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The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 . Ratifícase y establécese de realización priority el "PLAN FEDERAL DE TRANSPORTE ELECTRICO", instrumentado por las Resoluciones 174/2000; 175/2000; 178/2000 and 182/2000 de la Secretaría de Energía de la Nación, que fuera incluido en el Artículo 49 y annexes de la ley 25.565 y sus fuentes de financiers, a las quecres de las obras necesarias para mantener su valor ARTICLE 2 The entire fund of the "Exceeds for Restrictions on Transport Capacity" account provided for in point 4.2 of the Resolution Ministry of Energy of the Nation 274/94 and its supplements, identified as "SALEX" funds, will be used only as a source of financing of the expansion of the Argentine Electrical Transport System. ARTICLE 3 The SALEX funds corresponding to the corridors Comahue-Buenos Aires and Centro Cuyo, are affected in their entirety to the financing of the works of the Comahue-Cuyo line and the first section-link Mendoza-San Juan of the interconnection Cuyo- Noa (Línea Minera), respectively, for the period of 24 months since the promulgation of the present. ARTICLE 4 The SALEX funds indicated in the previous article, which are deposited in the accounts of the Electric Majority Market Administrator Company (CAMMESA) with rescheduled profits in the banking system, for the financing of the works included within Comahue-Cuyo Line and the first San Juan-Mendoza section of the Cuyo-Noa Line (Línea Minera), must be disbursed, regardless of their regulatory timelines These funds may only be allocated for the financing of the works identified in the preceding article and assigned in accordance with the specific regulation, which is issued for the purpose. ARTICLE 5° The resources corresponding to the National Electrical Energy Fund received and to receive through the Electric Majority Market Administrator Company, for the Federal Electrical Transport Plan, and those that the law 24.065 places under the administration of the CFEE will be deposited, immediately of receipts, according to the instructions that the Federal Council of Electrical Energy issues, in the corresponding accounts of the Federal Trust Fund ARTICLE 6 Instruct the Ministry of Energy to carry out all the necessary adjustments to the regulatory regime in order to achieve the launch of the works that make up the Federal Plan for Electrical Transport. In particular, it will have a deadline of one hundred and eighty (180) days to dictate the instruments that are relevant to adapt the current "open call" or to make a new open call, in order to constitute the Committee for the Execution of the Comahue-Cuyo lines and the first Mendoza-San Juan section of the Mining Line, enabling the incorporation in the calls of the provinces interested in the works. ARTICLE 7 Please note that the regulations relating to the export of electricity to neighbouring countries should expressly provide that the interests of users of the neighbouring provinces are not affected, either by the modification of the node factor or by any other element that distorts local electric markets. Similarly, operations for the sale of energy to neighbouring countries shall be subject to the national tax regime. ARTICLE 8 Commend the Ministry of Energy, so that, in conjunction with the Sub-Commission on Mining and Energy of the Joint Commission Argentina-Chile, and inviting the corresponding counterpart of the Republic of Chile, it is requested to study and evaluate a specific regulatory regime for the Interconnection of the Argentine Interconnection System . SADI. with the Republic of Chile. ARTICLE 9 Form a "Promotion Committee" of the Comahue-Cuyo line and first section of Mendoza-San Juan of the Cuyo- Noa line (Mining Line), composed of two representatives by each of the governments of the provinces of Mendoza and San Juan, a representative by the group of distributors of each province and a representative of the Generators of Electrical Energy of the Comahue Area. The Committee shall have broad powers to promote the achievement of the works, and in all respects the determination of the general characteristics of the works, while endeavouring at all times to collaborate and propose what is relevant to the respective implementing authorities, and shall be responsible for keeping the Congress of the Nation informed of the concrete progress of the works for which it was constituted. ARTICLE 10. Contact the Executive.DADA IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE DIECINUEVE DAYS OF THE MONTH YEAR DOS MIL TRES.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JOSE L. GIOJA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.
- No.
NOTE: The bold texts were observed.