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The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Disabled persons shall have access to a proportion not less than four per cent (4%) of the socio-labor programmes funded by the national State. ARTICLE 2 For the purposes of this Act, persons with disabilities are considered to be disabled, to those covered by section 2 of Act No. 22,431. Article 3 Make the national executive branch to regulate the implementation and control of compliance with this law. ARTICLE 4 Contact the national executive branch.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE FIRST DAY OF THE OCTOBER MONTH OF THE YEAR DOS MIL TRES.
DANIEL O. SCIOLI. . EDUARDO O. CAMAÑO. . Juan Estrada. . Carlos G. Freytes.