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Disaster Zone Fund Recons. And Assistance (Santa Fe-Entre Rios) - Updated Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: ZONA DE DESASTRE FONDO RECONS. Y ASISTENCIA (SANTA FE-ENTRE RIOS) - Texto actualizado de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
ZONA DE DESASTRE Law 25.735 Defer to certain departments of the Provinces of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos. Creation of the Special Fund for Reconstruction and Assistance, within the Ministry of the Interior, with administration and provision of funds by the governments of the above provinces. Sanctioned: May 8, 2003. Promulgated: May 20, 2003.

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Declárase disaster zone for the time limit of CIENTO OCHENTA (180) days extended by the national executive branch to the following departments of the province of Santa Fe: La Capital, San Javier, Garay, Vera, San Justo, 9 de Julio and San Cristobal. In the department Las Colonias: Elisa, Providencia, María Luisa, Santo Domingo, Progreso, La Pelada, Ituzaingó, Cululú, Jacinto Luis Arauz, Soutomayor, San Carlos Sur, Empalme, San Carlos, Hipathy, Santa Clara de la Buena Vista, Matilde, Esperanza. In the department Castellanos: Virginia, Maua Tacural, Tacurales and Bicha. In the department San Jerónimo: Larrechea, Gessler, Loma Alta, San Eugenio, Bernardo de Irigoyen and Casalegno.

Also in the province of Entre Ríos, the departments: La Paz, Feliciano, Villaguay and Gualeguay.

(Article replaced by Article 1 of the Act No. 25,851 B.O. 6/1/2004). ARTICLE 2 The Special Fund for the Reconstruction and Assistance of Loss incurred in the areas of the Province of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos, as set out in the previous article, shall be established within the Ministry of the Interior.

The resources of the fund will be transferred by the Ministry of the Interior to the Government of the Province of Santa Fe and to the Government of the Province of Entre Ríos

The administration and disposal of the funds shall be carried out by the Governments of the Provinces of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos respectively for the purpose of this law.

ARTICLE 3 Disclose a special item from the National Budget to the fund previously created for the reconstruction and assistance of the affected departments of the Province of Santa Fe, for an initial amount of CINCUENTA MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 150,000) and TREINTA MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 30,000) for the Province of Entre Ríos. Please enable the National Executive to increase its amount to the extent of the needs arising from the quantification of damages. ARTICLE 4 Provide the national executive branch with a view to restructuring, modifying or reallocating the budget items necessary to comply with this law. ARTICLE 5° Authorize the national executive branch to increase public debt to the amount equivalent to the entire fund created. ARTICLE 6 Please refer to the national executive branch through the tax and forecast collection agencies (AFIP and ANSeS) to grant special payment plans, to the realization of removals and/or condonations to the taxpayers in the disaster area described in Article 1 below. ARTICLE 7 In the course of the emergency established by this Act, it is exceptionally authorized to hire property locations in disaster areas as detailed in article 1 for periods less than those provided for in article 2 of Act No. 23.091.

Commend the national executive branch with the expansion of the coverage of social plans during the temporary period of the emergency declaration and in the geographical area of the declaration, as well as the adoption of measures aimed at preserving employment relations.

ARTICLE 8 Contact the national executive branch.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. . JOSE L. GIOJA. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan C. Oyarzún.