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Republican Agreement Of Venezuela - Cultural Cooperation - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CONVENIO REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA - COOPERACION CULTURAL - Texto completo de la norma

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CONVENTIONS Law 25.477 Adopt a Convention on Cultural Cooperation signed with the Republic of Venezuela.

Sanctioned: October 24, 2001.

Cast: November 19, 2001.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the Convention on CULTURAL COOPERATION between the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the REPUBLIC DE VENEZUELA, signed in Buenos Aires on September 7, 1999, consisting of DIECISIETE (17) articles and UN (1) annex, whose authenticated photocopy is part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



PASCUAL RAFAEL. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Roberto C. Marafioti. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.

Convention on Cultural Cooperation between the Argentine Republic


the Republic of Venezuela

The Argentine Republic and the Republic of Venezuela (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties");

Guided by the need to strengthen and strengthen the traditional brotherhood of their peoples;

Convinced that for the wider development of culture in the two States, more intimate mutual knowledge is essential and necessary,

Encouraged by the desire to increase cultural integration between both States and the region;

They agreed to the following:

Article I

1. The Parties undertake to promote cooperation and exchange between the institutions and cultural agents of each country.

2. To this end, each Party shall support the initiatives undertaken in its territory in favour of the dissemination of the cultural and artistic expressions of the other Party, as listed in the Code of Activities as Annex I to this Convention.

Article II

The Parties shall establish a procedure for the exchange of information relating to matters under this Convention.

Article III

Each Party shall endeavour to extend the cultural cooperation established under this Convention to all regions of its territory.

Article IV

Each Party shall recommend to the official and private institutions, especially to the societies of writers, artists and the cameras of the book, to submit their publications in any format to the national libraries of the other Party. It will also sponsor the translation and editing or co-editing of literary works by national authors of the other Party.

Article V

Each Party shall cooperate in the promotion and dissemination in its territory, through the media at its disposal, of the cultural manifestations of the other Party.

Article VI

Each Party shall promote the programming of joint actions between its own public or private entities of cultural diffusion and similar institutions of the other, aimed at the implementation of related activities for the purpose of this Convention.

Article VII

Each Party shall promote the development of activities and exchange in the fields of historical research and the compilation of bibliographic, audiovisual and computer material.

Article VIII

Each Party shall promote the production of films under the regime of co-production and co-distribution.

Article IX

The Parties shall encourage the signature of specific Agreements on Inter-Agency Cooperation and Official Cultural Institutions of both States.

Article X

Each Party undertakes to adopt the legal procedures that facilitate the free entry and exit of its territory, on a temporary basis, of cultural property necessary for the implementation of the artistic and cultural activities contemplated in this Convention.

Article XI

1. The Parties shall convene a Bilateral Technical Commission on the Circulation of Cultural Property, composed of representatives of the Directorates of Cultural Affairs of each Foreign Ministry, the Ministries or Secretariats of Culture, the portfolios of the Economy of the Argentine Republic and the Treasury of the Republic of Venezuela, and customs agencies of both States. This Commission will aim to draw up a list of "Cultural Goods", for the purposes of its total degravation.

2. The working group of this Bilateral Technical Commission, at the conclusion of its tasks, shall send to the respective Foreign Ministry the final document to be incorporated as an Additional Protocol to this Convention.

Article XII

The Parties recommend the use of a computerized Common Data Bank, which contains calendars of diverse cultural activities (festivales, competitions, awards, fellowships, etc.) and staff payrolls, as well as the description of infrastructure available in both States.

Article XIII

1. For the implementation of this Convention, the Parties create the Cultural Executive Commission that will be composed of representatives of the competent agencies that the Parties, in the same number, designate. The same will be coordinated by the General Directorates of Cultural Affairs of both Chancellery and the Ministries or Secretariats of Culture of each country.

2. The Commission shall have as its objectives:

(a) Design Executive Implementation Programmes.

(b) Establish forms of funding.

(c) Periodically assess the status of such programmes.

3. The Cultural Executive Commission shall meet at any time at the request, through diplomatic channels, of one of the Parties.

Article XIV

This Convention replaces the Agreement on Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela, which was signed in Caracas on 20 December 1984, in all that is related to cultural matters.

Article XV

This Convention shall be subject to ratification and shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the date of exchange of the relevant instruments of ratification.

Article XVI

This Convention shall have an indeterminate duration and may be denounced at any time by any Party, by written notification, in advance of six months, at the end of which it shall cease.

Article XVII

The Parties of common agreement may make amendments to this Convention, which shall enter into force through the procedure established in Article XV.

Made in the city of Buenos Aires at 7 days of September 1999, in two equally authentic specimens.


General Code of Activities

To identify thematic areas and sub-areas
