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Student Tourism - Regulations - Updated Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: TURISMO TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL - NORMATIVA - Texto actualizado de la norma

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TURISTIC VIEWS AGENTS Act 25.599 Please outline the requirements for those who provide student contingent services. Definition of student tourism. Presentation of Jury Statements and Service Sale Contracts. Content. Implementing authority. Sanctioned: May 23, 2002. Partially promulgated: June 13, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 The well-appointed and registered tourist travel agencies in the Registry of Travel Agents of the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, in accordance with Act No. 18,829 providing services to student contingents, must have a "national certificate of authorization for student tourism agencies". ARTICLE 2 For the purposes of this Law, it shall be understood by student tourism to:

(a) Study trips: Training activities integrated into the curricular proposal of schools, which are organized and supervised by the authorities and teachers of the respective establishment;

(b) Travel of graduates: Tourist activities carried out in order to celebrate the completion of an educational or career level, which are organized with the participation of the parents or guardians of the pupils, for the purpose of recreation and recreation, other than the curricular proposal of the schools and without prejudice to the minimum of days of class provided for in the school calendar of each educational jurisdiction.

Article 3 The "National Certificate of Authorization for Student Tourism Agencies" will be issued by the Register of Travel Agents by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, which will evaluate and accredit compliance with all legal remedies required by this law and its regulations. ARTICLE 4 All proceedings arising from the application of this Act shall be incorporated into the section of each agency operating in the Register of Travel Agents of the Ministry of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation. (Note Infoleg: By art. 7° of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007, the name "Ministerio de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte" is replaced by that of "Secretariat of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation"). ARTICLE 5o Travel agencies operating with student tourism in order to obtain the corresponding authorization certificate must submit an affidavit containing the following information:

(a) Staff of the company centralcasa central y sucursales de that will serve, in the field of it, the area of student tourism, with personal data and specification of the position it performs;

(b) Name, date of birth, number of documents and domicile of persons who will be responsible for the care, coordination and control of the fulfilment of commitments in the duty stations of travel. The domicile in which they will operate in each place should also be reported;

(c) Programs offered. Brief synthesis of the services to be provided, name and address of the different service providers: hotels, transporters and those responsible for the excursions with clarification of the number of places contracted with each of them. Copies of folletry and dissemination materials will be attached;

(d) List of staff who will perform the role of group coordinator that should be of greater age, indicating name, document number, domicile, studies completed and seniority that reviews in the company;

(e) List of promoters performing in each agency, name, age, document number and domicile, studies completed, seniority that reviews in the company;

(f) The owner of the agency must accompany authenticated photocopy of the contract model to be used for the sale of the services;

(g) Number of services programmed, sold or reserved, indicating the expected date of departure of contingents, educational establishment to which they belong, destination, hotel in which they will be accommodated, transport to use and all services included. The total price and price per contingent, the quality, type and category of the different services should be expressly specified. Also, except for the year of initiation of the activity, a memory must be accompanied in which the statistical detail of the activity carried out the previous year is indicated. (Incision replaced by art. 1 Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007).

ARTICLE 6 ! The Travel Agencies, which have the ability to operate in the category Student Tourism, shall present to the Authority of Application an annual affidavit or any change that modifies the same, within the QUINCE (15) working days of the same.

Failure to comply with the above-mentioned duties shall entail the application of the fine penalty provided for in article 10 of Act No. 18,829, or which replaces it in the future.

(Article replaced by Article 2 of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007). ARTICLE 7 Contracts for the sale of student tourism services will contain the complete data of the tourist travel company and will obligatoryly indicate detailed information of:

(a) Authorization to operate with student tourism;

(b) Denomination of educational establishments: domicile, level, course and list of students and their companions;

(c) Name and address of the different providers of transport, accommodation, food, visits and other services, clearly specifying types, categories, qualities, duration, with clarification of the number of places contracted with each of them. Date of departure from the different contingents, number of students who compose it, hotel in which they will be accommodated, restaurants and transport modalities to be used for transfers in the place of stay. Contracts with the legend "and/or similar or equivalent" shall not be accepted;

(d) Confessive certification of the recruitment of a comprehensive liability insurance for travel agents.

