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General Budget Of The National Administration Year 2002 - Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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BUDGET Law 25.565 Approve the General Budget of the National Administration for the year 2002.

Sanctioned: March 6, 2002.

Partially promulgated: March 19, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:





ARTICLE 1 Please note that the current and capital costs of the 2002 NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION BUILD AND FOUR MILLIONS are recorded in the amount of CUARENTA AND TREINTA AND CUATRO MILLIONS ($ 42,844,471,934) are the current and capital costs of the 2002 NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 annexes to this article.





Government Administration



Defence and Security Services




Social Services




Economic services




Public Debt







Economics based on the Financial Implementation Programme








La HACIENDA SECRETARIAT OF THE MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE, will effectively fulfill the "Economy" included in the preceding table by programming the financial execution.

ARTICLE 2 Note in the sum of TREINTA AND NEW MIL OCHOCIENTS NOVENTA and CINCO MILLONES TREINTA AND NEW MIL VEINTIUN PESOS ($ 39,895,339.021) the Resource Calculation of the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION aimed at meeting the expenses set forth in Article 1 of the present Law

Current resources


Capital resources


TOTAL: 39.895.339.021
Article 3 . Note in the sum of TEN MIL SEISCIENTS CUARENTA AND CUATRO MILLONES TRESCIENTS VEINTICINCO MIL SETECIENTS CUARENTA AND DOS PESOS ($ 10.644.325.742) the amounts corresponding to the figurative expenses for current transactions and of capital of the NACIONAL ADMINATION Figures according to the corresponding amount established 9 and 10, annexed to this article. ARTICLE 4 As a result of the provisions of articles 1, 2, and 3, the Financial Result estimated in the sum of DOS MIL NOVECIENTS BODY AND NEW MILLONES SCIENT TREINTA Y DOS MIL NOVECIENTOS TRECE PESOS ($ 2,949,132,913) will be met with the Sources of Finance, deducted from the Financial Applications and indicated in the following 11, 12 and 13 annexes to this article:


Funding sources


- Decrease in Financial Investment


- Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities


Financial applications


- Financial investment


- Debt amortization and decrease of other liabilities


Note in the amount of QUINIENTS QUINCE MILLONES SETENTA AND A MIL SETECIENTOS PESOS ($ 515,871,700) the amount corresponding to figurative expenses for Financial Applications of the National Administration is accordingly established the Funding for Figure Contributions for Financial Applications of the National Administration in the same amount.



ARTICLE 5o Authorize, in accordance with article 60 of Law No. 24,156, the entities mentioned in the table annexed to this article, to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the said table. The amounts indicated in the table correspond to actual placement values. The use of this authorization must be informed to both Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

The Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Management Systems will conduct public credit operations for the Central Administration.

The MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INFRAESTRUCTURA may make changes to the detailed characteristics of the said plan for the purpose of adapting them to the prevailing conditions in the markets and/or improving the profile of public debt.

ARTICLE 6 The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER, through the MINISTERY of ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE, will initiate efforts to restructure public debt in the terms of article 65 of Law No. 24,156, in order to adapt the services of the same to the possibilities of payment of the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE will inform the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF NATION the advance of the trafficking and the agreements to which it is arrived.

During the time required to reach an agreement, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER through the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE may totally or partially defer the payments of public debt services in order to meet the basic functions of the NATIONAL STATE.

ARTICLE 7 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 5 and Article 8 of this Law, authorize the Responsible Body for the Coordination of Financial Administration Systems, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 60 and 82 of Law No. 24,156, to place LETRAS DEL TESORO, at the time of up to TRESCIENTS SESENTA AND CINCO (365) days, to maintain the nominal value in circulation as at 31 December 2001. In accordance with the financing requirements of the NATIONAL STATE, the amount authorized in this article may be reduced for the purpose of increasing the amount authorized in Article 5 of this Law. ARTICLE 8 de Note in a MIL SETENTATIVE COATROCIENTS AND SEIS MILLIONS OF PESOS ($ 1.476,000.000) the maximum amount of placement of CONSOLIDATION BONOS and PREVISIONAL DEUDY CONSOLIDATION BONS, in all their series, for the payment of the obligations under Article 2 (f) of Law 25.152. The placements will be carried out in the chronological order of entry to the NATIONAL OF PUBLIC CREDITO of the SUBSECRETARIA OF FINANCING under the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCIALS of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INFRAESTRUCTURA of the Payment Requirement Forms that meet the requirements of the regulation.

The obligations covered by this article and those reached by Decree No. 1318 of 6 November 1998 shall be met, pending the renegotiation process referred to in article 6 of this Law, by the delivery of BONS OF CONSOLIDATION referred to in article 16 of the Law 25,344 and PREVIEW CONSOLIDATION BODIES - IV SERIE.

ARTICLE 9 . The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall, in the consideration of the HONORABLE CONGRESS OF THE NATIONAL, raise a draft law concerning the process of restructuring debts and the pessification of debts and credits of the banking system, authorizing the indebtedness derived from such processes and the measures that must be taken with the aim of not altering the financial result to which the present article.

ARTICLE 10. The option of creditors to receive CONSOLIDATION BONS in United States Dollars and PREVIEW CONSOLIDATION BONS in United States dollars, whatever the series in question, is cancelled.

The obligations that had originally been agreed upon in U.S. Dollars, and the Payment Requirement Forms entered into the NATIONAL OF THE PUBLIC CREDICT OF THE SECRETARY OF FINANCIALS of the MINISTERY of ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCT that had not been cancelled to the date of promulgation of this Law, shall be converted to conditions that had not been cancelled to the national currency.

ARTICLE 11. s Note in the sum of POS MIL QUINIENTS MILLONES ($ 2,500,000) and in the sum of QUINIENTS MILLIONS OF PESOS ($ 500,000) the maximum amount of authorization to the General Treasury of the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL, respectively, to make use, temporarily, of the short-term credit referred to in articles 82 and 83 of Law No. 24.156. ARTICLE 12. Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY E INFRAESTRUCTURE to offer BONS OF CONSOLIDATION, within the limits set out in Article 8, to those recognized holders of debt eligible for the "Financial Plan Republic Argentina 1992" who have not subscribed Debt Agreements in the terms of Decree No. 204 of 8 February 1995 and who accept the exchange of CIN000. ARTICLE 13. . Facultase the SECRETARIAN OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY E INFRAESTRUCTURE to grant guarantees of the NATIONAL TESORO for public credit operations according to the detail in the grid annexed to this article and for the maximum amounts determined in it.

Please also provide for the expiration, from the date of promulgation of this Law, of the authorizations to grant the NATIONAL TESOROs included in specific laws and which have not been exercised to date.

The new authorizations will expire at the year of the sanction of the rules that empower it.




