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National Electoral Code Its Reform - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: CODIGO NACIONAL ELECTORAL SU REFORMA - Texto completo de la norma

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ELECTORAL NATIONAL CODIGO Law 25.610 Reform. Sanctioned: June 19, 2002. Promulgated: July 5, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:


ARTICLE 1 Amend article 14 of the National Electoral Code, Act No. 19,945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall read as follows:

"Article 14. Functions of the electors. All the functions that this law attributes to the board authorities are irrenunciable and will be compensated in the manner determined by this law and its regulation."

ARTICLE 2 Amend the first paragraph of article 41 of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall be drafted as follows:

"Article 41. Election tables. Each circuit will be divided into tables which will be constituted with up to four hundred fifty (450) registered voters, grouped by sex and alphabetical order. "

Article 3 Incorporate as Chapter IV bis - From the electoral campaign - of Title III of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following rules:


From the electoral campaign

Article 64 bis. Duration of the electoral campaign. For the purposes of this law, the electoral campaign will mean the set of activities carried out in order to explicitly promote or discourage the capture of the suffrage in favour of, or against, candidates for official status in national elective public office.

Academic activities, debates, conferences, presentation of plans and projects, holding conferences and symposiums will not be considered as part of the electoral campaign.

The election campaign for the election of deputies and national senators can only begin sixty (60) days before the date set for the composition. When it comes to the election of president and vice president, the campaign can only begin ninety (90) days before the date set for the commission.

Article 64 ter. Media advertising. The issuance and publication of advertisements in television, radio and graphic media is prohibited in order to promote the capture of suffrage for candidates for national elective public office prior to the thirty-two (32) days prior to the date set for the composition.

Article 64 quater. Publicity of acts of government. During the electoral campaign, publicity of government acts may not contain elements that explicitly promote the capture of suffrage in favour of any candidate for national elective public office.

It is prohibited during the seven (7) days prior to the date set for the commission, the conduct of inaugural acts of public works, the launch or promotion of plans, projects or programs of collective scope, and, in general, the realization of any act of government that can promote the capture of the suffrage for any of the candidates for national elective public office. "

ARTICLE 4 s Amend the title and subparagraph (f) and incorporate as article 71 (h) of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall be drafted as follows:

"Article 71. Prohibitions. It is forbidden:"

"f) Perform public acts of proselytism and publish and disseminate pre-electoral polls and polls, from forty-eight hours before the initiation of the composition and to the closing of it. "

"h) Publish or disseminate surveys and projections on the outcome of the election during the commission and up to three hours after its closure. "

ARTICLE 5o Amend article 72 of the National Electoral Code, Act No. 19,945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall read as follows:

"Article 72: Board Authorities. Each electoral table shall have as the sole authority an official who shall act with the title of president. An alternate shall also be appointed, which shall assist the President and replace him in cases determined by this law.

In the event of the election of President and Vice-President of the Nation, the officers designated for the first round shall also perform that function in the event of the second round.

Citizens who have served as officers shall receive a compensation consisting of:

(a) A compensatory franc, for national civil servants and public employees;

(b) A lump sum for via, for those who are neither national public officials nor employees.

Sixty (60) days prior to the date set for the commission, the Ministry of the Interior shall determine the amount to be liquidated in respect of the via established in subparagraph (b) of this article. The resolution will be communicated immediately to the federal judge with electoral competence in each district.

The Executive Power shall regulate the conditions, time and manner in which the compensations provided for in this Article shall be effective. "

ARTICLE 6 Amend article 76 of the National Electoral Code, Act No. 19,945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall read as follows:

"Article 76. Obligations of the board authorities. The chairman of the table and the alternate shall be present at the time of the opening and closing of the electoral event, with his special mission to ensure the correct and normal development of the electoral event. In replacing each other, the staff members will leave a written record of the time they take and leave office. "

ARTICLE 7 Modify the title and incorporate as the last paragraph of article 105 of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following text:

"Article 105. Communications."

"The President will forward a copy of the telegram to the National Electoral Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior."

ARTICLE 8 Amend article 128 of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, which shall read:

"Article 128. Arms carrier. Banishment of flags, currency or distinctive supporters. A term of up to fifteen (15) days or a fine of up to five hundred pesos ($ 500) shall be imposed on any person who violates the prohibition imposed by article 71 (e) of this Act. "

Article 9 Incorporate as article 128 bis of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following text:

"Article 128 bis. Proselytism acts. Publication of surveys and projections. A fine of between ten thousand ($ 10,000) and one hundred thousand pesos ($ 100,000) shall be imposed on any natural or legal person who violates the prohibitions imposed by article 71 in its subparagraphs (f) and (h) of this law. "

ARTICLE 10. Incorporate as article 128 ter of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following text:

"Article 128 ter. Media advertising.

(a) The political party that violates the limits of broadcasting and publishing advertising notices on television, radio and graphic media, will lose the right to receive contributions, subsidies and any annual public funding resource, for a period of one (1) to four (4) years and funds for campaign financing for one (1) to two (2) elections.

(b) The physical or legal person who does not comply with the limits of broadcasting and publishing advertising notices on television, radio and graphic media will be liable to a fine of between ten thousand ($ 10,000) and one hundred thousand pesos ($ 100,000).

(c) The natural or legal person who exploits a means of communication and who violates the prohibition established in article 64 ter of this law shall be liable to the following penalty:

1. Fine equivalent to the total value of the second advertising of one (1) up to four (4) days, according to the billing of that medium in the month prior to the one in which the offence occurs, if it is a television or radial medium.

2. Fine equivalent to the total value of the centimeters of advertising of one (1) up to four (4) days, according to the billing of that medium in the month prior to the month in which the infringement occurs, if it is a graphic medium. "

ARTICLE 11. Incorporate as article 133 bis of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following text:

"Article 133 bis. Publicity of government acts. Public officials who authorize or consent to publicity of acts of government in violation of the prohibition established in article 64 quater shall be liable to disqualification from one (1) to ten (10) years for the exercise of public office. "

ARTICLE 12. Incorporate as article 171 of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945 t.o. by Decree 2135/83 and its amendments, the following text:

"Article 171. Todas All those rules of the National Electoral Code, Law 19.945, t.o. by decree 2135/83 and their amendments, which refer to the two alternates of the chairman of the table, shall be understood as referring to the alternate of the chairman of the table."

ARTICLE 13. Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.