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General Budget Of The Administration Public Year 2005 - Its Approval - Full Text Of The Norm


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GENERAL BUDGET OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION Law 25.967 Approve the Budget of National Administration Expenses and Resources for the Exercise of 2005. Posted: November 24, 2004 Partially promulgated: December 15, 2004

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER I OF THE BUDGET OF EXPENDITURE AND RESOURCES OF NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1 Note in the sum of SETENTA and SIETE MIL CINCUENTS AND THREE MILLONES CINCUENTA AND A MIL QUINIENTS TREINTA AND CUATRO PESOS ($ 77,453.951,534) the current and capital expenses of the Budget of the National Administration for the year 2005, for the purposes indicated in the following. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 annexes to this article.












Defence and





Social Services




Economic services




Public Debt







ARTICLE 2 Please note in the amount of OCHENTA and DOS MIL CINCO MILLONES SEISCIENTA AND SEIS MIL SETECIENTS SETENTA AND THREE PESOS ($ 82,105,656.773) the Completion of Current and Capital Resources of the National Administration according to the summary set out below and the detail set out in the table No.

Current resources

Capital resources




Article 3 . Note in the amount of DOCE MIL SETENTA NORTHS AND ALSO MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL DOSCIENTS OCHENTA AND DOS PESOS ($ 12,977,500.282) the amounts corresponding to the Figure Expenditures for current and capital transactions of the National Administration, thus establishing the financing of the Tax Contributions of the National Administration in detail. 9 and 10 annexes to this article. ARTICLE 4 As a result of articles 1, 2 and 3, the surplus financial performance is estimated at the amount of CUATRO MIL SEISCIENTS CINCUENTA AND A MILLONES CINCO MIL TREINTA AND NUEVE PESOS ($ 4,651,705,239). The Funding Sources and Financial Applications detailed in the tables Nos are also listed below. 11, 12 and 13 annexes to this article:

Funding sources


- Decrease in Financial Investment


- Public Indebtedness and Increase of Other Liabilities

Financial applications


- Financial investment


- Debt amortization and decrease of other liabilities


Note in the sum of TREINTA AND SEIS MILLONES NUEVE MIL PESOS ($ 936,409,000) the amount corresponding to Figures for Financial Applications of the National Administration, thus establishing the Funding for Figable Contributions for Financial Applications of the National Administration in the same amount.

ARTICLE 5o The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, through an administrative decision, shall distribute the provisions of this law at the level of the limits set out in the above decision and in the programmatic openings or equivalent categories it deems relevant. ARTICLE 6 Increases may not be approved in the positions and hours of chairing that exceed the totals specified in the tables annexed to this article for each Jurisdiction, Decentralized Agency and Social Security Institution. Except for such limitation to transfers of charges between Jurisdictions and/or Decentralized Agencies and the positions corresponding to the Higher Authorities of the National Executive.

The positions corresponding to the executive functions provided for in Decree No. 993 of 27 May 1991 (t. 1995), the extensions and restructurings of posts originating in the reorganization of the National Communications Commission, in the enforcement of firm judicial decisions Energies and in favourable administrative claims and the regimes that determine incorporations of agents that complete specific training courses for the Armed Forces,

The exceptions provided for in this article shall be approved by decision of the Chief of Staff of Ministers.

The amount of TREINTA and CUATRO MIL QUINIENTAS (34,500) higher-level chair for the decentralized agency 114 - National Institute of Association and Social Economy under the jurisdiction 85 - Ministry of Social Development, whose cost will be met with the credits approved by this law for the said entity.

ARTICLE 7 Except as a well-founded decision of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, the National Administration Jurisdictions and Entities shall not be able to fill the existing vacant posts at the date of the sanction of this Act, nor those that occur subsequently. The above-mentioned charges for the Senior Authorities of the National Civil Service, the Scientific and Technical Staff of the agencies set out in article 14 (a) of Act No. 25.467 and the coverage of positions of officials of the Active Permanent Body of the Foreign Service of the Nation, as well as of the personnel of the Armed Forces and Security, including the Federal Prison Service, for replacements of agents from past to present. CHAPTER II OF THE DELEGATION OF 8o 8o Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to introduce extensions to the budgetary credits approved by this Act and to establish their distribution to the extent that they are financed with increased sources of financing originated in loans from international financial agencies to which the Nation is a party, provided that their amount is offset by the decrease in other budgetary provisions. Article 9 Except for the provisions of article 41 of Act No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) to financial surpluses originating in internal and external donations received by the National Administration jurisdictions and entities. ARTICLE 10. The Chief of Staff of Ministers may make provision for extensions in the budgetary provisions of the Central Administration, the Decentralized Agencies and Social Security Institutions, and their corresponding distribution, financed with increased resources with specific impact, own resources, donations and remnants of previous years from the latter. The measures taken in the use of this faculty shall be assigned to the National Treasury and CINCO. Except for such contribution to resources with specific impact to the provinces, and to those originating in donations, sale of goods and/or services and contributions, in accordance with the definition contained in the Resource Classifier for items in the Budget Classifications Manual. ARTICLE 11. Please provide the Chief of Staff of Ministers with the necessary budgetary restructurings within the total approved by this Act, subject to articles 37 of Act No. 24.156 and 15 of Act No. 25.917. It is also established that the Chief of Staff of Ministers may delegate the powers conferred by this article, within the framework of the powers assigned by the Ministry Act. CHAPTER III OF THE NORMS ON ARTICULAR EXPENDITURE 12. Authorize, in accordance with article 15 of Act No. 24,156, the hiring of works or acquisition of goods and services whose period of execution exceeds the financial period of the year 2005 in accordance with the detail in the tables annexed to this article.

The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in the use of the powers granted by the preceding article, and in the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of the receivables referred to in Article 5, shall reassign those relating to jurisdictions and entities, including changes in sources of financing, purposes and object of expenditure, to conform them to the detailed works up to subtotal one (1) of the annexed table.

In order to finance the detailed works following subtotal one (1) and up to subtotal two (2) of the table annexed to this article, the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in use of the powers of Article 11, shall proceed to reassign the necessary credits to the sum of NOVENTA and SEIS MILLONES TREINTA AND CINCO MIL PESOS ($ 96.435,000).

