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No. 19373 \" S Fake \" Its Modification - Full Text Of The Rule

Original Language Title: LEY NRO. 19373 "S" SU MODIFICACION - Texto completo de la norma

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Law 21.705

Bs. As., 19/12/1977

In use of the powers conferred by article 5 of the Statute for the National Reorganization Process,


ARTICLE 1 Amend Article 6 (c) of Law "S" No. 19,373, which shall read as follows:

"c) TABLE TABLE: Staff in functions or tasks directly linked to the fulfillment of the specific mission of Intelligence. It will be made up of three (3) Substrates: mulC-1 Senior Staff, mulC- 2nd auxiliary intelligence and mulC-3 personnel who perform subreptic operational tasks of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (secret agent)".

ARTICLE 2 Amend Article 8 of the "S" Act No. 19,373, which shall read as follows:

"ARTICULO 8o . The income will be produced by the minimum category in the MILA-1 M substrates, CHB-1 M and B-2 M.

In the 000-21 subset as follows:

- Staff with full secondary studies and who have approved or recognized training courses of a minimum duration of a quatrimestre with compulsory assistance, duly certified by Universities, State Institutes of Education, will enter as In 15.

- Staff with complete, approved and duly certified secondary studies and retired Senior Assistants not specialists in Intelligence, will enter as In 16.

- Staff with Basic or equivalent cycle approved and duly certified and sub-offices retired non-Intelligence sub-offices, will enter as In 17.

- The staff of the TABLE, by exception and by cases duly founded by the authorities authorized to grant appointments, may enter without limitation of category. "

Article 3 Amend the first paragraph of Article 9 of the "S" Act No. 19,373, which shall read as follows:

"ARTICULO 9o s For the entry to the Tables UUA, UUB, and UU, except the Secret Agents of the Sub-Table 000-3, the basic conditions that are then specified and approved the other requirements set out in the Regulations of this Law must be met:"

ARTICLE 4 Amend Article 10 of Law "S" No. 19,373 to read as follows:

"ARTICULO 10 de The conditions of entry of the staff of the secret agents of Sub-Table C-3 shall be established in the Regulations of this Law: "

ARTICLE 5o Amend Article 14 of Law "S" No. 19,373 to read as follows:

"ARTICULO 14 . It will be understood by Base Remuneration that corresponds to Category In 1, without any bonus or supplement, being the same to have monthly of the Colonel's Degree. Please note that in the 20 categories, the percentages of the monthly military assets indicated in each house in Annex 2 to this Act. It is understood to be monthly, as defined in Article 2401 of the Rules of Chapter IV - Habers of Title II Military Personnel in Activity, of the Law for Military Personnel No. 19.101."

ARTICLE 6 Replace Annexes 1 and 2 of Law "S" No. 19.373, by Annexes 1 and 2 of this Law. Annex 1 shall enter into force on 1 January 1978.

ARTICLE 7 Amend Article 15 (b), (d), (f) and (h) of the "S" Act No. 19,373, the following will be drafted:

"b) By services rendered: From the first of January of each year, the staff covered by this Statute shall receive in the form of additional services provided by the agencies covered, for each year of service or fraction greater than six months that registers as of the previous 31st of December, the amount equivalent of six per thousand (6 H) of the allocation of the journal category, plus the fixed amount established for the Civil Staff of the National Public Service in Article 43 of Decree No.

(d) For the following titles:

1) Doctor granted by National, Provincial or Private Universities authorized: thirty percent (30%) of category In 10.

2) University or higher studies that demand five or more years of studies of the third level or of Intelligence Officer, Special Aptitude of Intelligence, Staff Officer and Military Engineer: twenty percent (20%) of the category In 10.

3) University or higher studies that demand three (3) and four (4) years of study of the third level: fifteen percent (15%) of the category In 10.

4) University, of higher studies that demand two (2) years of studies of the third level, granted by Universities and by the National Intelligence School or its equivalents of the Armed Forces: ten percent (10%) of the category In 10.

5) University, of higher studies that demand one (1) year of studies of the third level: five percent (5%) of the category In 10.

(e) For risky activity: 10% (10%) of the remuneration corresponding to your category, while performing effective street tasks.

To the staff of the secrets of the sub-square ¥3⁄20% (200%) of the remuneration corresponding to its category, while the performance of the special task that originates the present bonus, by Resolution of the same authority empowers to grant appointments.

This bonus will not be paid a retirement discount, nor will it be taken into account for retirement.

(f) For greater responsibility or specialization: up to twenty-five per cent (25%) of having the basic monthly of the category in which it reviews by Resolution of the same authority authorized to grant appointments and in accordance with the Regulations of this Law.

(h) For extraordinary work: up to twenty percent (20%) of having the basic monthly of the category in which it reviews, by "Resolution of the same authority authorized to grant appointments and in accordance with the Regulations of this Law."

ARTICLE 8 The secret mulants of the sub-square chrome-2 will be relocated to the sub-square C-3, retaining its category and antiquity in it, for the purposes of the promotion regime.

Article 9 The authorities empowered to grant appointments are authorized to disappear to three (3) stages, each corresponding to future wage increases, the difference between the scale of remuneration set out in Annex 2 of the "S" Act. No. 19,373 and the one that arises from this Law, as well as the one corresponding to the bonus for "Extraordinary Work". In no case shall the remuneration be less than that currently received by the agent.

ARTICLE 10 Staff who, at the time of the present Act, will be placed in the ranks higher than those set out in Annex 1 of this Law, will be relocated to the respective maximum category set out in this Law, retaining their monthly status until future wage increases exceed such time.

ARTICLE 11 This Law is classified as "SECRETA".

ARTICLE 12 Sign up and arch in the State Intelligence Secretariat.


Annex 1


Annex 2
