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Sanctioned: April 11, 2002.
Enacted: May 6, 2002.
The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 . Recognize the performance of Argentine citizens, who are then named for their relevant merits, courage and heroism in defense of the sovereignty of the homeland during the South Atlantic War. ARTICLE 2 la Grant the Cross of "La Nación Argentina al Valor en Combate", to the following people:- Comodoro Roberto Hugo PERROTO
- Vicecommodore Guillermo Alberto MULLER.
- Senior Officer (R) Roberto CARAVACA.
- Senior Officer Manuel Oscar LOMBINO.
- Chief Assistant Officer (R) Andrés Wenceslao MANYSZYN.
- Assistant Officer (R) Luis Oscar MARTINEZ.
- Assistant Officer (Baja) Juan Domingo TELLO.
Article 3 la Grant the Cross of "La Nación Argentina al Herido en Combate", to the following person:- Vicecomodoro Darío Antonio Del Valle VALAZZA.
ARTICLE 4 El The National Executive will proceed through the Ministry of Defence, to the preparation of the decorations and the corresponding honorary diplomas. ARTICLE 5o . Citizens indicated in Articles 2nd and 3rd acquire the right to participate in the official formations of their Command, Unity or Independent Subunity, even after having been unconvoked, discharged or withdrawn from active service. ARTICLE 6o O Expenditures deriving from this law shall be covered by General Rent. ARTICLE 7 . Contact the executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE ONCE DAYS OF THE MONTH OF APRIL YEARS DOS MIL DOS.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. - MARCELO E. LOPEZ ARIAS. - Eduardo D. Rollano. - Juan C. Oyarzún.