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National Educational Incentive Fund Law Nro. 25053 - Extension - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: FONDO NACIONAL DE INCENTIVO DOCENTE LEY NRO. 25053 - PRORROGASE VIGENCIA - Texto completo de la norma

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NATIONAL FUND OF INCENTIVE DOCENTE Law 25.919 Protract the validity of the said Fund created by Law No. 25.053, for the term of five years beginning on 1 January 2004 or until the adoption of a Law on Integral Educational Financing. Sanctioned: August 11 of 2004 promulgated: August 31, 2004

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation assembled in Congress, etc. sanction with force of Law:

ARTICLE 1 Protract the validity of the National Fund for Teaching Incentive, created by Law No. 25.053, for the term of 5 (CINCO) years from 1 January 2004 or until the adoption of a Law on Integral Educational Financing.

ARTICLE 2 Incorporate article 11 of Act No. 25.053, as third, fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs, the following:

The National Teaching Incentive Fund will distribute in each exercise the total amount originated in the sum of the base amount determined according to the accrual accrual for the benefit of teachers during the previous immediate period, the amount corresponding to the educators incorporated into the functional plants in the course of the year and those originated by the improvements to the National Teaching Incentive Fund (FONID) agreed between the Federal Council of Culture and Education and the trade union organizations of workers.

The budget of the National Administration shall include annually in the budget line for jurisdiction 70 MiMinistry of Education, Science and Technology de the amount indicated in the preceding paragraph for the financing of the National Fund for Teaching Incentives, from General Revenue.

The National Teaching Incentive Fund will distribute in respect of the 2004 Exercise the annual sum of $973,369,963 (PESOS NOVECIENTOS SETENTA y TRESCIENTS TRESCIENTA AND NUEVE MIL NOVECIENTOS SESENTA AND TRES) with more the amount corresponding to the educators incorporated into the functional plants in the course of 2004 and the Federal Education Fund

Resources shall be affected in accordance with articles 10 and 13 of Act No. 25.053 and considering the methodology defined by article 13 bis of the same Act.

Article 3 The forms and procedures for their distribution shall be defined by the national executive branch through the regulation of this law.

ARTICLE 4 Please approve the cancellation of the National Teaching Incentive Fund for the last quarter of the year 2003 due to the date in the amount of $321,800.000 (PESOS TRESCIENTOS VEINTIUN MILLONES OCHOCIENTOS MIL).

ARTICLE 5o Please refer to the Chief of Staff of Ministers, in the exercise of the powers of article 13 of Act No. 25,827 and in order to comply with the provisions of articles 1 and 4 of this Act, to re-establish the budget allocations for the provision of jurisdiction 70 - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Nation.

ARTICLE 6 Contact the Executive.


# 25,919 EL

EDUARDO O. CHANGE. A. GUINLE. . Eduardo D. Rollano. . Juan Estrada.