII. Tax exemptions.

Explain to FONPEC and its trustee, in its operations directly related to FONPEC, all existing national taxes, fees and contributions and to be established in the future, including the aggregate value tax and the credit and debit tax on bank accounts and other operators. The exemption to the latter tax shall apply to the movements of the accounts used exclusively for the purpose of its creation.

(Article replaced by Article 16 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 19.- Implementing authority. The enforcement authority of the Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime shall be the Ministry of Productive Development, who may dictate the clarification and complementary standards necessary for the proper functioning of the same.

(Article 17 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 20.- The Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge will take effect from 1 January 2020 for adhering companies from the Law 25,922 and from the publication of this Law for new companies. The duration of the same will be until December 31, 2029.

(Article replaced by art. 18 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Art. 21.- The benefits set forth in this Act may be applied in conjunction with those of Article 9 (b) of Law 23.877, Law 24.331 and Law 26,270, and the restrictions therein are not applicable. In any case, accessing benefits must be met with the requirements set out in the applicable regulations.

Art. 22.- Invite the provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the municipalities to adhere to this regime through the dictation of promotional standards similar to those set out in this Act.

(Article replaced by Article 19 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)


(Instrumental chapter by art. 20 of the Act No. 27.570 B.O. 26/10/2020)

Transitional clauses

Transit clause 1a. Please note that the Ministry of Productive Development will be the authority for the implementation of the Law on the Promotion of the Software Industry, 25,922 on remaining and transitional issues.

Transit clause 2a. If, on the basis of the annual audit report provided for in article 17, there are adjustments to the amount of the benefit received under Act No. 25,922, such amounts may be discounted as to the benefits of applications under the regime established by this Act, in the terms and conditions determined by the implementing authority, without prejudice to the application of other sanctioning measures that may be appropriate.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, adjustments under Act No. 25,922 shall not, under any circumstances, result in an increase in the benefit requested under the present regime, nor shall any benefits not be recognized in due course.

Transit clause 3a. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for approval of the Flow and Use of Funds for each budget period to the Trust Fund for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy (FONPEC).

Transient clause 4a. During the period of the public emergency in the field of health established by the decree of necessity and urgency 260/2020 and the preventive and compulsory social isolation provided by decree 297/2020 and its successive extensions, it shall not be required, at the time of the registration to the National Registry of Beneficiaries of the Regime for the Promotion of the Economy of Knowledge, the accreditation of compliance with the additional requirements provided for in article 4 of the present. Such accreditation may be deferred, at the request of the person concerned, for a maximum period of one hundred and eighty (180) days of completion of the aforementioned exceptional circumstance, as established by the application authority, within thirty (30) working days. Companies that opt for the above-mentioned option must credit at the time of applying for this alternative, that their staff payroll has been increased with respect to the payroll it had as at 31 December 2019.

The non-observance of deferred accreditation in the forms, timelines and conditions established by the application authority will result in the revocation of registration and the subsequent return of the promotional benefits used under it.

Transit clause 5a. It is established that, according to the public emergency in the field of health established by the decree of necessity and urgency 260/2020 and the social, preventive and compulsory isolation provided by decree 297/2020 and its successive extensions, the proportional increase envisaged for the first biennial revalidation referred to in article 4o, II will not be required.

Art. 23.- Contact the national executive branch.



MARTA G. MICHETTI - EMILIO MONZO - Eugenio Inchausti - Juan P. Tunessi

e. 10/06/2019 N° 41010/19 v. 10/06/2019