ARTICLE 14. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS shall distribute the provisions of this Law at the level of the limiting provisions provided for in the classifications except those for the Transfers which shall be disaggregated at their highest level, and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories that it deems relevant. ARTICLE 15. Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to introduce extensions to the budgetary credits approved by this Law and to establish its distribution to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originated in loans from International Financial Agencies to which the Nation is a party, provided that their amount is offset by the decrease in other budgetary provisions and without altering the result referred to in article 4 below. ARTICLE 16. The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will be able to provide extensions in the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration and the Decentralized Agencies, and their corresponding distribution, funded with increased resources with specific impact, own resources or donations that they receive during the period. The measures taken in the use of this faculty shall be directed by the TREINTA and CINCO (35 %) to the NATIONAL TESORO. Except for such contribution to resources with specific impact on Provinces, donations and the sale of goods and/or services. ARTICLE 17. Please provide the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS with the necessary budgetary restructurings within the total approved by this Law, subject to article 37 of Act No. 24,156, ensuring that the compensations to the Jurisdiction 35, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship originated in the additional cost derived from the transfers to the foreign delegations are covered by the variations in the type of authorization.

It may also, within the authority given in the preceding paragraph, affect capital expenditures and financial applications up to a total amount of SESENTA MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 60,000) during the period to increase current expenditures.

ARTICLE 18. Increases in the positions and hours of chairs that exceed the totals set out in the annexed tables to this article may not be approved. Except for such a limitation to the compensation of charges arising from the reforms to the Law on Ministries and/or the organizational structures of the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration that are either available, and the positions corresponding to the Higher Authorities of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER.

The charges for the executive functions provided for in Decree No. 993 of 27 May 1991 and for the restructuring of posts originating in favourably issued claims and regimes establishing incorporations of agents who complete specific training courses for the armed forces, security forces, the foreign service of the Nation, the National Parks Corps, the career of the Scientific and Technological Researcher and the field of technology are also excluded.

The exceptions provided for in this article shall be approved by decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS.

ARTICLE 19. Except as a well-founded decision of the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration shall not be able to fill the vacant posts existing at the date of the sanction of this Law, nor those that occur subsequently. They are exempted from the above-mentioned provisions of the vacant posts funded by the National Civil Service Senior Authorities and the coverage of posts by officials of the Active Permanent Body of the Foreign Service of the Nation, as well as personnel of the Armed and Security Forces, including the FEDERAL PENITENCIARY SERVICE, originated by the replacements of those agents who have gone into retirement. ARTICLE 20. Subparagraph 1 - Expenditures in Personnel of the Jurisdictions and Entities of the National Administration shall fully address the growths of any nature that are produced by application of the existing scale standards for each jurisdiction and entity.

The greatest cost that may arise as a result of changes in organizational structures and modifications aimed at the general order of the existing labour regulations will be met with an impact on the provisions set out in this Law, for which the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS is entitled to make appropriate budgetary changes.

ARTICLE 21. National Civil Service interns may continue their internships until one year after the date they pass the last subject of their careers. Graduated interns will be able to perform days up to OCHO (8) hours, with a weekly activity of CINCO (5) days, with the stimulus provided for in Article 5 of Decree No. 428 of 29 May 2000 and Annex I of Decree No. 93 of 19 January 1995. ARTICLE 22. THE EXCHANGE OF THE MINISTRY GOVERNMENTAL JEFF TO make the necessary budgetary modifications as a result of the completion of the construction and inauguration of the building for the formation of the ARGENTINA ARMADA sub-offices in the Naval Base of Port Belgrano, in accordance with the authorization conferred by Article 40 of the Law No. 25,237 And CULTO pursuant to Law No. 24,815. ARTICLE 23. The amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90 - SERVICE OF PUBLICA DEUD includes the sum of DIECIOCHO MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 18.000.000) for the care of the debts referred to in Article 7 (b) and (c) of Law No. 23.982.



ARTICLE 24. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of Act No. 24,156, the contracting of works or acquisition of goods and services whose period of execution exceeds the financial period of 2002, in accordance with the detail provided in the annexed Table to this article. ARTICLE 25. . Look at the total credit for the National Universities for the sum of a MIL SETECIENTS NINE AND SELECT MILLONES SETECIENTS CUARENTA MIL PESOS ($ 1,977,740,000), in accordance with the detail of the annexed Table to this article.

The allocations of resources by Programmes, the amounts of which are detailed in the mentioned table, will be distributed by the Ministry of EDUCATION, also enabling it to establish the concepts that make up the same and the requirements for improving the quality, efficiency and equity of resource allocations.

ARTICLE 26. National Universities shall comply annually with the provisions of article 46 of Act No. 24,156 and shall conform to the provisions of Decree No. 1023 of 13 August 2001 and its regulations. They will also refer to the Ministry of EDUCATION ' s SECRETARY OF UNIVERSITARIAN POLITICS the minimum budgetary information platform of the Integrated Human Resources System (SIRHU), established by Decree No. 645 of 4 May 1995. Authorize the Secretariat to require the General TESORERIA OF THE NATION under the SECRETARIAN OF HACIENDA, the suspension of the cancellation of Payment Orders for the National Universities that have not complied with the sending of the information referred above.

National Universities will present in a semi-annual manner the SECRETARIAT OF UNIVERSITARIAN POLITICES of the Ministry of EDUCATION, SCIENCE And TECHNOLOGY the goals reached at the level of each independent unit (Rectorates, Faculty or Departments, Hospitals, Centers, etc.) according to the details of those that consist in the budget and plan of action presented at their time. The Secretariat shall make available to the General NATIONAL AUDITORY, where required, the documentation received.

ARTICLE 27. The corresponding integration of the FONDO ANTICICLICO FISCAL created by Article 9 of Law No. 25.152, with the exception of the impact of the resources derived from the concessions in the terms set forth in the article. ARTICLE 28. Replace the second paragraph of article 10 of Act No. 25,237, replaced by article 15 of Act No. 25,401, incorporated in Act No. 11,672, COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT OF BUDGET (T.O. 1999), with the following text:

"JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will authorize the commencement of the final negotiations of the operation prior opinion of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INFRAESTRUCTURA on the feasibility of the operation, especially considering the following concepts:

(a) Economic-technical bill of the draft according to the rules of the Public Investments Act.

(b) Incidence of the operation taking into account the subjection of the tax rules provided for in Act No. 25,152, the restriction imposed by Act No. 25,453 and the set of credit operations in the process of execution.

(c) Financial valuation and feasibility of loan conditions affecting NATIONAL TESORO and other domestic resources.

(d) Personnel Plant of the Executing Unit and its budgetary impact, in case its creation is necessary."

ARTICLE 29. The NATIONAL DIRECTION OF MIGRATIONS and the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF THE NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF PERSONS shall act as decentralized agencies of the INTERIOR MINISTERY. Leave the articles Nros without effect. 10 and 11 of Decree 1045 of 16 August 2001. ARTICLE 30. Please refer to the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFE to incorporate in the National Administration Budget the credits, and the corresponding financing for the implementation of Law No. 24,813, including the amounts of the Added Value Tax and the customs duties of the equipment to import.

Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of Law No. 24,156, to perform the contractings derived from the National Radarization Plan to an amount of investment, including taxes and rights of TREENTS VEINTE MILLONES of PESOS ($ 220,000,000), affecting the TREINTA and DOS WITH CINCO FOR CIENTO (32,5%) to the fiscal year 2002, The total plan may also be implemented, partially or alternatively, through the Private Participation System of Infrastructure Projects. If opted for this modality, authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, on the basis of the total amount of the investment, to establish the multi-year flow of counterfeiting, which may include in additional form the financial cost, the cost of maintenance and operation of the investment, as well as the definitive incorporation and modernization of the existing equipment.

Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to set the values or, where appropriate, scales and amounts to apply of the aeroportuistic rates whose perception is carried out by the Argentine Air Force referred to in Decree No. 500 of 2 June 1997. In no case the increases or decreases to which it may take place, may be higher than the VEINTE BY CIENTO (20%) of those in force. The increases to which there is a place for the implementation of the provisions herein shall be allocated to the financing of the National Radarization Plan.

Please also provide the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS with the necessary budgetary modifications to offset the higher costs authorized by this article.

Please note also to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to affect until the VEINTICINCO BY CIENTO (25%) of the annual canon that must be paid by the AEROPUERTS ARGENTINA 2000 S.A. to the jurisdiction 45 . Ministerio de Defensa - Sub Jurisdicción 45.23 . General Staff of the Argentine Air Force to attend the area of aviation services Except the income provided for in this section of the scope of article 16 of this Law.

ARTICLE 31. Authorize the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER to cancel during the year 2002 with the resources of the NATIONAL TESORO, the amortization of financial debts of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR JUBILADOS and PENSIONADOS, up to a maximum amount of CINCUENTATIVE SCIENTA AND NEW MILLIONS OF PESOS ($ 159,000.000).



ARTICLE 32. Appropriate the income as a contribution to the NATIONAL TESORO of the sum of QUINIENTS VEINTIOCHO TRESCIENTS SETENTA y DOS MIL TRESCIENTOS PESOS ($ 528,372,300), according to the distribution indicated below, and for the attention of expenses of the Central Administration and for the cancellation of debts for contributions to the NATIONAL TEROSE:

Central Administration jurisdictions


Decentralized agencies


Trust funds


Official banks


The distribution of budgetary provisions referred to in article 14 of this Law shall detail the agencies involved with the indication of the corresponding amounts and the destination thereof (debits or debt repayment).

The JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS will set the schedule of payments in order not to interfere in the normal operation and the commitments made by them.

ARTICLE 33. Entities of the National Public Sector covered by section 8 (b), (c) and (d) of Act No. 24,156 and its amendments shall effect the proportional decrease of their primary expenses under article 34 of Act No. 24,156 replaced by article 10 of Act No. 25.453, according to the coefficient of the reduction established by the SECRETARIA DE HACITER The savings generated will be transferred to the NATIONAL TESORO within the first QUINCE (15) days of the month following the corresponding decrease.

The enterprises and societies of the State that finance their operating expenses with contributions of the NATIONAL TESORO will not make such a transfer, reducing that amount.

ARTICLE 34. . Note in the sum of THREE SETENTA SYSTEMS AND SIETE MIL PESOS ($ 3.677,000) the amount of the regulatory rate as set out in article 26, paragraph 1, of Act No. 24.804 − National Act on Nuclear Activity. ARTICLE 35. - Replace article 44 of Law No. 11.672 - PERMANENT COMPLEMENTARY OF BUDGET (t. 1999) with the following text:

Provide the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INFRAESTRUCTURA to place the availability of the NATIONAL TESORO and those for the Social Security Institutions that are made available to the General TESORERIA OF THE NATION, in paid accounts of the country or abroad, or in the acquisition of public securities or local or international recognized resources. 23.660, 23.661 and 19,032 and their modifications. The SECRETARY OF HACIENDA shall issue the clear and complementary rules of this article.



ARTICLE 36. Please note the annual quota referred to in article 3 of Act No. 22,317 in the amount of DOCE MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 12,000.000). It is established that, from the date of validity of this Law, the amount of the tax credit referred to in the aforementioned Law shall be administered by the SECRETARIAT OF PEQUEÑA AND MEDIA AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT under the MINISTERY OF PRODUCTION. ARTICLE 37. ). Note the annual quota referred to in Article 9 (b) of Law No. 23.877 in the sum of VEINTE MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 20,000.000). ARTICLE 38. Within appropriations a la Jurisdicción 91 - Obligaciones a Cargo del Tesoro the amount of CIENTO CUARENTA and OCHO MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 148,500.000) has been included to meet the deficits of the Jubilee Boxes of those Provinces that have subscribed and/or subscribe Conventions in the present period under Article 12 of the FEDERAL COMMITMENT to the extent that the aforementioned jurisdictions comply with the provisions of the respective conventions.



ARTICLE 39. Replace article 68 of Act No. 11.672 of the PERMANENT BUDGET COMPLEMENTARY (T.O. 1999) with the following text:

The judicial pronouncements condemning the NATIONAL STATE or any of the Entities and Agencies that make up the NATIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR to pay a sum of money or, without doing so, their fulfillment is resolved in the payment of a sum of money, shall be satisfied within the authorizations to make expenses contained in the various Jurisdictions and Entities of the General Budget of the National Administration, without prejudice to the maintenance. 23.982 and 25,344.

In the event that the budget for the financial period in which the sentence should be served lacks sufficient budgetary credit to satisfy it, the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER shall make the necessary forecasts for inclusion in the following year, to which end the jurisdictions and entities requested shall take steadfast knowledge of the sentence by 31 July of the year corresponding to the submission of the project,

The resources allocated annually by the HONORABLE CONGRESS of the NATION shall be affected by the performance of the sentences by each Financial Administrative Service and in strict order of antiquity according to the date of judicial notice and until its exhaustion, taking into account the remaining resources allocated in the following fiscal year.

ARTICLE 40. The sum of SETENTA and CUATRO MILLONES SETECIENTS CUARENTA MIL PESOS ($ 74,740,000) for the payment of judgements by the appropriate party to pay in cash, corresponding to the main, as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments made in the benefits of the Public Previsional Regime and the amount of DIECISIETE 23,200

The cancellation of debts referred to in the preceding paragraph is subject to the availability of the respective resources, which for the present fiscal period will be strictly affected by the following priority orders:

(a) Consolidated debt cancellation: the resources will be distributed to creditors in the first place to those of older age and, within this system, giving priority to those who have lower claims to be charged.

(b) Cancellation of court judgements: remedies will be used first to comply with the judgements reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment and then to the judgements reported in 2001. The first case will give priority to older beneficiaries and, in the second case, the chronological order of notification of final judgements shall be strictly respected, in accordance with the order of priorities that, on a four-monthly basis, on the basis of the judgements recorded at each time, establish the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY.

Authorize the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make modifications to the budgetary credits necessary in the event that the application of Act No. 25,344 modifies the instrument of payment of the previsional judicial judgments provided for in this article.

