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Ministry Of The Interior Secretary Of State Information - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR SECRETARIA DE INFORMACION DE ESTADO - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Law 20.195

Ministry of Defence

Bs. As., 28/2/1973


I have the honour to raise to your consideration a bill with which I propose to replace Decree-Law "S" No. 4500/63, which deals with the Secretariat of State Information.

The project does not modify the spirit that governs the activity of State Intelligence in the national orbit. That is why it does not introduce important changes in its current structure.

But it is advisable to update the mission, organization and functions of this State Secretariat, taking very particular account of the experience gained since the establishment of the organization that governs it today.

Moreover, since some of its functions have passed, as a result of the amendment introduced in Act No. 16,970, to the National Intelligence Centre, both functions must be agreed upon.

In short, the project seeks to better meet the requirements of State Intelligence at the national level.

God save Your Excellency.


Bs. As., 28/2/1973

In use of the powers conferred by Article 5 of the Statute of the Argentine Revolution



ARTICLE 1 The State Information Secretariat is the Agency whose mission is to carry out information activities and produce State Intelligence for National Security.


ARTICLE 2 To carry out its mission, the Secretariat of State Information shall perform the following functions:

(a) Satisfy the information needs required by the operation of the National Intelligence Centre.

(b) Coordinate the information activity of national and provincial agencies, not the constituents of the National Intelligence Centre, in order to gather information for the production of State intelligence.

(c) Disseminate the National Executive and the National Intelligence Center, the State Intelligence of interest to National Security.

(d) Support, as required, the National Development Planning and Action System.

(e) Support the National Intelligence Centre in all matters relating to personnel and logistics.

(f) Structure the canchannel communications network necessary for the performance of its functions.

(g) Form and refine its own staff and that required by relevant State agencies.


Article 3 The Secretariat of State Information will be organized as a technical body, specialized in Intelligence and will integrate, functionally, the National Intelligence Centre permanently.


ARTICLE 4 The Agency ' s leadership will be carried out by a Senior Official of the Armed Forces of the Command Corps, appointed by the National Executive, with direct dependence on it and with a hierarchy of State Secretary.

The Secretary of State Information shall be assisted by Assistant Secretaries, Senior Officials of the Armed Forces, who have the same conditions as those required.


ARTICLE 5o The various units of the State, in the national and provincial order and the Security Forces, shall coordinate their action with the Secretariat of State Information when requested by the latter for the fulfilment of their specific tasks.

The Agency is authorized to request the necessary cooperation from the Provincial Governments.


ARTICLE 6 The State Information Secretariat shall not be a law enforcement agency, shall not have, compulsive powers or perform police tasks.


ARTICLE 7 The Secretariat of State Information shall consist of the following personnel:

(a) Senior Military Personnel: Senior Officials and Chiefs of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, in activity, to be assigned to the Listing Information Secretariat.

(b) Senior Civil Service: With its own scale, recruited between the retired Armed Forces and Security Forces personnel, with the title of Intelligence Officer or with the ability of Intelligence granted by the Force of origin, or having approved the training courses to be determined by the Secretariat of State Information and Civil Personnel .professional with a university degree. that has approved the training courses mentioned above.

(c) Military Assistant: Armed Forces and Security Forces sub-offices, in activity, with and without the ability to intelligence, to be assigned to the State Information Secretariat.

(d) Auxiliary civilian personnel: Recruited among the retired members of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, with the ability of Intelligence granted by the Force of origin and civilian staff that has approved the training courses or the requirements to be determined by the Secretariat of State Information. It will have its own scale and will be grouped in careers of: technicians, specialists, specialized assistants, auxiliaries and services.

The Agency ' s civilian staff shall be governed by the provisions contained in Act No. 19,373 and its Rules.

For the purposes of social insurance, it is covered by Decree-Law No. 15.943/46, ratified by Law No. 13.593 and its amendments, and Decree-Law 6004/63 put into effect by Law "S" No. 19.173.


ARTICLE 8 The Secretariat of State Information shall, for the execution of its tasks, have its own means of information, public and secrets. It should cooperate with military, police and judicial tasks when the competent authorities so require.


Article 9 In order to carry out its mission, the Secretariat of State Information shall have the funds allocated to it annually by the General Budget of the Nation, acting as responsible to the Court of Accounts of the Nation. For the management of public funds, it shall conform to the requirements of the Accounting Act and its statutory provisions. For secret funds, by Decree-Law "S" No. 5315/56.


ARTICLE 10. All activities carried out by the Secretariat of State Information, as well as its organization, functions and documentation, are qualified in the interest of the National Security, of "Strictly Secret and Confidential", being applicable to the criminal effects, the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Argentine Nation in the matter of "Violation of Secrets".

The Secretary of State Information shall have the cases in which the preceding qualification should be modified, in accordance with the regulations that are issued in due course.

ARTICLE 11. . Default of Decree-Law "S" No. 4500/63; "S" No. 8141/63; and Decrees "S" No. 6755/68 and "S" No. 947/71. ARTICLE 12. The present Law is of the character of "SECRETO", communicate and be arched in the Secretariat of State Information.