The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall circulate the provisions of this law relating to direct real investment, defined by the economic classification of expenditure, although the intervention of the Ministry of Economy and Production Economic Policy Secretariat, where applicable, by application of article 8 of Law 24,354 and its regulatory and complementary provisions, such as new investment projects or acquisitions of goods of use. ARTICLE 13. Please see as a credit to finance the operating expenses, investment and special programs of the National Universities the sum of DOS MIL DOSCIENTS CINCUENTA AND SEND MILLONES DOS MIL TRESCIENTS NINE AND OCHO PESOS ($ 2,257,202.398), according to the detail of the planilla annexed to this article.

The National Universities shall present in time and form the information required by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, through the Secretariat of University Policies, necessary to assign, execute and evaluate the commitments made in the various Programs that the Secretariat develops. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology may make provision for the non-transfer of budget items in the event of non-compliance with such information.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will ensure the proper functioning of the academic units of Pergamino and Junín, affecting, at a minimum, the resources necessary for the maintenance of the current operating conditions.

ARTICLE 14. Appropriate for the present period, in accordance with the detail contained in the table annexed to this article, the financial flows and the use of trust funds composed entirely or mainly of goods and/or funds of the national State, in compliance with article 2 (a) of Act No. 25.152.

The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall submit four-year reports to both Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation on the flow and use of trust funds, including transfers made and works executed and/or programmed.

ARTICLE 15. The provision provided for in article 84 of Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Supplementary to Budget (t. 1999) concerning Jurisdiction 91 - Obligations to Charge of the Treasury. ARTICLE 16. Please refer to the Minister of Economics and Production to cancel the reciprocal obligations of the national State, the Provincial States and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, under articles 2 of Decree No. 2737 of 31 December 2002, 2nd paragraph (c) of Decree No. 1274 of 16 December 2003 and 31 of Law No. 25,827, whose extinction would not have occurred because of the respective pending operations of implementation and also for the appropriate adjustments. ARTICLE 17. Please refer to the national executive branch to implement the definitive sanitation of the financial situation between each of the Provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the national state within the framework of the Compensation Scheme provided for in article 26 of Law No. 25.917.

In order to achieve the sanitation referred to in the preceding paragraph, it may be proposed and agreed on reconciliations, transactions, recognitions, referrals and any other operation that deals with the determination and cancellation of debts and/or credits between the parties, in the cases in dispute, agree on reconciliations and transactions, determine the balances through the procedure issued and apply the same for the cancellation of the obligations of the Provincial Courts of Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of 15 December 2003.

It is included in the powers granted to cancel the obligations of the national State covered by article 2 of Decree No. 2737 of 31 December 2002, for the period 2004.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Production to determine, for the National Public Sector, in cases where the debits and credits of the national State are necessary, which will be considered inapplicable to the latter for the purposes of this article, as well as the determinations to give rise to.

Authorize the National Executive to establish the procedures for the cancellation of the aforementioned balances.

As a result of the provisions of this article, Chapter VI of Act No. 25,344 may be repealed.

ARTICLE 18. In the framework of the above article, the Ministry of Economy and Production is required to replace "Models of Acts on Credit Recognition" provided for in Decree No. 1261 of 16 July 2002 and its amendment No. 1119 of 24 November 2003. ARTICLE 19. Delete from the first paragraph of Article 63 of Law No. 20,957 the expression "in advance quarter". ARTICLE 20. Authorize the Undersecretariat of Navigators and Ports under the Ministry of Transport of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services to assign in future periods to the sum of CENTO CUARENTA and NEW MILLONES DOSCIENTS CINCUENTA AND TRES MIL PESOS ($ 149,253,000) for a period of up to ONCE (11) years, with the aim of promoting the investment of SETECIENTS CUARENTA AND A MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 741,000.000), corresponding to the first exercise a subsidy of up to CUATRO MILLIONS SETENTA AND THREE MIL PESOS ($ 4.473,000) as a counterpart of the investment by the Argentine naval and marine merchant industry. ARTICLE 21. Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Production's Ministry of Finance to lend to the Yacyretá Binational Entity in accordance with the amounts to be appropriated in the respective National Administration Budget Laws of each year, to finance the completion of the Yacyretá Project. The loans that are made together with the capitalized interests will be reimbursed in TREINTA (30) annual and consecutive fees from the period after the first year in which the Entity generates energy to the final design quota of the project, with the same financial conditions established by Decree No. 612 of 22 April 1986.

The Binational Entity Yacyretá will provide the Ministry of Economy and Production's Finance Secretariat, through the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services' Energy Secretariat, with all the financial-financial information that it requires in order to specify the opportunity and the destination of the sums that are awarded for the aforementioned Entity.

ARTICLE 22. The Chief of Staff of Ministers may have extensions in the budgetary provisions of Jurisdiction 90 - Public Debt Service for the sole purpose of incorporating the amounts originated in the fall of guarantees that are not recovered in the current period and the increase in the resources of the National Treasury for the refund of the amounts charged from the same of previous years. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers may delegate the authority granted in this article to the Secretary of Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Production. ARTICLE 23. Existing provisions of Subparagraph 1 - Personal expenses of the jurisdictions and entities of the National Administration must fully address the growths of any nature that are produced by application of the existing scale standards for each jurisdiction and entity. ARTICLE 24. The percentage set out in article 24, Chapter V of Law No. 23,966 shall also apply to the remedies set out in article 70 of Law No. 24.065. ARTICLE 25. In all cases where there is a transfer of resources from this budget in favour of provincial jurisdictions for the execution of public works, the jurisdiction benefited from strict compliance with the principles of free competition, equality, transparency de having as essential principles the selection procedure of the contractor by public tendering and the due right to information by the administered ones economía, economy, effectiveness and efficiency, and in particular respect for other similar principles and procedures established by the National Works Act No. 13,064, and other complementary standards, under the expectation of cancelling transfers automatically. CHAPTER IV OF THE RULES ON ARTICLE 26 RESOURCES Dispose the income as a contribution to the National Treasury of the sum of VEINTISIETE MILLONES OCHOCIENTS TRECE MIL PESOS ($ 427,813,000), according to the distribution indicated in the table annexed to this article.