It is also included in Subparagraph 7 ­ Service of the Debt and Decrease of Others, of the Agency 850 - National Social Security Administration, the sum of SEIS MILLONES DOSCIENTA AND CINCO MIL PESOS ($ 6.255,000), to give effect to the agreed Nros. 34/91, 56/91, 21/97 of the SUPREMA COURT OF NATIONAL JUSTICE and Decree No. 2474 of 30 December 1985.

ARTICLE 41. For the purpose of the cancellation of the final court judgements arising from salary adjustments of the personnel in the activity of the Armed and Security Forces, including the FEDERAL PENITENCIARY SERVICE, under Act No. 25,344, the date of consolidation of such obligations as at 31 December 2001. ARTICLE 42. Within the limit established by Article 8 of this Law, a sum of NOVATE COATROCIENTS AND TWO MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 492,500.000), for the cancellation of consolidated forecast debts, in accordance with the provisions of the Nros Laws. 23.982, 24.130 and 25,344, as well as the enforcement of court decisions ordering retroactive and readjustments by the appropriate party to pay through the placement of public debt instruments for retired and pensioned members of the Armed Forces, Security Forces including the FEDERAL PENITENCIARY SERVICE, in accordance with the following detail:







Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE to make modifications within the total amount referred to in the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 43. The cancellation of the debts referred to in the preceding article shall be carried out in strict observance of the priority order set out below:

(a) Sentences reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment.

(b) Judgements reported in 2001.

In the first case, the older beneficiaries will be given priority and, in the second case, the chronological order of the notification of final judgements shall be strictly respected, in accordance with the order of priorities that, on a four-monthly basis, on the basis of the judgements recorded at each time, establish the respective Decentralized Agencies and Administrative Services referred to in the first paragraph of this article.



ARTICLE 44. Please note, from the date of the present Law, that the participation of the FINANCIAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FOR THE PAYMENT OF MILITARY RETIERS AND PENSIONS, referred to in Articles 18 and 19 of Law No. 22.919, may not be less than the TREINTA AND NEW FOR SCIENTY (39 %) of the cost of the compensation of the recipients of retirement. ARTICLE 45. The granting of new non-contributory pensions shall be subject to a corresponding decrease in the benefits provided under the provisions of this Law for the care of such benefits so as not to affect the annual budgetary provision for that purpose. ARTICLE 46. As at 31 December 2001, the date of consolidation of the forecasting obligations set out in article 13 of Act No. 25,344. ARTICLE 47. Within the boundary established by Article 8 of this Law, the sum of CUATROCIENTS SIETE MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 407,500.000) for the cancellation of consolidated forecast debts, in accordance with the provisions of the Nros Laws. 23.982, 24.130 and 25,344, as well as the enforcement of court judgements ordering retroactive and readjustments of the Public Previsional Regime, by which it is appropriate to pay through the placement of public debt instruments. This provision shall be affected by the criteria of priority provided for in article 41 of this Law.



ARTICLE 48. el Replace Article 5 (a) of Law 25,152 with the following text:

(a) Any establishment of a decentralized agency, public enterprise of any kind, and full or partly integrated trust fund with assets and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE will require the dictation of a law.

ARTICLE 49. Apply, in accordance with the detail in the annexed table to this article, the financial flows and the use of Trust Funds composed entirely or mainly of assets and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE for the present period, pursuant to article 2 (a) of Law No. 25.152. Allow the sum of CIEN MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 100,000.000) the item "Compensations to Vial Concessionaries" in the current expenses provided for in the Vial Fund Decree 976/2001. ARTICLE 50. Without prejudice to established public credit rules, changes to be made to the approved budget of the NATIONAL STATE Trust Funds during the performance period involving the negative sign of the economic or financial result or the increase in the authorized gross indebtedness must be approved by Resolution of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE with the intervention of the NATIONAL SECRETARY OF HACIENDA,

The modifications not covered in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by Resolution of the authority responsible for the Trust Fund, with the obligation to refer to the NATIONAL BUDGET OFFICE authenticated copy of that administrative act, attaching the background underlying the measure. The resolution will remain firm if after QUINCE (15) days from the receipt of the documentation by the NATIONAL BUDGET OFFICE this does not opus formal and reasonable objection to the modification.

At the end of the financial period, the Trust Funds shall inform the General CONTADURIA of the NATION of the closure of the accounts of its budgets and any other information that it determines, within which a synthetic report of the results obtained in the annual management should be included, which shall be analysed by the NATIONAL BUDGET OFFICE and whose conclusions shall be incorporated into the report required in the third paragraph of Article 2456.

The highest authorities of the entities covered by article 8 (b), (c) and (d) of Act No. 24,156 and its amendments shall refer to the NATIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, before the 15th of the month after which the economic and financial performance of its budgets is reported, in accordance with the guidelines established for this purpose by the SECRETARIAN OF HACIENDA.

ARTICLE 51. It is established that the Trust Funds composed mainly of assets and/or funds of the NATIONAL STATE will not be able to have a permanent and temporary staff structure. The staff of the Trust Funds, its Boards of Directors and Assistance Trusts shall integrate the personnel plants of the Jurisdictions and/or Entities on which the Trust Funds depend. Please note that the Trust Funds will be able to finance, through transfers, the staff costs of the jurisdictions and entities involved. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the modifications in the personnel plants that originate as a result of the above provisions. ARTICLE 52. It is capitalized upon the FIDUCARY FUND for PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT by the amount set out in article 6 of Decree No. 1004 of 9 August 2001, as amended by Decree No. 1603 of 5 December 2001.

To this end, authorize the issuance of a debt instrument with financial conditions under Article 6 of the SECOND ADDENDA TO THE FEDERAL COMMITMENT BY THE CHILD AND DISCOVERY FISCAL and with maturity on January 31, 2011.

ARTICLE 53. Protract the duration of the FONDO FIDUCIARIO FOR PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT established by Decree No. 286 of 27 February 1995 to 27 February 2025, in accordance with article 4 (c) of Law No. 24,441.




ARTICLE 54. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER and the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration shall not be able to propose or dictate rules or approve agreements that originate expenses that exceed the limit set by Article 1 of this Law without the prior fulfillment of the identification of the expense that will be paid off or the remedy with which it will be treated.

They may not, under any circumstances and whatever their source of financing, assume obligations of any kind that exceed the budgetary credits granted or commit or accrue expenses that exceed the contributions assigned by the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE for each of those stages of budget execution.

La SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA OF THE MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE, through the CONTADURIA GENERAL DE LA NATION, will proceed to modify the accounting procedures - computer to allow the immediate identification of non-compliance with the above provisions and to ensure the quality of the records.

