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Enforcement Of Custodial Sentence Law 24660 - Amendment - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: EJECUCION DE LA PENA PRIVATIVA DE LA LIBERTAD LEY 24660 - MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRIVATE CRIMINATION OF LIBERTY Law 25,948 Amendment of Law No. 24,660. Sanctioned: October 20, 2004 Cast: November 11, 2004

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Incorporate into Law No. 24.660 the following Chapter:

"Chapter 2 bis: Exceptions to the basic modalities of execution."

ARTICLE 2 Incorporate Act No. 24.660, as article 56 bis, in Chapter 2 bis, the following:

"Article 56 bis.- The benefits of the probationary period cannot be granted to those convicted of the following offences:

1.- Aggravated homicide under article 80, paragraph 7, of the Criminal Code.

2.- Offences against sexual integrity resulting from the death of the victim, provided for in article 124 of the Criminal Code.

3.- Illegal deprivation of coercive liberty, if the death of the offended person is intentionally caused under article 142 bis, last paragraph, of the Criminal Code.

4.- Homicide on the occasion of theft, provided for in article 165 of the Criminal Code.

5. Extortive kidnapping, if the death of the offended person is intentionally caused under article 170, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code.

Those convicted of any of the offences enumerated above, may not obtain the benefits of discontinuous or semi-detention imprisonment, or of assisted liberty, provided for in articles 35, 54 and concordant of this law. "

Article 3 Replace article 56 of Act No. 24.660 with the following:

"Article 56. When the sentenced person in assisted liberty commits an offence or violates the obligation imposed on him by subparagraph I of the preceding article, the assisted liberty shall be revoked and the remainder of his sentence exhausted in a closed establishment.

If the sentenced person in assisted liberty repeatedly fails to comply with the rules of conduct imposed on him, or violates the obligation of residence imposed on him by paragraph III of the preceding article, or fails without cause to justify the obligation of reparation for damages provided for in paragraph IV of that article, the enforcement judge or the competent judge shall revoke his incorporation into the regime of assisted liberty.

In such cases the term duration of the sentence shall be extended and a new computation of the penalty shall be practiced, in which the time that the non-observance that led to the revocation of the benefit shall not be taken into account."

ARTICLE 4 Contact the Executive.



EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.