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Agreements Peaceful Uses Of Nuclear Energy - Vietnam - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS USOS PACIFICOS DE LA ENERGIA NUCLEAR - VIETNAM - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
THURSDAY Law 25.776 Approve the Agreement signed with the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Cooperation in the Pacific Uses of Nuclear Energy. Sanctioned: August 13 of 2003 Cast: September 12, 2003

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Approval of the agreement between the Government of the ARGENTINA ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the VIETNAM SOCIALIST REPUBLIC ON COOPERATION IN THE PACIFIC USES OF ENERGY NUCLEAR, subscribed to Hanoi VIREPUBLICA SOCIALISTA DE VIETNAM. on 19 November 2001, which consists of DOCE (12) articles, whose photocopies authenticated in Spanish and English form part of this law. ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JOSE L. GIOJA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.

Agreed between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the Government of the VIETNAM SOCIALIST REPUBLIC on Cooperation in the NUCLEAR ENERGY

The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam henceforth referred to as "the Parties";

RECOGNIZING the traditional friendly relations between the two countries and their continuing desire to expand cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in accordance with the laws and regulations of each Party;

TENIENDO PRESENTS the "Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Argentine Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam", signed on 17 February 1997;

RECOGNIZING the right of all countries to the development of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, as well as the right to possess nuclear technology for those purposes;

CONSIDERING that the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is an important step in the promotion of the social and economic development of its peoples;

Have agreed on the following:


The Parties shall encourage the promotion of cooperation in the development of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, in accordance with the needs and priorities of their national nuclear programmes.


The Parties agree to cooperate especially in the following areas:

1. Research and development of nuclear reactor technology;

2. Treatment and management of radioactive wastes;

3. Research and production of nuclear equipment;

4. Production of radioisotopes and their applications;

5. Radiological protection and nuclear safety;

6. Other technological aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy that the Parties may consider as a matter of mutual interest.


The cooperation agreed upon in Article 2 shall be carried out through:

1. Mutual assistance in the education and training of scientific and technical personnel;

2. Exchange of experts;

3. Exchange of lecturers for courses and seminars;

4. Scholarships and fellowships;

5. Mutual consultations on scientific and technological problems;

6. Creation of joint working groups to undertake specific studies and projects on scientific research and technological development;

7. Mutual delivery of equipment and services related to the above-mentioned areas;

8. Exchange of information concerning the above-mentioned areas;

9. Other forms of cooperation agreed upon within the framework of the mechanisms stipulated in Article 5.


For the purposes of the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall designate the following Implementing Authorities:

For the Argentine Republic, the National Atomic Energy Commission CNCNEA; and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority ;ARN;;

For the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Atomic Energy Commission of Vietnam .VAEC..


The implementing authorities may conclude mutual agreements by determining the specific conditions of cooperation, rights and mutual obligations regarding the implementation of cooperation under this Agreement.


The Parties may freely use any information exchanged in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, except where the Party providing such information has previously manifested the restrictions and reservations relating to its use or transfer. If the information for the exchange is protected by the patent of one of the Parties, the conditions for its use and transfer shall be subject to the respective laws and regulations.


The Parties shall, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, facilitate the transfer of materials, technology, equipment and services necessary to carry out the cooperation activities under this Agreement in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.


Cooperation under this Agreement shall be carried out only for peaceful purposes. Any material or equipment to be delivered, or nuclear material used in the equipment delivered under this Agreement, shall only be used for peaceful purposes and shall be subject to the application of the relevant safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Parties shall not be able to transfer to a third State the material, equipment or technology received under this Agreement unless it has been agreed in writing between them previously to such transfer.

The Parties shall take appropriate measures to provide the materials transferred under this Agreement with adequate physical protection, which shall not be less than that recommended in IAEA INFCIRC/225/rev.2.


The Parties shall encourage cooperation among the agencies involved in the implementation of this Agreement and shall report to each other on the progress of projects implemented under this Agreement.


The Parties shall consult on the international treaties on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy of mutual interest.


Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or instrumentation of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultation or negotiation between the Parties.


1. This Agreement shall be ratified and entered into force on the date of exchange of the respective instruments of ratification.

2. It will last ten (10) years and will be automatically renewed for five (5) years.

3. This Agreement may be amended or amended on the basis of a signed agreement between the Parties.

4. This Agreement may be denounced at any time by any of the Parties by written notification to the other Party through diplomatic channels and shall take effect six (6) months after the date of such notification.

5. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply, even after the termination of its validity, to contracts entered into during the Agreement but which are still pending.

Made in Hanoi on 19 November 2001, in two originals in the Spanish, Vietnamese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation, the English text will prevail.

FIRMA for the Argentine Republic

FIRMA by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


NOTE: The English language text is not published.