ARTICLE 55. The General CONTADURY OF NATION, in its capacity as the Governing Body of the Government Accounting System, shall, within the time limit of CINCO (5) days, inform the Internal and External Control Organs referred to in Law No. 24,156, non-compliance with the provisions of the previous article of this Law. The General SINDICATURA OF NATION AND GENERAL AUDITORY OF NATION shall, in turn, communicate immediately to the General PROCURATION of NATION to promote legal action for violation of article 248 of the Criminal Code. ARTICLE 56. Replace the fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of Article 5 of Law No. 24,629 with the following text:

"The official who authorizes or concrete acts or contracts that have not complied with the rules of Law No. 24,156, their regulations and modifications, shall be personally responsible, with their property assets, if it is the obligation of paying sums of money. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE PODER shall, by regulation, establish the procedures necessary for the realization of such responsibility or for the imposition of pecuniary sanctions."

ARTICLE 57. The NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER shall raise to the consideration of the NATIONAL HONORABLE CONGRESS a draft law on the restructuring of the NATIONAL STATE from which a reduction in the operating expenses of the NATIONAL STATE arises and an improvement in its efficiency.



ARTICLE 58. The powers granted by this Act to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be assumed by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER, in his capacity as a political head of the general administration of the country and in accordance with article 99, paragraph 10, of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.

It is also established that the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS may delegate the powers conferred by this Law, within the framework of the powers assigned by the Law of Ministries.

ARTICLE 59. Please note that the cancellation of debts of the National Treasury in favour of Provinces in the amount of TRESCIENTS VEINTITRES QUINIENTS VEINTE MIL PESOS ($ 323,520.000), in accordance with the detail of the annexed plan to this article, and the amount of TRESCIENTS OF PESOSES ($ 300,000.

The assessed contributions referred to in the preceding paragraph shall enjoy an annual interest whose rate shall be set by the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER through the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE.

The beneficiary provinces and the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR JUBILADOS and PENSIONADOS may exercise the right to transfer the sums to be received.

ARTICLE 60. Please note that the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR JUBILED AND PENSIONS falls within the scope of Title II − Chapter III and Parts III, VI and VII of Law No. 24,156.

Current expenditures and capital costs to be accrued by the Institute may not exceed that of its own resources.

The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR JUBILED AND PENSIONS should, as appropriate, fall within the National Administration Contracts Regime (Decree No. 1023 dated 13 August 2001). The Ministry of ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE should also be given the minimum wage information platform of the Integrated Human Resources System (SIRHU), established by Decree No. 645 of 4 May 1995.

The Institute will not be able to increase the Permanent, Transit and Contract Plant occupied as at 31 December 2000. It may also not apply resources to the establishment of trust funds not authorized by law.

The Institute shall submit monthly to the Health and Budget Commissions and the Treasury of the LEGISLATIVE POWER and to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE the evolution of the accounting states, budget execution (accessed base and cash base) and quarterly the state of debts and credits. Such information should detail the implementation of the Plan of Action, the implementation of operational costs and those for the care of medical and social benefits.

ARTICLE 61. With the exception of debts from life insurance for death or for total and absolute incapacity to be settled in the NATIONAL STATE, in the terms and scope of Law No. 23,982 and Chapter V of Law No. 25,344 and regulatory and complementary regulations and within the amount referred to in Article 8 of this Law, to the obligations of the NATIONAL AHORRO AND SECRET Act

Executions resulting from firm judicial pronouncements for coverages granted by different risks by the NATIONAL AHORRO AND SEGURO CAJA, currently in liquidation, may not be extended, to the limit of coverage granted, against the insured and third parties reached by such coverages.

Judges shall arbitrate what is conducive to the lifting of judicially disposed precautionary measures against the insured persons and third parties reached by the coverage granted by the NATIONAL AHORRO AND FOLLOW-UP CAJA, currently in liquidation, on account of their insurance activity, on the basis of the consolidation in the NATIONAL STATE provided for in this Law.

Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE to establish the complementary and clarification standards necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this article. The unconsolidated obligations in this article, mentioned at the outset, which have a firm judicial judgement, shall be paid in accordance with the chronological order of the date of judgement to the extent of the availability of budgetary credits that may be obtained by reassignment of other items and with the resources of the National Savings and Insurance Fund, currently in liquidation.

ARTICLE 62. Consolate in the NATIONAL STATE, in the terms and scope of the NRAs. 23.982 and 25,344, and regulatory and supplementary rules and within the amount referred to in article 8 of the present Law, the rights and obligations of cause or title prior to 31 December 2000, relating to the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIEDY OF THE STATE (in liquidation), which consist of the payment of sums of money or which are settled in the payment of sums of money,

(a) The obligations arising from its operation, with the exception of those reached by the agreements signed or to subscribe to the insurance entities of the local insurance position, under Decree No. 1061/99, as amended by Decree No. 1220/00;

(b) Obligations arising from its institutional activity as an employer, contracting services or acquiring goods;

(c) Obligations with insurers of the local place, which are in a state of forcible liquidation (article 9 of Decree No. 1061/99, as amended by Decree No. 1220/00);

(d) The agreements signed or signed under Article 6 of Decree No. 1061/99 as amended by Decree No. 1220/00.

ARTICLE 63. The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE shall be responsible for the extinction of the rights and obligations of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REASEGURS SOCIEDAD OF THE STATE (in liquidation) and of the NATIONAL CAJA OF AHORRO and AGAINST (in liquidation), derived from its activities as active reasuring or passive with the amounts of the foreign entities, for which the mentioned Ministry ARTICLE 64. No. 23,982 and Chapter V of Act No. 25,344, regulatory and supplementary rules and within the amount referred to in article 8 of this Act, the obligations of the former NATIONAL HIPOTECARY BANCO, derived from its banking and financial activity under the Act No. 21,526, and the institutional contracting date, are determined by the NATIONAL STATE.

Please refer to the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE to establish the complementary and clarification standards necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this article.

ARTICLE 65. The extinction of the right of the former SANITARIAN ARTWORKS OF THE NATION, currently in the head of the "Patrimony in Liquidation - NATIONAL BANCO OF DEVELOPMENT", to pursue the collection of credits in favor of that former company corresponding to debts in administrative management of former non-tax users for health services rendered prior to its concession on 1 May 1993, has elapsed in those cases in the legal time limiting.

The credits of the former Enterprise for debts of former non-prosecuting users for services rendered prior to its concession, in the case of amounts less than UN MIL PESOS ($ 1,000) and are both in administrative and judicial collection management, with the exception of the latter in respect of which the former Company has ruled favourably.

