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Books Even Price Of Sale To The Public - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: LIBROS PRECIO UNIFORME DE VENTA AL PUBLICO - Texto completo de la norma

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BOOKS Ley 25.542 Please note that publishers, importers or book representatives must set a uniform selling price to the public (PVP) or end-user of books editing or importing. Final consumer. Definition. Editorial offer. PVP discounts. Institutions or associations. Exemptions. Implementing authority. Fine. National Commission of Popular Libraries.

Sanctioned: November 27, 2001.

Enacted: January 8, 2002.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Any publisher, importer or book representative shall establish a uniform selling price to the public (PVP) or end-user of books editing or importing. ARTICLE 2 For the purposes of this Act, a final consumer shall be considered to be the natural or legal person who acquires books for his or her own use or transmits them to a different person without a commercial operation. The principal depository of the books of a particular foreign publishing company shall be considered an importer. The Secretariat for Culture and Communication will arbitrate the media in order to keep a record of editors, importers and representatives. Article 3 When the book constitutes an editorial offer that is sold with accessories such as discs, magnetic strips, photographs, slides, cassettes, films, exercise notebooks, cd rom, or any other element, it will be considered a commercial unit and the price will be fixed for the set, which will prevent the sale separately from its add-ons or the non-inclusive of some of them. ARTICLE 4 Discounts to the PVP may be as follows:

(a) Of up to ten percent (10%) of the PVP, for sales made during fairs, days and weeks devoted to the book, declared of public interest, by the competent authority, within the geographical area in which the activity takes place, or when the sale is made to libraries and/or documentation centers, or to cultural and public non-profit institutions.

(b) Of up to fifty percent (50%) when the acquirers are the Ministry of Education, the National Commission of Popular Libraries (CONABIP), and other public bodies, who make purchases to be distributed free to educational, cultural and scientific institutions, or to people with scarce resources. In such a case, the copies will record that their sale is prohibited.

ARTICLE 5o Associative institutions or entities that publish books on an occasional or continuous basis may set a special price for copies intended for their members or associates. The part of the edition sold by bookstores and other retail stores will be subject to the provisions of this law.

ARTICLE 6 They are exempt from PVP:

(a) Books edited in limited number for a restricted audience, numbered correlatively and of formal quality;

(b) Artistic books, understood by such those published in whole or in part by artisanal or artistic methods;

(c) Ancient and collection books;

(d) Used books;

(e) Books that have been left out of catalogue by decision of the editor;

(f) Books imported at balance price, provided that they have been previously saved in their country of origin by the publisher, in accordance with the legal provisions in force;

(g) The previous sales to be made to cost the edition of a particular book.

ARTICLE 7 To save a title the editor, importer or representative must remove it from his catalog and rescue the copies in existence in his clients or in their default wait a hundred and eighty (180) days from the withdrawal of his catalogue to save them. At the time of decaying each editor must communicate it to his clients. ARTICLE 8 The representative importer will not be able to save the books of the editorial fund he represents before the eighteen (18) months of having thrown them into the market. The bookstores and other retailers will be able to save the unsold books by 18 months of having bought them, even if the editor keeps them in the catalogue, without paying them, but not advertising that settlement outside the establishment. Article 9 The Ministry of Industry of the Nation shall be the authority to implement this law. ARTICLE 10. Offences or provisions of this Act shall be fined from PESOS CIEN ($ 100) to PESOS VEINTE MIL ($ 20,000). In the event of recidivism, the closing of the bookstore or bookstore may be arranged for the term of up to ten (10) days. ARTICLE 11. The proceeds of the fines referred to in Article 10 shall be intended for the promotion of reading by the National Commission of Popular Libraries (CONABIP).

ARTICLE 12. Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO A. CHANGE. . MARIO A. LOSADA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. OyarzĂșn.