The Chief of Staff of Ministers shall establish the payment schedule and adjust the table in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

ARTICLE 27. . Note in the amount of CUATRO MILLONES SESENTA AND OCHO MIL PESOS ($ 4,068,000) the amount of the regulatory rate as set out in article 26, paragraph 1, of Act No. 24,804 - National Act on Nuclear Activity. ARTICLE 28. el Allow for the present exercise the CERO as a ACCENT and CINCO per ICENT (0.45%) the percentage referred to in Article 2 (a) of Law No. 25.641. ARTICLE 29. de Release for the 2005 Exercise to UNO COMA NOVENTA BY CIENT (1.90%) the liquota established by Article 1 (a) of Decree No. 1399 of 4 November 2001. ARTICLE 30. Suspense for the 2005 Exercise the corresponding integration of the Tax Anticyclical Fund established by Article 9 of Law No. 25.152, with the exception of the impact of the resources derived from the concessions in the terms set out in this Article. In the event that the National Administration ' s Global Financing Need is addressed without having to make full use of the financial surplus, authorize the national executive branch to allocate the unimplemented financial surplus to the Tax Anticyclical Fund. ARTICLE 31. Incorporate into Jurisdiction 56 - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, remaining fund balances collected between the years 1998 and 2003 inclusive, in the amount of SESENTA and DOS MILLONES NEW VEINTITRES MIL DOSCIENTOS OCHENTA y NUEVE PESOS ($ 62,923,289) corresponding to the National Laws. 15,336, 24.065, 23,681 and 23,966. The Chief of Staff of Ministers, on the occasion of the distribution of credits under Article 5 of this Law, shall assign to Programme 76 - Formulation and Enforcement of Energy Policy - Source of Financing 13 - Resources with Specific Affectation of the aforementioned Jurisdiction, amounts and imputation as detailed in the table annexed to this Article. ARTICLE 32. The amounts collected and those collected from the sale of national fiscal lands affected by the Arraigo Program shall be considered as Resources with Specific Affectation of the Ministry of Social Development under Law No. 23.967 and its Rule Decree No. 591 of 8 April 1992 and for the purpose of being applied to the process of Dominial Regularization carried out by the aforementioned Program. CHAPTER V OF THE FISCAL CUPS ARTICLE 33. Please note that the annual quota referred to in Article 3 of Law No. 22,317 in the amount of DIECIOCHO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 18.000,000). Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for distribution. ARTICLE 34. ). Note the annual quota established in Article 9 (b) of Law No. 23.877 in the sum of VEINTE MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 20,000.000). CHAPTER VI OF THE CANCELATION OF DEUDS OF PREVISIONAL ORIGEN ARTICLE 35. The sum of SCIENTO DIEZ MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 110,000) for the payment of court judgements by the appropriate party to pay in cash, corresponding to the main, as a result of retroactives originated in adjustments made in the benefits of the public forecasting regime by the National Social Security Administration and the amount of TEN MILLONES of PESOS (USD 10,000) in effect.

The cancellation of debts referred to in the preceding paragraph is subject to the availability of the respective resources, which for the present fiscal period will be strictly affected by the following priority orders:

(a) Consolidated debt cancellation: the resources will be distributed among creditors, first of all in response to those of older age and, within this system, giving priority to those who have less credits to collect.

(b) Cancellation of court judgements: remedies shall be applied according to the following priority order:

(1) In compliance with the judgements reported in fiscal periods prior to 2005 and still pending payment, strictly respecting the chronological order of the notification of court judgements. For equality of chronological order, the debt for older beneficiaries will be addressed first;

(2) The availability of the awards included in the preceding subparagraph has been completed, the available budgetary provision shall be applied to the performance of the judgements reported in 2005, in the same order of priority as that set out in the preceding paragraph.

The cancellation of sentences in accordance with the provisions shall be carried out in accordance with the priority order that, on a biannual basis, on the basis of the judgements recorded at each time, establishes the National Social Security Administration in the months of January and July.

It is also included in Subparagraph 7 - Service of the Debt and Decrease of Others, of Agency 850 - National Social Security Administration, up to the sum of THREE MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 30,000), for the cancellation in cash, of forecast debts with Ex Magistrates, Officials and Pensioners of the Judiciary of the Nation.

ARTICLE 36. The cancellation of consolidated projected debts, in accordance with the existing legal framework, as well as the enforcement of court judgements ordering the payment of retroactive and readjustments of the public forecasting regime, by the appropriate party to pay through the placement of public debt instruments, shall be covered by the amount of the National Social Security Administration determined in the table annexed to article 52 of the present law, with the exception of the previous criteria.

It is also included within the limit set out in this article, up to the sum of DOS MILLONES DE PESOS ($2,000.000) for the cancellation of forecast debts with Ex Magistrates, Officials and Pensioners of the Judiciary of the Nation.

ARTICLE 37. Except for the priority order established for the payment of credits derived from court judgements for readjustments of assets to prospective beneficiaries greater than OCHENTA (80) years at the beginning of the respective exercise, and to the beneficiaries of any age, who prove that they or any member of their primary family group, suffer a serious illness whose development may frustrate the effects of the thing judged. In this case, the perception of the arrears will be made in cash and in a single payment. ARTICLE 38. Authorize the national executive branch through the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) to implement a general programme for the cancellation of projected debts for the readjustment of assets, relating to the benefits of laws prior to Act No. 24,241. The aforementioned program must be voluntary, and involve a deduction in the amount of capital and/or interest, which must be proportional to the procedural stage in which the administrative or judicial claim is found. This programme should establish the priority order governing the payment of debts.

The above provisions must be carried out without their compliance affecting the liquidation and payment of final court judgements of those beneficiaries who do not adhere to the said programme.

ARTICLE 39. The cancellation of consolidated previsional debts, in accordance with the current regulations, in compliance with judicial decisions ordering the payment of retroactive and readjustments by the appropriate party to pay through the placement of public debt instruments to retired and pensioned from the Armed Forces and Security Forces including the Federal Prison Service, shall be covered by the amounts corresponding to the Institute of Financial Assistance for the Payment of Federal Prisons ARTICLE 40. The maximum limit is the amount of CIENTO THREE MILLONES OCHOCIENTS A MIL PESOS ($ 103,801,000) for the payment of court judgements by the appropriate party to pay in cash for all purposes, as a result of retroactives arising from adjustments made to the benefits of retired and pensioned from the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including the Federal Prison Service, as follows:

- Financial Aid Institute for Retirement and Military Pensions:


-Caja de Retiros, Jubilaciones y Pensions de la Policía Federal Argentina:

$ 66.599,000

- Federal Prison Service:


- National Gendarmerie:


- Argentine Naval Prefecture:


ARTICLE 41. The agencies referred to in articles 39 and 40 of this Act shall strictly observe the priority order set out below for the cancellation of the forecast debts:

(a) Sentences reported in previous fiscal periods and still pending payment.