ARTICLE 66. Commend the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE, from the date on which the final dissolution of the NATIONAL FUND OF THE MERCANT MARINE (in dissolution), the exercise of the prerogatives, rights and obligations established in Law No. 19,870, modified by its similar No. 23,103, inherent in the recovery of amounts owed to the STATE ARTICLE 67. 8 Please refer to the SECRETARIAT OF FINANCIALS of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE to offer in payment of obligations of cause or title after 1 January 2000, excluded from the scopes established by Chapter V of Law No. 25,344 and its regulation, whose debtor chapters are entities, organs and societies of the NATIONAL STATE declared in liquidation ARTICLE 68. de Please refer to the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA of the MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE so that through the General TESORRY of the NATION grant refundable advances of funds to the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL to cover seasonal cash deficiencies, which will be cancelled within the month of granting and computing within the limits to make temporary use of the short-term credit authorised annually by the Budget Law for that Administration. The use of this authorization will be measured as the difference between gross advances in funds except returns. The SECRETARY OF HACIENDA shall issue the complementary and clarification of this article. ARTICLE 69. Authorize the SECRETARIAT OF HACIENDA to implement retention systems on transfers that by Subparagraph 5 the NATIONAL TESORO makes to public entities of the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, in order to allocate them to the cancellation of the obligations that such entities devenue by Patronal Contributions to the social security included in the Unified Contribution to Social Security (C.U.S.). ARTICLE 70. Replace article 8 of the Financial Administration Act No. 24.156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems with the following text:

Article 8: The provisions of this Law shall be applicable throughout the National Public Sector, which, to this end, is composed of:

(a) National Administration, consisting of the Central Administration and the decentralized agencies, including the Social Security Institutions;

(b) Companies and Societies of the State covering State Enterprises, Societies of the State, Anonymous Societies with State Participation, Societies of Mixed Economy and all other business organizations where the National State has majority participation in the capital or in the formation of corporate decisions;

(c) Public entities expressly excluded from the National Administration, which covers any non-business State organization, with financial autarchy, legal personality and its own heritage, where the National State has the majority control of the heritage or the formation of decisions, including those non-State public entities where the National State has the control of decisions;

(d) Total or majority integrated trust funds with national State assets and/or funds.

ARTICLE 71. Modify the designation of Chapter III of Title II of Act No. 24,156 of FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS of the NATIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR, which shall be referred to as: "From the budgetary regime of public enterprises, trust funds and public entities not covered by national administration". It is established that the reference in the articles of Chapter III of the Law referred to to State enterprises and societies should be replaced by the term "public enterprises and public entities not covered by National Administration". ARTICLE 72. In addition to Project 06 - CERIDE Complementary Works of the Program 25 - Execution of Architecture Works of the Jurisdiction 50 - MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA E INFRAESTRUCTURA the additional amount of TRES MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 3,000.000), which will be compensated with a decrease of equal amount in the credits of other projects of the same Jurisdiction. ARTICLE 73. Please note that the provisions contained in article 1 of the present Law on Transfers to Provinces for the Care of Social Plans and Employment comprise the budgetary allocations provided for in article 16 of the Federal Commitment for Growth and the Fiscal Discipline ratified by Law No. 25.400. ARTICLE 74. Individuals and legal entities subject to the control and control of technical and safety standards in the field of the fractionation and commercialization of liquefied petroleum gas, the transport by duct of liquid hydrocarbons and derivatives, and subject to quality control of the fuels by the Energy Secretariat under the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, shall pay the following control rates:

(a) Individuals and legal entities engaged in oil liquefied gas fractionation should pay a control rate of up to THREE PESOS ($ 3) per ton of liquefied petroleum gas purchased in the domestic or imported market;

(b) Refining, processing, marketing, distributors and importers of nafta and gasoil, inscribed in the registers by the Law Enforcement Authority No. 17.319, will pay a quality control rate of fuels up to THREE DAY WE ARE OF PESO ($ 0,0003) per liter marketed in the domestic market;

(c) The concessionaires for the transport of liquid hydrocarbons and derivatives must pay annually and in advance a rate of control of the activity of CERO with TREINTA and CINCO per CIENTO (0.35 %) of the estimated income for the delivery of the transport service.

The production of the rates referred to in the preceding paragraph will constitute a specific impact resource administered by the Energy Secretariat, empowering the Ministry ' s GABINETE JEFE to carry out the adequacies that will enable it to be incorporated into the National Administration Budget.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE, through the SECRETARY OF ENERGIA, shall determine the amount of the rates referred to in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this article and shall establish the rules and time limits for their perception.

ARTICLE 75. Créase the Trust Fund for Grants of Residential Consumos of Gas, for the purpose of financing: a) the tariff compensations for the southern part of the country and of the Malargüe Department of the Province of Mendoza, that the distributors or subdistributors of zone of Gas Natural and Liquefied Gas of Petróleo of domiciliary use, shall perceive for the application of differential rates to the residential consumptions,

The Fund established in the preceding paragraph, the total amount of which may not exceed the amount of CIEN MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 100,000.000) shall be constituted with a surcharge of up to CUATRO MILESIMOS DE PESO ($ 0.004) for each CUBICO METRO (M3) of 9,300 kilocalories, which shall apply to the whole of the cubic meters that are consumed by networks or ductos in the same territory. Gas producers will act as agents of perception in natural gas deliveries to any of the subjects in the industry.

The total amount earned on the basis of the surcharge established by this article and not entered by the agents of perception within the time limit established by the regulation shall accrue from the expiration of the same the interest, updates and fines established by Law No. 11.683 and its amendments (t. 1998) and shall in this respect govern the procedures and remedies provided for in the Act.

The MINISTERY OF ECONOMY AND INFRAESTRUCTURE shall determine the amount of the surcharge referred to in this article and shall regulate the constitution and operation of the Trust Fund established. Current tariff levels for direct collection of residential users may, in coordination with beneficiary jurisdictions, be affected on the basis of basic principles of equity, rational use of energy and/or to maintain the total amount of resources allocated.

In order to access the funds specified in this article, they may not be taxed with provincial taxes or municipal fees, consumption, use of public spaces, or income received through this subsidy by the natural gas distribution service providers providing the service subject to the subsidy.

This regime will remain in force for a period of TEN (10) years.

Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTERS to approve the financial flow and use of the Trust Fund established by this article.

ARTICLE 76. Please note that any obligations that may exceed the amount provided for in this Law for the Care of Operating under Article 4 (b) of the SECOND ADDENDA TO THE FEDERAL COMMITMENT BY THE CHILD AND DISCIPLINA FISCAL ratified by Decree No. 1584 of 5 December 2001 will be met with the necessary budgetary reassignments. Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the corresponding budgetary changes to meet those obligations. ARTICLE 77. Please note that the construction of economic housing carried out and carried out by the State Company CONSTRUCTION FOR ARMADA (COVIARA S.E.) and other housing construction agencies of the rest of the Armed and Security Forces financed by funds provided by the NATIONAL TESORO and by the resources established by Decree No. 441 of 23 April 1996 are covered by the provisions of Decree No. ARTICLE 78. Replace Article 9 of Law No. 24,241 with the following text: Article 9: For the purposes of calculating the contributions and contributions corresponding to the INTEGRATED SYSTEM of JUBILATIONS and PENSIONS, remuneration may not be less than the amount equivalent to THREE (3) times the value of the Previsional Module (MOPRE), defined in Article 21. If a worker simultaneously receives more than one remuneration or income as a worker in relation to dependency or self-employed, each remuneration or income shall be computed separately for the purposes of the lower limit set out in the preceding paragraph. Depending on the particular characteristics of certain activities in relation to dependence, the regulation may set exceptions to the provisions of this paragraph. As a result of the provisions of this article, article 3 of Decree No. 814 of 20 June 2001 shall be replaced by the following: Article 3: For this purpose, it shall be understood as a remuneration defined in article 6 of Law No. 24,241, with a minimum taxable basis of THREE (3) MOPRES. ARTICLE 79. Please note that the largest collection to be verified by the application of the previous article should be earmarked exclusively by the NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF SECURITY SOCIAL to increase gradually the amount referred to in article 1 of Decree No. 926 of 20 July 2001. To that end, the Collector ' s Office shall arrange the procedures necessary to determine the amount of the increase in the collection. ARTICLE 80. . Restore the liquor set out in article 16 (a) of Law No. 23.660 as a employer contribution to the Social Works System.

