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Health Publishes National Sexual Health Programme. - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: SALUD PUBLICA PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE SALUD SEXUAL... - Texto completo de la norma

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PUBLICA HEALTH Act 25.673. The National Programme for Sexual Health and Responsible Procreation is established within the Ministry of Health. Objectives. Sanctioned: October 30, 2002. Enacted: November 21, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Trust the National Programme for Sexual Health and Responsible Procreation within the Ministry of Health.

ARTICLE 2 The objectives of this programme will be:

(a) To reach for the population the highest level of sexual health and responsible procreation in order to make decisions free of discrimination, coercion or violence;

(b) Reduce maternal and child morbidity;

(c) Prevent unwanted pregnancies;

(d) Promoting adolescent sexual health;

(e) Contribute to the prevention and early detection of sexually transmitted diseases, vih/side and genital and maternal pathologies;

(f) Ensure access to information, guidance, methods and services for sexual health and responsible procreation to the entire population;

(g) Enhancing women ' s participation in decision-making on their sexual health and responsible procreation.

ARTICLE 3 ElThe program is intended for the general population, without any discrimination.

ARTICLE 4 This Act is part of the exercise of the rights and obligations that make parental authority. In all cases, the satisfaction of the best interests of the child in the full enjoyment of his or her rights and guarantees under the International Convention on the Rights of the Child will be considered paramount (Law 23.849).

ARTICLE 5° The Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Ministries of Education and Social Development and the Environment, will be responsible for the training of educators, social workers and other community operators to train appropriate agents:

(a) Improve the satisfaction of demand on the part of health workers and agents;

(b) To contribute to the training, development and updating of basic knowledge related to sexual health and responsible procreation in the educational community;

(c) Promote in the community spaces of reflection and action for the apprehension of basic knowledge linked to this program;

(d) Properly detect risk behaviors and provide containment to risk groups, which will seek to strengthen and improve neighborhood and community resources to educate, advise and cover all levels of prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, vih/side, and genital and breast cancer.

ARTICLE 6 The transformation of the care model will be implemented by strengthening the quality and coverage of health services to provide effective responses on sexual health and responsible procreation. To that end, it shall:

(a) Establish an appropriate health control system for early detection of sexually transmitted diseases, vih/side and genital and breast cancer. Conduct diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;

(b) On the demand of the beneficiaries and on the basis of previous studies, prescribe and supply the contraceptive methods and elements that must be reversible, non-abortive and transient, respecting the criteria or convictions of the recipients, except for specific medical contraindication and prior information provided on the advantages and disadvantages of the natural methods and those approved by ANMAT;

(c) Conduct periodic controls after the use of the chosen method.

ARTICLE 7 The benefits mentioned in the previous article will be included in the Compulsory Medical Programme (PMO), the national nomenclator for medical practices and the pharmacological nomenclator.

The health services of the public system, social health security and private systems will incorporate them into their coverage, on an equal basis with their other benefits.

ARTICLE 8 The periodic dissemination of this programme should be carried out.

ARTICLE 9 Public educational institutions of private denominational management or not, shall comply with this rule in the framework of their convictions.

ARTICLE 10. Private institutions of a confessional nature that provide for themselves or for third parties health services may, on the basis of their convictions, be exempt from compliance with article 6 (b) of this Act.

ARTICLE 11. The enforcement authority shall:

(a) Implement the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme;

(b) Subscribe agreements with the provinces and with the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, so that each one organizes the program in their respective jurisdictions for which they will receive the provisions of the National Treasury provided for in the budget. Failure to comply with it will cancel the agreed transfers. Within the framework of the Federal Health Council, the liquors corresponding to each province and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be established.

ARTICLE 12. The expenditure that demands compliance with the public sector programme will be charged to jurisdiction 80 - Ministry of Health, National Programme for Sexual Health and Responsible Procreation, of the General Budget of the National Administration.

ARTICLE 13. The provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are invited to adhere to the provisions of this law.



EDUARDO CAMAÑO. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.