(b) Sentences reported in 2005.

In the first case, the older beneficiaries will be given priority and, in the second case, the chronological order of notification of final judgements shall be strictly respected, in accordance with the order of priorities that, on a four-monthly basis, on the basis of the judgements recorded at each time, establish the respective decentralized agencies and administrative services referred to in the first paragraph of this article.

CHAPTER VII OF JUBILATIONS AND PENSIONS Please note that the participation of the Institute for Financial Aid for the Payment of Retirement and Military Pensions, referred to in articles 18 and 19 of Act No. 22.919, shall not be less than the ACCENTA and UNO per SCIENTO (41%) of the cost of the repaid, compensatory and pensionable assets of the beneficiaries. ARTICLE 43. Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the pensions granted under Act No. 13.337 that have expired or expired during the present period.

Protract for TEN (10) years from their respective maturity the ex gratia pensions that were granted by article 32 of Law No. 24.447.

Ex gratia pensions in force, those extended by this law, those granted and those extended by Laws Nos. 23.990, 24.061, 24.191, 24.307, 24.447, 24.624, 24.764, 24.938, 25.064, 25.237, 25.401, 25.500, 25.565, 25.725 and 25.827 must comply with the following conditions:

(a) Not to be the beneficiary of a property whose tax valuation is equivalent to or greater than SESENTA MIL PESOS ($60,000).

(b) Do not link up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the granting legislator, the disabled beneficiaries are exempted.

(c) The sum of TRESCIENTOS PESOS ($ 300) cannot be exceeded individually or cumulatively and will be compatible with any other income provided that the total sum of the latter does not exceed DOS (2) minimum retirements of the Integrated Pension and Pension System.

In cases where beneficiaries are minors, with the exception of those with different capacities, incompatibility will be assessed in relation to their parents.

In all cases of extensions referred to in this article, the implementing authority shall maintain the continuity of benefits until the above-mentioned incompatibility is thoroughly verified. In no case, payments of benefits shall be suspended without prior notification or termination to meet the formal requirements required.

The ex gratia pensions that have been paid off by any of the grounds of incompatibility will be rehabilitated once the reasons for their extinction have ceased.

Appropriate the amount of DOCE MILLONES QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 12,500,000) for the care of the benefits referred to in article 75, paragraph 20, of the National Constitution, to be determined by Jurisdiction 01 - Programmes 16 and 17 and to be conformed by the Executing Unit of the Jurisdiction 23, for the exercise of the present.

Authorize the national executive branch to increase the assets of ex gratia pensions granted by Laws Nos. 24,764, 24,938, 25.064, 25,237 and 25,401, to match the increase in other similar benefits through the dictation of Decrees Nros: 391/2003; 1194/2003 and 683/2004 and/or those available in the future. Please note that during the present period the credits incorporated in the last paragraph of article 57 of Law No. 25,827, corresponding to the remaining balances of the quota provided in accordance with article 55 of Law No. 25.401. ARTICLE 44. In 2005 the sum of TREINTA DOSCIENTS and CINCO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 235,000.000) of the contribution to the National Employment Fund (FNE) for the care of employment programmes of the Jurisdiction 75 - Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTEySS). CHAPTER VIII OF THE OPERATIONS OF PUBLIC CREDICT ARTICLE 45. Authorize, in accordance with article 60 of Law No. 24,156, the entities mentioned in the table annexed to this article to carry out public credit operations for the amounts, specifications and destination of the financing indicated in the said table. The amounts indicated in the same correspond to actual placement values. The use of this authorization must be informed in a fruitful and detailed manner, within the time limit of TREINTA (30) days of the operation of credit, to both Houses of the Honorable Congress of the Nation.

The body responsible for the coordination of financial administration systems will conduct public credit operations for the Central Administration.

The Ministry of Economics and Production may make modifications to the characteristics detailed in the aforementioned scheme for the purpose of adapting them to the possibilities of obtaining financing, which should be reported in the same manner and manner as set out in the first paragraph.

ARTICLE 46. Disposal of payments of the public debt services of the national Government, originally contracted prior to 31 December 2001, or by rules issued prior to that date, until the national executive branch declares the completion of the restructuring process. ARTICLE 47. Except for the different payments set out in the preceding article, the following obligations:

(a) The financial services of those instruments issued under Decrees Nos. 1387 dated 1 November 2001, 644 dated 18 April 2002 and 79 dated 13 January 2003.

(b) The financial services of the Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses that are in the possession of their original holders whose possessions have remained unchanged, or by the party that meets this condition.

(c) The financial services of the Consolidation Bonuses:

I) May they be in the possession of persons who are in situations of enforced disappearance, or of the courts in which the judicial case is handled and whose possessions are credited to the S.A. Securities Fund at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of Resolution No. 73 of 25 April 2002 of the former Ministry of Economy.

II) Of those holders who have received them under Act No. 24,043 and whose possessions have been kept unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

III) May they be held by natural persons who have received them in respect of compensation for labour delinkages or wage differences and whose tenures are credited to the S.A. Securities Fund as at 31 December 2001 and have remained unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

IV) May they be held by natural or legal persons who have received them for compensation on the grounds of expropriation of property by the national State and whose possessions have been kept unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

V) May they be in the possession of their original holders, who would have received them in compensation for work accidents or compensation for accidents that would have caused damage to life, body or health, whose possessions have remained unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

(d) The financial services of the Medium-term and Long-term Treasure Bonuses (BONTES), Treasure Letters (LETES), Consolidation Bonuses, Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses and External Bonuses of the Argentine Republic (BONEX):

I) May they be held by natural persons of SETENTA and CINCO (75) years or older, and whose possessions are credited to the S.A. Securities Fund as at 31 December 2001 and remain unchanged, or by the party fulfilling this condition.