Please also include in one (1) percentage point the lists of employers ' contributions set out in article 2 of Decree No. 814 of 20 June 2001, as amended by Act No. 25,453 for the financing of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR JUBILED AND PENSIONS.

ARTICLE 81. The national taxes entered in LECOP shall be distributed according to the proportion that corresponds to the Nation, the Provinces, the GOVERNMENT OF THE CIUDAD OF BUENOS AIRES and to the Social Security, in the concept of the Federal Tax Association and other special regimes in force, according to the collection of such titles. ARTICLE 82. The Provincial Jurisdictions and the GOVERNMENT OF THE AUTONOMA DE BUENOS AIRES CIUDAD may, in respect of the Financial Exercise 2001, not charge for the specific purposes the Co-participable Funds allocated by special laws, until a SETENTA and CINCO per SCIENTO (75%) of the value of the same, which shall not be computed for the purposes of the obligation referred to in paragraph 9(g) ARTICLE 83. Ex gratia pensions extended by the Nros laws. 24.307, 24.447, 24.624, 24.764, 24.938, 25,064 and 25,237 of the Budget for the National Administration and 25,500, maintain their validity, provided that the amount of the benefits does not exceed the monthly amount of TRES WITH SETENTA and CINCO PREVISIONAL MODULE (3.75 MOPRE), and will be incompatible with any income and/or previsional benefit and with the requirements required)

Please note that the amount of the pensions granted under Acts 24.191, 24,447, 24,624, 24,764, 24, 938, 25.064 and 25,237 shall not exceed the monthly amount of THREE COMA SETENTA and CINCO PREVISIONAL MODULE (3.75 MOPRE), being compatible with any other income that does not exceed the amount of an OCH ODURE

In all cases where beneficiaries are minors, except for those with different capacities, incompatibility will be evaluated in relation to their parents.

ARTICLE 84. s Prorróganse por EZ (10) años de partir de susguencimientos, las garantíass que fueron concededas por el artículo 37 de la Ley No 24.061. Such extension shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of article 55 (b) and (c) of Act No. 25.401. The amount of the benefits to be extended may not exceed the monthly amount of TRES WITH SETENTA and CINCO PREVISIONAL MODULE (3.75 MOPRE) and will be incompatible with any other income and/or forecast benefit.

The right to the perception of the benefits extended in this article is subject to prior compliance with the submission of an affidavit of income, property, kinship and benefits, under the conditions and time limits established by the NATIONAL COMMISSION ON ASSISTANCE PENSIONS under the MINISTERY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.

ARTICLE 85. Please note, within the provisions approved by this Law, the amount of NUEVE MILLONES CUATROCIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 9,400,000), for the payment of the ex gratia pensions agreed in accordance with article 55 of Law No. 25.401, pending payment, with express application for such benefits as provided for in the last paragraph of this Article. ARTICLE 86. Provisions allocated to INTERIOR MINISTERY provide for a grant in the amount of CIEN MIL PESOS ($ 100,000) for the ARGENTINA DE MUNICIPIOS (FAM). ARTICLE 87. Please note that within the provisions approved by Article 1 of this Law, the NATIONAL DIRECTION OF VIALITY must include the necessary sums to begin the construction of sheds on the international route to Chile in the section between the town of Punta de Vacas and the Caves of the National Route No. 7 and the revival of QUINCE KILOMETROS (15 km) of the National Route ARTICLE 88. Within the credits allocated to the MINISTERY OF HEALTH, there is a non-refundable contribution to the FUNDATION OF HEMOFILIA in the amount of UN MILLON DE PESOS ($ 10,000).

As a counterpart to the subsidy granted by the FUNDATION OF HEMOFILIA will deliver to the General TESORERIA OF NATION the THIRD CONSOLIDATION BONS SERIE has in existence originated in payment of PAMI debts.

ARTICLE 89. The amount of the National Teaching Incentive Fund for the Second Semester of the year 2001 shall be taken into account during the present exercise in the total amount of credits approved by this law, with the Chief of Staff of Ministers having the appropriate budgetary allocations for the purpose of fulfilling the provisions of this article. ARTICLE 90. Within the credits allocated to the MINISTERY of SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, there is a non-refundable contribution to the FELIEF FUNDATION NINES in the amount of UN MILLON OCHOCIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 1,800,000). ARTICLE 91. Reassist within the total amount allocated to the SECRETARIAT of CULTURE and COMMUNICATION of the NATION PRESIDENCE the sum of CIEN MIL PESOS ($ 100,000), to finance the edition of the Complete Works of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento arranged by law 25.159. ARTICLE 92. Please note that the provisions for the Judiciary of the Nation include the necessary for the operationalization of the National Court of First Instance in Criminal and Correctional matters with a seat in the town of 3 February, Province of Buenos Aires, created by law 25.012. ARTICLE 93. . Incorporate into Law No. 11.672, COMPLEMENTARY PERMANENT OF BUDGET (t. 1999) articles 40 and 66 of Law No. 25.401 and articles 21, 26, 29, 50, 51, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75 and 80 of this Law. ARTICLE 94. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to extend in the amount of PESOS CINCO MILLONES ($ 5,000.000) the credits corresponding to Jurisdiction 54 ­ Ministry of Production - SAF 354 - Programme 39 - Programa Social Agropecuario-Proinder-Birf 4212. ARTICLE 95. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make changes to the budgetary provisions for JURISDICTION 54 - ENTITY 623 SERVICE NATIONAL OF SANITY AND AGROALIMENTARY QUALITY in order to meet the costs required by the vaccination campaigns planned for the year 2002 under the National Plan for the Eradication of Fever. ARTICLE 96. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to make all necessary budgetary changes to comply with the "Agreement Nation Provinces on Financial Relation and Bases of a Federal Co-Participation Regime", signed on February 27, 2002, as well as for the adequacy of the new Law of Ministries adopted by Decrees Nros. 355 and 357 both dated 21 February 2002. Within the conferred faculty you will be able to make a change of Finalities and Rebates in Capital Expenses for the increase of Current Expenses.

The use of the conferred faculty will be informed to both Houses of Congress.

