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The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:
ARTICLE 1 Créase the federal court of first instance, with seat in the city of Libertador General San Martín, province of Jujuy, with jurisdiction over the departments of Valle Grande, Ledesma, Santa Barbara and San Pedro, of that province. ARTICLE 2 The federal court of Libertador General San Martín shall have jurisdiction in criminal and correctional matters, in civil, commercial, administrative, labour, social insurance, as well as any other matter of federal jurisdiction, and shall operate with two (2) secretariats. ARTICLE 3 One (1) trial prosecution and one (1) ombudsman for the poor, incapable and absent, who shall act before the federal court established by this law. ARTICLE 4 Refer to the first-instance charges at the federal level of judge, secretaries, prosecutor, public defender of minors and incapable and employees referred to in the annex to this Act. ARTICLE 5° The new court shall be referred to it in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction assigned to it by this law. ARTICLE 6 Modify the territorial jurisdiction of the federal courts numbers 1 and 2nd of first instance in the province of Jujuy that from the time the tribunal established by this is put into operation, shall not exercise jurisdiction over the departments listed in article 1. ARTICLE 7 This law shall be applied once the necessary budgetary provision is made for the attention of the expenditure required by its object, which shall be charged to the budget of the Judiciary of the Nation. ARTICLE 8 The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the exercise of its responsibilities will provide for the installation and financing of the created court. ARTICLE 9 Contact the Executive.IN THE SESSION OF THE ARGENTINE CONGRESS, IN GOOD AIRES, TO THE DIASS OF THE MONTH OF AUGUST OF THE YEAR DOS MIL CUATRO.
EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.
Federal Court of Libertador General San MartínMagistrate 1 (one)
Registrar 2 (two)
Administrative Assistant Secretary 2 (two)
Prosecretary adm. (official of justice) 1 (one)
Senior Officer 2 (two)
Senior Officer (habilitated) 1 (one)
Officer (notifier) 1 (one)
Writer 2 (two)
Writer (archivista) 1 (one)
Writer (bibliothecar) 1 (one)
Assistant Writer 2 (two)
Assistant 2 (two)
Assistant 2 (two)
ProsecutionFirst instance federal prosecutor 1 (one)
Administrative Assistant Secretary 1 (one)
Senior Assistant 1 (one)
Service Assistant 1 (one)
OmbudsmanOmbudsperson 1 (one)
Administrative Assistant Secretary 1 (one)
Senior Assistant 1 (one)