Confessive certification of recruitment for each of the tourists who make up the student contingent of personal accident insurance that covers the risk of death and total or partial incapacity, permanent or transitory, medical and pharmaceutical assistance and other travel assistance services, and other instruments that establish regulation. In all cases, they must cover physical risks from the start to the end of the trip, in the detail of the companies contracted, with the firm accreditation of the authorization issued by the counter-reference agency according to the matter in question. (Incision replaced by art. 3rd of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007).

(e) Accreditation of the creation of sufficient guarantees, in order to resolve possible partial and/or total breaches arising from contractual relations, through the establishment of security trust funds and/or guarantees of a property and/or bank and/or financial and/or deposits in guarantee and/or caption insurance, as determined by the Implementation Authority. This enumeration is of a enunciative nature.

In all cases of this subparagraph, the credited guarantees shall be in accordance with the final amounts of the services involved. (Convention of article 4 of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007).

ARTICLE 8 The Ministry of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation will provide tourist agencies and all interested models for the conclusion of contracts for student travel. (Note Infoleg: By art. 7° of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007, the name "Ministerio de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte" is replaced by that of "Secretariat of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation"). Article 9 Tourist travel agencies that do not comply with and/or alter the services previously agreed upon in the contract, without express consent from the other party, shall pay to the injured party the value of the paid service price that has been breached. ARTICLE 10. The Secretariat of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation or the agency that in the future replaces it will be the Authority of Implementation of this norm, as well as its regulatory and complementary provisions.

Without prejudice to the provisions of this Act, the Consumer Defence Act No. 24,240 and its supplementary rules and their respective Implementing Authorities shall apply in the consumption relations that are generated.

(Article replaced by Article 5 of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007). ARTICLE 11. . Without prejudice to the provisions of this law, the consumption relations that are generated shall apply law 24,240 and supplementary rules. ARTICLE 12. . If for reasons of force majeure it was impossible to use any of the previously contracted services, the agency must always provide one of equal or higher categories to the established. Without prejudice to the provisions of this article, the user may choose to terminate the contract by requiring the agency to refund the total amount of the services that have been breached. ARTICLE 13. (Article repealed by Article 8 of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007) ARTICLE 14. The Ministry of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation will promote, in coordination with the educational authorities of the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the conduct of study trips. (Note Infoleg: By art. 7° of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007, the name "Ministerio de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte" is replaced by that of "Secretariat of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation"). ARTICLE 15. The Ministry of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation will inform the educational authorities of each province and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, through the Ministry of Education or the Federal Council of Culture and Education, this regulation and its regulation, the models of contracts and the updated payrolls of travel agencies authorized to operate with student tourism, for the purposes of their knowledge and decision-making. (Note Infoleg: By art. 7° of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007, the name "Ministerio de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte" is replaced by that of "Secretariat of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation"). ARTICLE 16. The Ministry of Tourism of the Presidency of the Nation may apply the penalty of cancellation of the "National Certificate of Authorization for Student Tourism Agencies" to the tourist travel agencies that violate the requirements of this law, in accordance with the procedure set out in article 18 and subsequent of Law No. 18,829, without prejudice to the supplementary application of the other sanctions contemplated in the aforementioned law, or the one that replaces the future.

Travel Agents who develop Student Tourism, without having the Certificate required by Article 1 of this Law, in any of its modalities, shall be liable to the maximum penalty provided for in Article 10 of Law No. 18.829. For the purpose of recidivism, the fine imposed may be fivefold, in accordance with article 15 of Act No. 18.829.

(Article replaced by Article 6 of the Act No. 26,208 B.O. 17/1/2007). ARTICLE 17. Default any regulation that is contrary to this law. ARTICLE 18 Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.

NOTE: The bold texts were observed.