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Educational Cooperation Agreements (Cuba) - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CONVENIOS COOPERACION EDUCATIVA (CUBA) - Texto completo de la norma

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CONVENTIONS Law 25.359 Adopt a Convention on Educational Cooperation signed with the Republic of Cuba.

Sanctioned: November 1, 2000.

Enacted: December 1, 2000.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation gathered in Congress, etc., sanction with force of law:

ARTICLE 1 Adopt the Convention on EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGAINST THE ARGENTINA REPUBLIC AND THE REPUBLIC DE CUBA, signed in Buenos Aires on 25 November 1998, consisting of ONCE (11) articles, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law.

ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



RAFAEL PASCUAL . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Roberto C. Marafioti. . Alejandro L. Colombo.






The Argentine Republic and the Cuba Republic, henceforth called "The Parties";

Aware that education and knowledge are fundamental in integration processes;

Inspired by the will to consolidate the common identity factors of the peoples of both countries;

Encouraged by the conviction that education must respond to the challenges posed by productive transformations, scientific, technological advances and the development of social justice to consolidate democracy on the continent; and

Considering the need to reach an Agreement that provides an appropriate framework for strengthening, cooperation, exchange and mutual growth in the field of education;

They agree:

Article I

1. The Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of education.

2. To that end, they will facilitate the ongoing exchange of information, publications and updated documentation on the characteristics of the respective educational systems.

Article II

1. The Parties shall establish a Technical Bilateral Commission to develop and coordinate the implementation of an Agreement on Recognition of Basic Education, Certificates and Degrees of General Education and Polymodal Education or their equivalent denominations.

2. They will also encourage the study of mechanisms for the recognition of studies and degrees of Higher Education.

Article III

The Parties shall encourage all activities that are jointly agreed to be conducive to the implementation of the provisions of this Convention, including:

  • exchange and cooperation in innovative educational experiences, as well as in the organization and implementation of joint activities;

  • joint planning and development of programmes related to areas of university outreach and training and teacher training;

  • Establishment of an exchange programme for university, professional and intellectual teachers, who will visit the other State for the purpose of issuing courses and conferences;

  • design of programs for the exchange of advanced students of degree courses;

  • subscription of cooperation agreements between the respective agencies and national institutions, related to all levels of education;

  • exchange of specialists and experiences linking educational systems in the area of technological education, vocational training, the world of work and production.

Article IV

The Parties shall prioritize multilateral cooperation for the financing of advisory, research and education development projects through national programmes of general, technical and vocational education.

Article V

1. The Parties shall endeavour to grant, on the basis of reciprocity, post-graduate fellowships to professionals or specialists selected by the other Party for further development studies.

2. The amount of scholarships and their characteristics will be reported through diplomatic channels.

Article VI

Each party will promote, in its teaching centres of the different levels, the conduct of specialization courses, post-graduate courses or specific professorships for the wider dissemination of culture, history, geography, literature, arts, science, folklore and the economy of the other Party.

Article VII

Each Party shall, in accordance with its domestic legal system, facilitate the entry and discharge of its territory, of educational materials and of all objects which, from the territory of the other Party, contribute to the effective development of the activities undertaken under this Convention.

Article VIII

The Parties will prioritize multilateral cooperation for the financing of research projects and academic mobility of students through the linkage of higher education institutions to existing networks and will foster the formation of new ones.

Article IX

The Parties shall promote the establishment of an Information Common Data Bank containing calendars of educational activities, competitions, awards and fellowships, and human resources and infrastructure payrolls available in both States, as well as any other information that the Parties deem to be a priority for the implementation of this Convention.

Article X

1. For the implementation of this Convention, the Parties establish a Joint Commission that shall be composed of representatives of the competent agencies that the Parties, in the same number, designate. The same will be presided by the authorities of the respective Ministries of Education, in coordination with the competent areas of both Foreign Ministry.

2. The Commission shall have the following functions:

(a) Design of Executive Programmes.

(b) Periodic evaluation of such programmes.

3. The Joint Commission shall meet every three years and alternately in the territory of each Party.

Article XI

1. This Convention shall enter into force thirty days after the date of exchange of instruments of ratification.

2. The same shall remain in force indefinitely, without prejudice to which the Parties may denounce it at any time. The complaint shall be made in writing and shall take effect within six months of the date of the complaint note received by the other Party.

3. Ongoing programmes and activities at the time of communication of the complaint will be completed until their complete completion.

Made in Buenos Aires, on the 25th of November 1998, in two equally authentic originals.