II) May they be in the possession of people who go through situations in which life is at risk, or those in which there is a severe commitment to their health because of the risk of incapacity that presupposes pathology and the impossibility of deferral of treatment for a period greater than DOS (2) years that will be considered individually, within the framework of Decree Nro. 1310 of 29 September 2004 and whose holdings are credited to the S.A. Securities Fund at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of Resolution No. 73 of 25 April 2002 of the former Ministry of Economy.

III) In the portfolio of common investment funds as at 31 December 2001, whose tenure at that date corresponds to shareholders who are physical persons of SETENTA and CINCO (75) years or older at the time of requesting this exception or who are contemplated in paragraph II of this paragraph at the time of requesting this exception, as credited to the records by the managing and depositary society of common investment funds according to Article 16 of the National Values Commission 2001). The interested parties shall submit to the Public Debt Administration Directorate of the National Public Credit Office of the Under-Secretary for Finance under the Ministry of Economy and Production Finance, with the corresponding certification of the managing and depository company of the common investment fund with respect to:

(1) Their status as a shareholder, and

(2) That the titles subject to this exception included the portfolio of the fund, both conditions as at 31 December 2001.

This exception includes holdings that have been held unchanged since 31 December 2001 or the party that meets this condition, beyond the fact that the shareholder has instructed a ransom originating a payment in kind by the proportional part to his possession of the titles subject to this exception. In the latter case, if the titles had been transferred to a compliant account under its name in the S.A. Securities Fund, the shareholder must also submit a certification from the said entity stating that its possessions, in total form or part of them, were maintained unchanged from its accreditation,

IV) May they be held by natural persons who have acquired them from 1 July 2000 until 5 September 2002, with funds received in respect of compensation for work-offs or compensation for work-related accidents, occupational disease, resulting in wage differences or voluntary retirement plans carried out by the public or private sector, and who retain them to date.

V) They were in the following situations:

(1) Affected in stock exchanges, rental or fixed-term deposits whose holders for their characteristics fall within the preceding paragraphs (b), (c), (d), III and IV; or

(2) That as at 31 December 2001 they were affected in stock exchanges, rentals or fixed-term deposits, whose holders for their characteristics fall within the preceding subparagraph (d); or

(3) That at the date of publication in the Official Gazette of Resolution No. 73 of 25 April 2002 of the former Ministry of Economic Affairs were affected to the operations described in the preceding paragraphs, whose holders for their characteristics fall within the preceding subparagraph (d).

Each holder of the instruments detailed in this section shall certify such situation by presenting the corresponding certificates that demonstrate their possession prior to the establishment of the operation, the certificate of the respective operation and possession once the operation has been completed and are deposited in S.A. Securities Fund. The national State shall proceed to accredit the services for the portion of the possessions of the above-mentioned instruments that have been kept unchanged from the constitution until the expiration of each operation and which have not been re-established.

VI) May they be in the possession of indivisous successions or heirs declared in judgment of those persons who had been holders of the public debt instruments that were, for both cases, within the exception set out in subparagraph (d) of this article.

(e) The financial services of Medium-term and Long-term Treasure Bonuses (BONTES), Consolidation Bonuses and Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses, which are in the possession of individuals or legal entities that, because of their characteristics are included in the exceptions provided by this Act, and who have delivered the same for the conversion of public title debt by guaranteed loans of the national Government under the Decree No. 1387 of 1 November 2001 in December 2001; and that they have requested the restitution of the respective titles according to the tenth clause of the secured loan contract of the national Government approved by Decree No. 1646 of 12 December 2001.

Those holders of the aforementioned bonds will be included within this exception, whose possessions between the conversion of the same for guaranteed loans of the national government and the current tenure after the restitution have remained unchanged, or by the party that meets this condition.

(f) Debt services of multilateral lending agencies.

(g) The payment of the financial services of the debts incurred by the National Public Sector for the provision of goods and services that have originated in previous years and whose interruption may cause serious difficulties in the operation and provision of essential services of the national State. The maximum authorities of each jurisdiction shall inform and justify to the Ministry of Economy and Production the reason for the inclusion of each of the debts in this exception.

(h) The services of loans contracted by the national State with agencies of the National Public Sector, not belonging to the financial system, which have been allocated for the financing of infrastructure works.

(i) The debt services of the Argentine Republic with other countries where funds have been transferred, which operate within the central administration, to preserve, protect or manage natural and biological resources.

(j) The obligations of the national government, derived from expenses such as commissions of registration agency; tax agency; listing agent and payment agent, stock exchange expenses, translation, legal, advisory for the negotiation of foreign debt and multilateral agencies, printing and risk-qualifying agencies, which will be analysed on a case-by-case basis to the extent that they are necessary to maintain the process of negotiation and payments envisaged, under the conditions set out in the Ministry of Economy and Production. 677 of 8 October 2004.

ARTICLE 48. Please provide the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers with the deferral of the obligations, whatever their nature, of the Central Administration, as defined in article 8 (a) of the Financial Administration Act No. 24,156 and the National Public Sector Control Systems, of case or title prior to 31 December 2001 not covered by the provisions of article 46 of this Act or by the consolidation provided for in Acts Nos. 23.982, 25,344, 25,565 and 25,725, and those that are cancelled through the delivery of the instruments created for such laws.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph are exempt from the obligations of a foreseeable nature and the obligations of the National Savings and Insurance Fund, in liquidation, from life insurance for death and total and absolute incapacity.

ARTICLE 49. Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Production, to continue with the process of restructuring the public debt referred to in article 46 of this law, in the terms of article 65 of Law No. 24.156, the national executive branch is empowered to perform all those acts necessary for the completion of this process, in order to adapt the services of the same to the possibilities of payment of the national State in the medium and long term.

The Ministry of Economy and Production will report quarterly to the Honorable Congress of the Nation, the advance of the trafficking and the agreements reached during the negotiation process.

ARTICLE 50. Authorize the national executive branch, through the Ministry of Economy and Production, to negotiate the restructuring of debts with official foreign creditors entrusted to it by the provinces.

