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Civil Aviacion Statute Of The Latin American Commission - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: AVIACION CIVIL ESTATUTO DE LA COMISION LATINOAMERICANA - Texto completo de la norma

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CIVIL AVIATION Law 25.620 Amendments to the Statute of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission were approved. Sanctioned: July 17, 2002. Enacted: August 9, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Appropriate the Amendments to the CLAC Statue (Articles 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 and 25), adopted by the XII Ordinary Assembly of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission held in Panama City .REPUBLICA DE PANAMA cuyas on 8 November 1996, whose authenticated photocopies form part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.

Latin American Civil Aviation Commission




CONSIDERING that it is necessary to keep open the possibility that the Commission may establish consultative and cooperative relations with any international governmental or non-governmental organization (Article 7).

CONSIDERING that it is appropriate for the Regional Commission to extend the period between Assemblies of two to three years, so that there is a match with the Assemblies of the ICAO and have sufficient time to carry out the established programmes of work (Article 9).

CONSIDERING that it is necessary to specify the required majority (simple or absolute) of the member States or of the States present at a meeting entitled to vote (Articles 10, 11, 12 and 20),

CONSIDERING that, in practice, Member States that are not part of the Executive Committee have actively participated in their meetings and have carried out specific tasks to them entrusted, which would need to modify Article 15 of the Statute.

CONSIDERING that the above modification allows all member States to participate in the meetings of that Committee with full rights.

CONSIDERING that it is necessary to regulate more accurately the functions of the President and the Secretary of CLAC within the Statute (Articles 15 and 16).

CONSIDERING that the Statute may be amended by a two-thirds majority of member States (Article 25).



(1) Adopt the following amendments to the Statute of CLAC in relation to Articles 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 and 25:

Article 7:

He says:

The Commission may maintain consultative relations with the Organization of American States (OAS), the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), the Latin American Free Trade Association (ALALC), the Board of the Cartagena Agreement ( Andean Pact), the Central American Common Market (MCCA) and the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARITFA), in order to cooperate with these agencies, providing assistance in the field of civil aviation. It may also establish relations with the European Civil Aviation Commission (ECAC), the African Civil Aviation Commission (CAFAC) and any other organization as appropriate or necessary.

You must say:

The Commission may maintain consultative and cooperative relations with any international governmental agency or not, including by providing assistance in the field of Civil Aviation.

Article 9

He says:

The Assembly consisting of representatives of member States will hold regular meetings at least once every two years.

You must say:

The Assembly of representatives of member States shall hold regular meetings at least once every three years.

Article 10

He says:

The Assembly will hold extraordinary meetings at the initiative of the Executive Committee, or when the Executive Committee receives a request from most States members of the Commission.

You must say:

The Assembly will hold extraordinary meetings at the initiative of the Executive Committee, or when the Executive Committee receives a request from a simple majority of the States members of the Commission.

Article 11

He says:

Regular and extraordinary meetings require a quorum of most member States.

You must say:

The ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Assembly require the simple majority of member States to be seceded.

Article 12

He says:

The Conclusions, Recommendations or Resolutions of CLAC shall be taken by deliberation of the Assembly, in which each State shall have the right to one vote. Except as provided for in Article 25, the decisions of the Assembly shall be taken by a majority of the States represented.

You must say:

The Conclusions, Recommendations or Resolutions of CLAC shall be taken by deliberation of the Assembly, in which each State shall have the right to one vote. Except as provided for in Article 25, the decisions of the Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority of the States present.

Article 15

He says:

The Executive Committee, composed of the President and the Vice-Presidents, elected by the Assembly, shall administer, coordinate and direct the programme of work established by the Assembly, and may form Committees and Working Groups or Experts, where necessary,

You must say:

1. The Executive Committee, composed of the President and the Vice-Presidents, elected by the Assembly, to which the heads of delegation of the member States attending each of the meetings shall be integrated with full rights, shall administer, coordinate and direct the programme of work established by the Assembly, and may form Committees and Working Groups or Specialists, where necessary.

2. The functions of the President are:

(a) To represent and carry out its functions on behalf of the Commission.

(b) To consult with representatives of member States or any other person or organization in order to fulfil the objectives of the Commission.

(c) To convene the ordinary, extraordinary and special meetings of the Commission, the Committees and the Working Groups or Specialists of the Commission.

(d) Examine the credentials and report thereon to the Assembly.

(e) To perform the functions set out in the relevant Articles of the Regulations.

Article 16

He says:

A Secretariat shall be organized by the Executive Committee in accordance with the rules and instructions provided by the Assembly and the provisions of this Statute.

You must say:

1. A Secretariat shall be organized by the Executive Committee in accordance with the rules and instructions provided by the Assembly and the provisions of this Statute.

2. The Secretary:

(a) He will be responsible for the technical and administrative work of the Secretariat.

(b) It will be responsible for keeping representatives of member States informed of the activities of the Commission.

3. Officials including the Secretary:

(a) They shall not request or receive, in the performance of their duties, instructions of any Government or authority outside the Commission.

(b) They shall refrain from any act that may jeopardize their status as International Officials responsible to the Commission. Each member of the Commission, in turn, undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the Secretariat and will not seek to influence it.

Article 20

He says:

The CLAC Executive Committee may amend this budget after consultation with member States. In the event that such a budget should be increased, the prior approval of most such States would be required.

You must say:

The CLAC Executive Committee may amend this budget after consultation with member States. In the event that such a budget should be increased, the prior approval of the simple majority of member States would be required.

Article 25

He says:

This Statute may be amended by a two-thirds majority of member States.

You must say:

This Statute may be amended by an absolute two-thirds majority of the States members of the Commission.

(2) The present amendments to the CLAC Statute shall enter into force when at least two thirds of the total membership have deposited the instrument of approval in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States.

Secretariat for Foreign Affairs,

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