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Agreement Road Conversion Pampa - Full Text Of The Standard

Original Language Title: CONVENIO CONVERSION VIAL PROV.LA PAMPA - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
CONVENTIONS Law 25.654 Seize a signed agreement between the National Road Authority and the Government of the Province of La Pampa, within the guidelines set out in the Framework Convention for Road Reconversion in the Province of La Pampa. Sanctioned: September 18, 2002. Promulgated: October 18, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 The agreement signed in February 1998 between the National Directorate of Vialidad and the Government of the Province of La Pampa, within the guidelines set out in the MARCO CONVENTION VIAL IN THE PROVINCIA OF THE PAMPA, by which the first delivery on property to the second, the predio located in Section II-Fraction D lot 19 identified catastrallytic: E This agreement is an integral part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . MARCELO E. LOPEZ ARIAS. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan J. Canals.


Between the GOVERNMENT of the PAMPA PROVINCIA represented in this act by the Lord DR. RUBEN HUGO MARIN, henceforth called "THE PROVINCIA" and on the other hand the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF VIALITY represented by the General ADMINISTRAtor ING. GUILLERMO CABANA, with legal domicile in Avda. Pte. Julio A. Roca 738 of the City of Buenos Aires, henceforth called "NATIONAL VIALITY", agree, within the guidelines set out in the MARCO CONVERSION FRAMEWORK IN THE PROVINCIA DE LA PAMPA, signed on August twenty-eight, nine hundred and ninety-three (25.8.93), and conditioned on the realization of it, to conclude this agreement subject to the following clauses:

FIRST: "NATIONAL VIALITY" authorizes "THE PROVINCIA" to enter a land area of approximately 23,000 m2, according to angles, measures and dimensions that arise from the messure to perform, within a larger area owned by "NATIONAL VIALITY", in the place indicated in the croquis that is accompanied forming an integral part of this agreement and located according to Nomenclatura Catastral: Plot 14

The remaining surface of the site in no case shall be less than seven thousand eight hundred square metres (7,800 m2).

Prior to entry and for the purpose of delimiting the land to be used by "THE PROVINCIA", it must proceed to carry out the messura and delinde in its charge, with the approval of the competent agencies, at the end of CENTO OCHENTA (180) days from the date of signature of this agreement.

SECOND: The period of this authorization begins from the signing of this agreement and will end the day when "THE PROVINCIA" fulfills the obligations it assumes by the present or in its default at the end of the CUATRO (4) years from the date, foreseen as a maximum time for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. THIRD: "THE PROVINCIA" will develop in the fraction of land that is authorized to enter, to attend to the tasks involved in the aforementioned Framework of Road Reconversion in that Province, as well as to make the improvements it deems necessary for the fulfillment of the intended purpose, without affecting the activity of "NATIONAL VIALITY" in the site. FOURTH: "THE PROVINCIA" undertakes to build within the maximum period of CUATRO (4) years from the date of this agreement, a building in the property designated as Ejido 047; Circumscription I; Radio K; Quinta 2; Plot 46 of the Province of La Pampa, according to Plano Registered No. 24.848, subject to the registration of Horizontal Property, where it will reserve a covered area of approximately 1,290.00 m2. DISTRICT and the REGION, as well as preview within the same predium the construction of a premises for the REGIONAL LABORATORY of an area of approximately one hundred ten square meters (110 m2). FIFTH: After the construction of the building described in the fourth clause, with the prior approval of "NATIONAL VIALITY", before the four-year period established in the second clause, the parties shall proceed to perform the following acts:

"NATIONAL VIALITY" is committed to evicting the building that currently occupies, at the time that "THE PROVINCIA" delivers the possession of the property on horizontal property built for the operation of its Units, so it will also hand over to "THE PROVINCIA", the fraction of the land referred to in the first clause.

"THE PROVINCIA" will give in property to "NATIONAL VIALITY" the property unit detailed in the fourth clause; plus the premises of 110 m2. Previewed in the same clause for operation of the REGIONAL LABORATORY.

SEXTA: "THE PROVINCIA", in addition to the acts committed in the fifth clause, it is obligated to build and/or adapt existing constructions for Mechanical Workshop, Workshop of Signing, Beach of Maniobras and Deposit of Regional Materials, Save of Equipment in use and out of use, Save of Automotives, Housing for personnel displaced from areas where the conservation activity has been transferred to the PROVINCIAL DIRECTION has been SEPTIMA: After the four (4) years set out in the second clause, without the fulfilment of the commitments made in this agreement, the automatic resolution of the agreement will occur. OCTAVA: In the event of a resolution, "THE PROVINCIA" must proceed to evict the property within a period of ninety (90) days, under the expectation of starting legal eviction actions. NOVENA: "THE PROVINCIPLES" in addition to the obligations assumed in the present convention, it undertakes to comply with the following acts: 1) It will communicate annually to "NATIONAL VIALITY", through its Official Gazette the inclusion in the Budget of the total and partial amount for each year of the works referred to in this agreement; 2) The annual amount may not be less than the fourth of the total, attentive that the construction period is calculated at a maximum of four years; 3) From the date on, it will include in its annual budget, the appropriate part-time provision for the work of that year.

The omission of the inclusion of the annual item in the budget of the Province for a single period shall imply the resolution of this convention.

The parties consider this requirement to be met for the budget period 1998, and must comply with the second, third and fourth part of the years 1999, 2000 and 2001.

DECIMA: For all legal purposes, the parties set legal domicile: NATIONAL VIALITY at Avda. Pte. Julio A. Roca 738, City of Buenos Aires and, "THE PROVINCIE" at the Civic Center of the City of Santa Rosa, Province of La Pampa. DECIMA FIRST: For all the legal effects of this agreement, the parties agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the City of Buenos Aires.

Five (5) copies of the same tenor and one effect, in the City of Buenos Aires, are signed to the ................days of the month of February of 1998.