In such cases, the national State may become the debtor or guarantor in the face of the above-mentioned creditors to the extent that the Provincial Jurisdiction assumes the resulting debt with the national State under the same conditions as the debt it pays with the external creditors.

For the purposes of the cancellation of the obligations assumed, the Provincial Jurisdictions shall strengthen this commitment to the co-participable tax resources, by means of a repayment mechanism that in no case may be modified by the national Executive or the participating Provincial Jurisdictions.

The national State may also coordinate actions aimed at restructuring the external debt of the Provincial Courts not covered by the preceding paragraphs, at their request.

ARTICLE 51. Consolidated obligations under Act No. 23,982 except for obligations of a foreseeable nature, the obligations established in the terms of Laws Nos. 25,344, 25,565 and 25,725 and those that are cancelled are effective by handing over the titles created for such laws, whose recognition in judicial or administrative headquarters had operated prior to 31 December 2001, will be served by the delivery of National Currency Consolidation Bonuses Fourth Series 2 per cent and Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses in National Currency Third Series 2 per cent, as appropriate.

The option provided for in article 11 of Decree No. 1873 of 20 September 2002. Creditors who have exercised the option provided for in the above-mentioned article shall receive the bonds referred to in the preceding paragraph, as appropriate in each case.

Consolidated obligations under Act No. 23,982 except for obligations of a foreseeable nature, the obligations established in the terms of Laws Nos. 25,344, 25,565 and 25,725, and those that are cancelled by handing over the titles created for such laws, whose recognition at judicial or administrative headquarters had operated since 31 December 2001, will be cancelled through the delivery of the Sixth Series Consolidation Bonuses and Fourth Series Previsional Debt Consolidation Bonuses, as appropriate.

Except as provided in paragraphs prior to the obligations under Acts Nos. 24,411, 24.043 and 25,192 which will continue to be cancelled through the delivery of 2 per cent National Currency Consolidation Bonuses.

ARTICLE 52. Note in DOS MIL MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 2,000,000.000) the maximum amount of placement of Consolidation Bonuses and Consolidation of Previsional Debts, in all their existing instalments, for the payment of the obligations under Article 2 (f) of Law No. 25,152, those reached by Decree No. 1318 of dated 6 November 1998 and those referred to herein.

The placements shall be carried out in the strict chronological order of entry to the National Public Credit Office of the Under-Secretariat for Financing under the Ministry of Economy ' s Finance Secretariat and the production of payment requirements that meet the requirements of the regulation until the maximum amount of placement set by this article is exhausted.

Please refer to the Ministry of Economics and Production to make modifications within the total amount referred to in the above table.

ARTICLE 53. . Note in the sum of DOS MIL QUINIENTS MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 2,500,000.000) and in the sum of QUINIENTS MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 500,000.000) the maximum amount of authorization to the National Treasury and to the National Social Security Administration, respectively, to make use, transitoryly, of the 8256 articles. ARTICLE 54. Within the amount authorized for Jurisdiction 90 - Public Debt Service is included the sum of DIECIOCHO MILLONES DE PESOS ($ 18.000,000) for the care of the debts referred to in section 7 (b) and (c) of Law No. 23.982. ARTICLE 55. el Replace Article 2 (f) of Law No. 25,152 of Fiscal Solvency, which shall be drafted as follows:

"f) The total public debt of the national State cannot increase more than the sum of the deficit of the National Non-Financial Public Sector, the capitalization of interest, the currency pass, the loans that the national State reverts to the provinces and the payment set out in Laws Nos. 23.982, 24.043, 24.070, 24.073, 24.130, 24.411, 25.192, 25,344, 25,471 and articles 41, 46, 61, 62 and 64 of Act No. 25,565 and articles 38, 58 (first paragraph) and 91 of Act No. 25,725, the annual focus of which shall be set out in each National Budget Act. This restriction may be exceeded when the indebtedness refuses to cancel public debt with maturity in the following year. "

ARTICLE 56. Requests for reports or judicial requirements regarding the time limit for any obligation reached by the consolidation provided by Laws Nos. 23.982, 25,344, 25,565, 25,725 and those that are cancelled are effective by handing over the titles created for such laws, except those covered by Acts Nos. 24,411, 24,043 and 25,192, shall be answered by the national executive branch, or by any of the legal persons or entities under article 2 of Act No. 23,982, indicating that the Congress of the Nation shall be proposed to allocate annually the necessary resources to meet the consolidated liability within the time frame of withdrawal of the instruments referred to in the first and third paragraph of Article 51 of this Law as appropriate, so that the provisional attention may be deemed. Article 9 of Act No. 23.982. ARTICLE 57. Ratify Decree No. 821 of 23 June 2004. CHAPTER IX OTHER PROVISIONS ARTICLE 58. Please provide for the extension of any term established by the Chief of Staff of Ministers under article 62 of Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) for the final settlement or dissolution of any entity, Agency, Institute, Society or Company of the State that is in the process of liquidation in accordance with Decrees Nos. 2148 dated 19 October 1993 and 1836 of 14 October 1994.

Refer to the deadline for the final settlement of the liquidation entities referred to in the preceding paragraph on 31 December 2005.

ARTICLE 59. el Replace article 87 of Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) with the following text:

Article 87: Authorize the National Executive Branch to update Law No. 11.672 (Permanent Budget Complementary) with the intervention of the Ministry of Finance Ministry of the Economy and Production (Permanent Budget Complementary) by providing the thematic order of the articles resulting from the modifications produced during their validity from the text approved by the Decree No. 689 of 30 June 1999, excluding articles implicitly replaced by other provisions, as well as those that have lost or fulfilled their purpose. In such cases as may be necessary, appropriateness may be made for the best intelligence of the law and the autonomous interpretation of the articles, strictly respecting the legal rules of origin.

It also authorizes the national executive branch to incorporate into the legal texts which are regularly available, the articles of Law No. 11.672 that affect them.

ARTICLE 60. Please refer to the Ministry of Economy and Production ' s Treasury Secretariat to establish tariffs for the digitalization and archive of documentation and related tasks provided by the National Accounts, under the Budget Undersecretary, the National Administration Jurisdictions and Entities and third parties requiring such benefits. ARTICLE 61. Answer that the entire balance available in the Account No. 1486/19 that the Superintendence of National Insurance, under the Ministry of Economy and Production Finance Secretariat, has in the Unique Treasury Account System corresponding to the Collective Insurance of Compulsory Life and the "Indemnizatory and Credit Fund for the Housing of the Staff of the Insecuting and Reassuring Activity of Capitalization and Saving and Budgeting for Housing (FIDEC) No. 3548/98 of the Bank of Argentina.

