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Military Personnel Promotion - Full Text Of The Norm

Original Language Title: PERSONAL MILITAR PROMOCION - Texto completo de la norma

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image inicio sitio infoleg MInisterio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos
Law 20.394

Ministry of Defence

Bs. As., 16/5/1973


The terrorist action has claimed a new life in the person of Mr. Vice Admiral D. HERMES JOSE QUIJADA. The circumstances in which this crime occurred have revealed that Corporal Primero Servicios Matrix de Revista 324587 RUFINO OCAMPO, driver of the car in which Mr. Admiral traveled as he was attacked, reacted with a full attitude of courage and courage, trying to repel that aggression and pursue his executioner.

The proceeding of this member of the Sub-Alternate Staff of the Argentine Navy, brings together the austere and abnegade virtues laid down in the cadres, who with fear and fear risk their lives in defense of the permanent interests of the Homeland.

This action deserves the recognition of the Armed Forces and of all citizens by interpreting those sentiments I accompany a bill, ascending the offender to the immediate superior degree.

God save Your Excellency. -


Bs. As., 16/5/1973

In use of the powers conferred by Article 5 of the Statute of the Argentine Revolution,


ARTICLE 1 Prove to the immediate higher degree from the date of validity of this law, to the Cabo Primero Servicios MatrĂ­cula de Revista 324587 RUFINO OCAMPO (DM. 27- MI.5.672.728-OE.Corrientes). ARTICLE 2 Communicate, attach a copy to the personal legajo of the causator and arch yourself at the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.