ARTICLE 97. The national executive branch shall cancel the outstanding debt of budgetary payment imputation which, under the Special Tobacco Fund, maintains with the tobacco sector under Act No. 19,800 and its amended and complementary standards for the Exercise 2001 through the compensation of such debts with the tax obligations that the natural or legal persons of the tobacco sector maintain accrued and to be accrued, pending, by the year 2001 To this end, the national executive branch, through the Federal Public Income Administration (AFIP), shall grant to their respective holders "Debtificates of Debt to compensate transferable", following technical opinion of the Ministry of Production, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Food of the Nation. ARTICLE 98. The national executive branch shall cancel the outstanding debt of budgetary and payment imputations under Act No. 25,080 of Investments for Crop Forests (National Fund of the Forestry Promotion Regime) and its modification and supplementary rules for prior periods through the compensation of such debt to the tax obligations that the natural or legal persons of the forest sector maintain accrued and to accrue, pending payment of personal assets. To this end, the national executive branch dea through the Federal Public Income Administration (AFIP), following technical opinion of the Ministry of Production Secretaría Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food will have to grant their respective holders "Deud Certificates to compensate transferable". ARTICLE 99. . Facultase the national executive branch during this exercise to establish special tax measures, such as deferrals, refunds, deductions, special amortization regimes and/or tax bonuses in the provincial departments whose labour crisis, in general, stems from the privatization or closure of public enterprises. The national executive branch must establish the characteristics and conditions to be considered as such. ARTICLE 100. . Please note that the remainder as at 31 December 2001 up to the sum of VEINTISEIS MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 26,000.000) originated in the surpluses of the Hydroelectric Leap Programme - Law No. 24,954, will not enter the National Treasury, empowering the Chief of Staff of Ministers to join the National Administration Budget of the year 2002 448/98 and 31/98.

Also, grant the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to incorporate the amount resulting from the largest collection to be verified on the amount provided for in this Act for transfers of capital to provinces pursuant to Act No. 24,954, using the decrease in the Fund and Banks included in the Programme 76 ­ Formulation and implementation of the Energy Policy.

ARTICLE 101. . Invite the Provincial States and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the national norms that provide for the inembargobility of the public sector funds and to those that establish the regime of compliance with sentences, prepared to guarantee the continuity of the functioning of the State and to prevent the alteration of the orders of priorities that in the management of public resources establish the laws in their jurisdictions. The Provincial States and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will specify the scope and modality of adherence in the rules to be sanctioned in their respective sphere by citing in their case national laws or articles that are incorporated into the legal system of their own jurisdiction. Please also provide municipalities with access to those standards.

ARTICLE 102. , Facultase the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFULTURE to arrange, on the occasion of the distribution of credits, a departure for the Algodonero Fund to be distributed among the producers of the provinces of Chaco, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Corrientes, Formosa, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Misiones, Salta and Córdoba, pursuant to Administrative Decision No. 100 of 12 July 2001 of the MINISTERS GABINETE JEFATURA. ARTICLE 103. s Give due respect to both its perception and its use of grants and scholarships granted under articles 56 and 57 respectively of Law 25.401. ARTICLE 104. . Explain to the company Neuquina de Servicios de Ingeniería Sociedad del Estado (ENSI S.E.) of the levy established in Title V of Law 25.063 of Tax on the Minimum Gain and its modifications, while remaining inactivity. ARTICLE 105. Within the credits allocated to the MlNISTERIO DEVELOPING SOCIAL, please make a contribution to the NATIONAL COUNCIL of NIÑEZ, ADOLESCENCIA and FAMILY, in the sum of DOS MILLONES DE PESOS ($2,000.000) for the implementation of the federal plans. ARTICLE 106. ). Appropriate the sum of QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 2,500,000) for post-censional surveys of persons with disabilities by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC). ARTICLE 107. . Facultase the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make within the total of the credits approved by this law the budgetary allocation necessary to comply with the Bilateral Agreement with the Province of La Rioja dated 13 November 2001 for financial assistance. This assignment may be cancelled through the use of Letters of Cancellation of Provincial Obligations (LECOP). ARTICLE 108. An optional partial and/or total early cancellation regime for tax obligations deferred under the provisions of Acts 21.608, 22.021, 22.702 and 22,973, its regulatory and complementary amendments and rules, and by the end of their validity. The regime will apply to all subjects who have used the benefit of deference, and that at the time of exercising each option of early, partial and/or total cancellation of deferred tax obligations, the promoted company has complied with, at least, SETENTA FOR SCIENTO (70 %) of the committed investment. In no case shall it entail the release of the obligations imposed on them, as set out in the rules referred to in the preceding paragraph, except that referred to the maintenance of the respective investments in the assets of their holders for the period established in the last paragraph of article 11 of Law 22.021 and its amendments and supplements. Also, and in the event of the decay of the profits of the promoted company, the advance cancellation provided for in the first paragraph does not exempt the current investor from the effects that on the deferments made could produce such decay. Similar effects will result in a decrease in the total number of days per month of personnel committed according to the investment schedule. Promoted companies whose investors opted for this early cancellation regime should continue to comply with all obligations under the rules through which promotional benefits were granted. For the above purposes, cash payment, and/or compensation of free tax balances in favour of the investor and/or company promoted, and/or balances in favour of the Added Value Tax, produced by purchases of goods of use of the investor and/or company promoted, covered by article 24.1 of Law 23,349 and its amendments. ARTICLE 109. ). Dispose, within the total amount of the provisions approved by this Law, a refundable contribution to the INVAP S.E. Company in the amount of DOCE MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 12,000.000) to attend advances and pre-financing operations of exports referred to in the contract with Australian Science Nuclear and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). Please refer to the JEFE DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS to make the necessary budgetary changes for the implementation of the above provisions and to determine the conditions and timelines for the refund of the contribution given. ARTICLE 110. Appropriate within the provisions allocated to jurisdiction 91- Obligations by the Treasury and approved by this law the sum of DOS MILLONES SEISCIENTS CINCUENTA AND CINCO QUINCE PESOS WITH OCHENTA AND SEIS CENTAVOS ($ 2,655.515,86) or its equivalent according to the legislation in force to the date for the cancellation of obligations that in respect of payments of municipal rates and contributions ARTICLE 111. Please provide the national executive branch with the resources generated by the rates for road infrastructure, regardless of the contractual regime applicable in accordance with its standard of establishment, in order to allocate them to the tendering and hiring of road infrastructure works under the Act No. 13,064 of Public Works. ARTICLE 112. Please outline the impact of the available resources of Article 36 of Law 24,855 and the proportional counterpart corresponding to the contribution of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BIRF) under the PRODESO . FOPAR Programme to the sum of DECIOCHO MILLONES TRESCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 18,300,000), to the Basic Social Infrastructure Programme for Indigenous Communities.





ARTICLE 113. . Slide into the Nros summary tables. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 attached to this Title, the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law.






ARTICLE 114. . Slide into the Nros summary tables. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9A attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 115. . Slide into the Nros summary tables. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 116. . Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JUAN C. MAQUEDA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.

The bold texts were observed.