The Ministry of Economy and Production Ministry ' s Treasury Secretariat will adopt the procedures necessary for the implementation of this article.

ARTICLE 62. Replace the first, second and third paragraphs of Article 74 of Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) with the following text:

Article 74: Please enable the national executive branch to fully extinguish the outstanding effects of the reinsurance contracts entered into by the National Institute for State Insurance (in liquidation) with the local security entities.

The extinction of these obligations shall be carried out through a general and uniform offer addressed to insurers who have not formalized their adherence to the regime established by Decree No. 1061 of 24 September 1999 as amended by Decree No. 1220 of 22 December 2000, which shall be cancelled by means of payment established by the regulations.

The obligations arising from the plan referred to in this article are excluded from the consolidation provided for in article 62 of Law No. 25.565, which is included in Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary.

ARTICLE 63. Amend the amount determined in article 85 of Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999), in the amount of up to TREINTA and CINCO PESOS MILLIONS ($35,000.000). ARTICLE 64. Ratify Decrees Nos. 214 dated 3 February 2002, 320 dated 15 February 2002, 410 dated 1 March 2002 and 70 dated 10 January 2003 and its amendments. ARTICLE 65. Consider as non-refundable contributions to the National Treasury, the amounts corresponding to the certificates of deposit issued under Decrees Nos. 2192 dated 28 November 1986 and 110 dated 30 January 1987. ARTICLE 66. Provide the national executive branch, during the present period, to establish special tax measures, such as deferrals, refunds, deductions, special amortization regimes and/or tax bonuses in the provincial departments whose labour crisis, in general, stems from the privatization or closure of public enterprises. The national executive branch shall establish the characteristics and conditions for consideration as such. ARTICLE 67. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers of Article 11, shall allocate sufficient funds to comply with the agreement between the national State and the Province of La Pampa dated 27 May 2002 and Law No. 24.805 for the implementation of the Aqueduct Work of the Colorado River. ARTICLE 68. SEENTS Province to the following Provinces, for the payment of the obligations generated by Article 11 of the National Agreement - Provinces, for the Financial Relations and Bases for a new Federal Taxation Act of 27 February 2002 ARTICLE 69. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers of Article 11, will have an extension in the credit assigned to Entity 105 - National Atomic Energy Commission of SEIS MILLONES TRESCIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 6,300,000). ARTICLE 70. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers of Article 11, shall have an extension in the credit assigned to Entity 112 - Nuclear Regulatory Authority of PESOS MILLONES ($2,000.000). ARTICLE 71. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in use of the powers of Article 11 and on the occasion of the distribution of receivables under Article 5 of this Law, will allocate the sum of TRES MILLONES SETECIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 3.700.000) to the News Agency Télam S.E. ARTICLE 72. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, for the use of the powers of Article 11, to provide an extension in the credit assigned to Programme 33 - Compensatory Actions in Education - Jurisdiction 70 - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of ONCE MILLONES SEISCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 11,600,000) for the delivery of scholarships administered by the Programme. ARTICLE 73. Please refer to the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in order that in use of the powers conferred by Article 11 of this Law, it may be extended to the credit assigned to Programme 17 - Air Transport of Promotion - Jurisdiction 45 - Subjurisdiction 23 - General Staff of the Air Force, of TRECE MILLONES DE PES. ($ 13.000,000) to meet the requirements of the company Air Lines ARTICLE 74. In accordance with article 20 of Law 25,827, incorporated into Law 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) by article 75 of that norm, the Chief of Staff of Ministers, at the request of the Presidents of both Houses of the National Congress, shall incorporate the remnants of the budgets of Jurisdiction 01 - National Legislative Power, which exist at the end of each fiscal year, to meet the additional requirements of social use.

Please give due respect, both in its perception and in its use, to the amounts of the scholarships and grants granted by Jurisdiction 01 in the year 2004.

