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International Telecommunications Union Agreements - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ACUERDOS UNION INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES - Texto completo de la norma

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ACUERDOS Law 25.777 Approve the Agreement signed with the International Telecommunication Union on the Establishment of the Office of the Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for the Americas Region in Córdoba. Sanctioned: August 13 of 2003 Cast: September 12, 2003

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc., sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Approve the agreement between the Government of the ARGENTINA REPUBLIC and the International Telecommunications Unit on the Status of the Office of the Executive Director of the EXCEPT CENTRE for the AMERICA REGION in CORDOBA (ARGENTINA), signed in Geneva CONFEDERATION 26 ARTICLE 2 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JOSE L. GIOJA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.







Establishment of the Office of the Executive Director of the Centre of Excellence for the Americas Region in Córdoba, Argentina

The Government of the Republic of Argentina (hereinafter "the Government"), on the one hand and the International Telecommunication Union (hereinafter "the Union"), on the other, jointly called "the Parties".

Considering that the Argentine Republic has been elected to host the Office of Management (Unity of Management) of the Executive Director of the Centre of Excellence for the Americas Region (hereinafter "the Office"), whose activities extend to the entire Region, and

Considering the Government ' s readiness to provide all logistical facilities for the activities of the Executive Director of the Centre for Excellence for the Americas Region, and its political decision to contribute to the activities of ITU and the development of telecommunications, including the development of human resources, have concluded the following:

Article 1: Establishment of the Office

The Government, within the framework of the relevant Argentina legislation in force and in accordance with its powers, provides the Union with the necessary logistical assistance and facilities to ensure the installation and proper functioning of the Office.

Article 2: Government contribution

The Government grants, free of charge, the Union and its personnel affected to the Office, the logistical facilities necessary for the proper functioning of the Office referred to in the Annex to this Agreement, as well as the freeness of all national and international communications strictly related to the operation of the Centre of Excellence.

Article 3: Privileges, immunities and facilities

3.1 The Government shall apply to the Union, the Office and the staff of the Union concerned, as well as to any other member of the Union ' s staff, the privileges, immunities and rights provided for in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations specialized agencies of 21 November 1947.

3.2 They shall not enjoy immunity from jurisdiction when it comes to a civil action initiated by third parties for damage caused by an accident caused by a vehicle, ship or aircraft of their property or driven by them, in connection with a traffic violation that involves such a vehicle and is committed by them.

3.3 The privileges, immunities and facilities agreed upon in the preceding paragraphs shall not be accorded to Argentine citizens and/or permanent resident aliens in the Argentine Republic, except as soon as all acts executed by them are official (including their words and writings). The amount of obligatory contributions paid on gross salaries or emoluments received from the Union by permanent resident officials in the Argentine Republic may be computed as payment of the Argentine income tax of that resident, in the amount of the increase in the tax obligation in the Argentine Republic originated by the incorporation of such income.

3.4 The Government, if it considers that there has been abuse of a privilege or immunity granted under this Agreement, shall consult with the Secretary-General of the Union in order to determine what has happened and, in this case, agree on measures to prevent its recurrence. However, if the situation created outside of gravity, the Government may require the person to leave the national territory, applying in this case, the usual procedures for the departure of members of the equivalent staff of international organizations accredited in the Argentine Republic.

Article 4: Re-entry of Attached Value Tax (VAT)

4.1 The Union and the Office shall be granted the refund of the value-added tax involved in the price that is paid for property, construction, construction, construction, repair, maintenance and maintenance of premises of the Office and the acquisition of goods or services for the equipment of its premises and/or related to the development of its activities.

4.2 The refund shall also apply to the personnel of the Union concerned, as well as to any other member of the staff of the Union, in respect of their room house as well as to the consumptions related to their personal expenses and their own livelihoods and their family.

4.3 The appropriate refund shall be appropriate as long as the respective supporting documentation is certified by the Office, and shall be carried out by a fourfold timetable, in accordance with the requirements, conditions and formalities established by the General Tax Directorate.

Article 5: Entry, permanence and exit of the country

The Government shall take all necessary measures to facilitate the entry into Argentine territory, stay and departure from that territory of any person who, for official purposes, must travel to the Office. The provisions of this paragraph apply equally to spouses and minor children of the above-mentioned persons.

Article 6: Final provisions

6.1 This Agreement and the Annex that forms part of the Agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of signature and shall enter into force on the date on which the Government communicates to the Union the fulfilment of its constitutional requirements for approval. It shall remain in force indefinitely unless any Party states otherwise in writing in advance of six (6) months.

6.2. This Agreement may only be amended by written agreement between the Parties. Such a conclusion shall be annexed to this Agreement, to which it shall be an integral part.

IN WITNESDAY, the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the Government and the Union, respectively, sign this Agreement, in two (2) equally authentic originals, written in Spanish.

FIRMA By the Government of the Republic of Argentina

Location: Buenos Aires

Date: 26 November 2001

FIRMA By the International Telecommunication Union

Place: Geneva

Date: 26 October 2001


Logistics facilities

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement between the Government of Argentina and ITU, the Secretariat of Communications shall, without disbursement by ITU, provide the following facilities:

(a) Appropriate premises, made up of at least two offices, including the cleaning service.

(b) An assistant to the Executive Director.

(c) Office furniture: desks, chairs, shelf, three computers and other items necessary for the installation and normal operation of the Office.

(d) The following telecommunications and maintenance services:

Two extensions connected to the public telephone network;

. use of the telefax service.

(e) Internet access.

(f) Electricity and drinking water.

The above facilities will be ready for use from the date of entry into force of this Agreement.