ARTICLE 75. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in the use of the powers of Article 11 and in the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, shall assign to Program 17 of Jurisdiction 01, the sum of CINCO MILLONES OCHOCIENTS NOVENTA and CINCO MIL PESOS ($ 5.895,000) for the implementation of programs for persons of ideal non-profit and non-refundable loans. ARTICLE 76. Form, within the total of the provisions approved by this Law, a National Complementary Fund of the programmes in force in other jurisdictions, to assist students of the middle, secondary, tertiary and university level, in the amount of TRES MILLONES DOSCIENTOS SETENTA and CINCO MIL PESOS ($ 3.275,000) that will be assigned to the Programme 17 of Jurisdiction 01, in charge of the fund created. ARTICLE 77. The Chief of Staff of Ministers, in the use of the powers of Article 11 and in the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, shall assign to Program 16 of Jurisdiction 01 -, the amount of CINCO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 5,000.000) for Subparagraph 1 and the amount of PESOS MILLONES ($ 2,000.000) for the period 2004 to be added. ARTICLE 78. The Chief of Staff of Ministers, on the occasion of the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, shall provide that within the provision of Programme 19 - Activity 2 - Partial 5.7.1 of Jurisdiction 56 - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services - Administrative Service 351, the sum of UN MILLON CUATROCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 1,400,000) is allocated. ARTICLE 79. Authorize the Chief of Staff of Ministers to make use of the powers conferred by Article 11 of this Law, within the credits approved in Article 1o, assign the sum of CINCO MILLONES OF PESOS ($ 5,000.000) to the program Tourism for All of Jurisdiction 20 - Subjurisdiction 06 - Ministry of Tourism, and the sum of CINCONIQUILLS ARTICLE 80. Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, within the powers conferred by Article 11 of this Law, with the necessary reassignments to meet the budgetary requirements of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism .INADI. to the total amount of SETECIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 700,000), for the purpose of enabling the normal functioning of the agency according to the provisions. 24,515 and 25.672. ARTICLE 81. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for the use of the powers conferred by article 11 and at the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, assign a non-refundable contribution in the amount of UN MILLON QUINIENTS MIL PESOS ($ 1.500.000) to the Hospital of Pediatrics Foundation Dr. Juan P. Garrahan and the sum of UN MILLON QUINIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 1,500,000) to Entity 111 - National Council for Children, Adolescents and Family, with the aim of providing non-refundable contributions to distribute among non-profit civil entities dedicated to the containment of children and adolescents with judicial guardianship. ARTICLE 82. The Chief of Staff of Ministers, at the time of the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, shall reassign the provisions of Jurisdiction 40 - Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, up to the sum of THREE MILLONES SETECIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 3.700,000) to be intended for the operationalization of the Penitentiary Procuration created by Law No. 25,875. ARTICLE 83. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers shall assign within the provisions of Judgement 70 - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology - Administrative Service 336 - Secretariat of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation - Programme 43 - Activity 3 - Partida Principal 5.1.6., the sum of CUATROCIENTS CINCUENTA MIL PESOS ($ 450,000) to be used to support scientific-cultural activities developed by non-profit institutions. ARTICLE 84. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers for the use of the powers conferred by article 11 and at the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of credits under Article 5, on the total amount approved by this law, assign a non-refundable contribution in the amount of TRESCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 300,000) for the Argentine Federation of Municipalities. ARTICLE 85. ". Authorize the Chief of Staff of Ministers, to use the powers of Article 11 of this Law, assign to the Jurisdiction 50 - Ministry of Economy and Production - SAF 357 - Programme 18 - Activity 4 - Subparagraph 3 - Source 11 - National Treasury, the sum of UN MILLON DOSCIENTOS SETENTA MIL PESOSOS ($ 1,270.000) ARTICLE 86. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, on the occasion of the conclusion of the loan to be granted by the Inter-American Development Bank for the financing of the Program for the Development and Integration of the North Grande and by incorporating the loan in use of the powers of Article 8, will allocate, through compensation of credits, the necessary amounts for the local counterpart of the loan. ARTICLE 87. Approval of extra-budgetary registrations in the amount of NOVATE SCIENTY AND THREE MILLONES QUINIENTS VEINTICINCO MIL SEISCIENTS TREINTA AND NEW POSSES WITH OCHENTA AND TWO CENTAVOS ($ 193,525,639,82) included in the 2003 Investment Account, according to the detail attached to the plan. ARTICLE 88. Please provide the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in the use of the terms of reference conferred by Article 11 of this Law, to make the necessary budgetary reassignments, in order to supplement the amounts specified in each case in the table annexed to Article 13 NacionalesUniversidades Nacionals in the purpose of Health with the difference that these amounts have in respect of the calculation of paragraph 1 of the payroll of existing and 30 September 2004. ARTICLE 89. The Chief of Staff of Ministers, on the occasion of the distribution established in Article 5, shall reassign the credits corresponding to the National Ente de Obras Hídricas de Saneamiento (ENHOSA) financed by Source 11 - National Treasure, included in Subparagraph 5 - Transfers, in the amount of CATORCE MILLONES TRESCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 14,315,000) to provide for the sum of the financing of the ARTICLE 90. Authorize the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in order to proceed to the administrative distribution of the credits, to make the corresponding budgetary adjustments within the provisions assigned to the Subjurisdictions 45-22 General Staff of the Navy and 45-23 - General Staff of the Air Force, respectively, originated in the amounts determined in the grid annexed to Article 12 for the Projects 1st Military Construction School. ARTICLE 91. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, together with the Provincial Jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, will carry out an assessment to determine the cost of the Tertiary Education Services of Public and Private Management transferred to the Provinces and to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires under the National Law No. 24.049.

Please provide the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers with the necessary provisions for the financing resulting from the assessment in the present year.

The outstanding debt as at 31 December 2004, on the same basis and duly certified by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, shall be treated in article 26, paragraph 2, of Act No. 25,917 and article 17 of this Act.

ARTICLE 92. Please refer to the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, in order that in use of the powers conferred by Article 11 of this Law, within the credits approved in Article 1o, assign the sum of DOSCIENTOS MIL PESOS ($ 200,000) to the Jurisdiction 56 - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services for the purpose of being destined for the completion of the building of the University of Rosario - ARTICLE 93. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, in the use of the powers conferred by article 11 and within the total of the provisions approved by this law, shall assign to the Jurisdiction 56 - Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, the amounts necessary to meet the costs required to start the construction of the work of the Northeast Gasoduct, in respect of the branches of the provinces of Missions and Currents. ARTICLE 94. The Chief of Cabinet of Ministers in the use of the powers of Article 11 and in the opportunity to proceed with the distribution of the receivables under Article 5 of this Law, shall assign to Programme 18 of Jurisdiction 01 the amount of DOS MILLONES SEISCIENTOS DIEZ MIL PESOS ($ 2,610,000) to meet operating needs and Subparagraph 01 of the said Programme. ARTICLE 95. Authorize the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to assign to the Jurisdiction 05 - the Judiciary of the Nation, an additional provision of up to DOS MILLONES DE PESOS ($2,000.000) for the purchase of the property for the units of the Federal Court established by Law No. 25.519. ARTICLE 96. Please refer to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to allocate the necessary resources to carry out the studies of technical-economic feasibility and evaluation of investment projects for the construction of the work "Puente Reconquista - Goya". CHAPTER X OF THE PERMANENT COMPLEMENTARY LAW ARTICLE 97. - Incorporate into Law No. 11.672 - Permanent Budget Complementary (t. 1999) article 110 of Law No. 25.827 and articles: 9o, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 3156, 62 and 63 of this Law. TITLE II BUDGET OF CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION COSTS AND RESOURCES ARTICLE 98. Please note in the summary tables No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 attached to this title, the amounts determined in articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. PART III. BUDGET OF DISCENTRALIZED AND INSTITUTIONS OF SOCIAL SECURITY ARTICLE 99. Detail in the tables summarize No. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A and 9A attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 100. Please note in the summary tables No. 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B and 9B attached to this Title the amounts determined in Articles 1o, 2o, 3o and 4o of this Law. ARTICLE 101. Contact the Executive.


# 25,967

EDUARDO O. CHANGE. GU MARCELO E. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan H. Estrada.

- No.

NOTE: The bold texts were observed.